"Fortunately, I made preparations in advance, otherwise I would really show my feet!"

Zhao Chengfeng secretly way, in the heart calculate up, when the time may happen, by the way to Shangguan Yan'er some tips, let her know that she already know the inside story.

"No, I have to prepare well first." Thinking of this, Zhao Chengfeng quickly calls Shangguan Xiong and Shangguan Lanxin to try to know more about Shangguan Yan'er.

For example, when you start, you can't hurt Yan'er's left chest or right chest.

After dealing with these things, it was already three o'clock in the morning. Although it was too late, Zhao Chengfeng was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

"Watch the live broadcast!"

Tossing and turning, unable to sleep, Zhao Chengfeng thought of another thing. Isn't it a good thing to listen to the female anchor singing and accompany Tian xiner to chat?

"Uncle, I haven't slept so late." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng went to Tian xiner's studio to listen to two songs, Tian xiner stopped singing and began to chat with Zhao Chengfeng privately.

Zhao Chengfeng replied: "you don't have a rest so late? By the way, why are you still singing so late today? I see that there are many more people in the live studio today, including two or three hundred fans. "

"Hey, isn't it still to help you?" Tian Xin'er said with emotion: "as the saying goes:" short hands, soft mouth ". You gave me a lot of money. Now that you have built a live broadcast platform, it's not very popular. Don't I want to help you get some popularity? Although there is anbai big star to help, but after all, people are big stars, can't put the platform to help you sing every day

"Anyway, I don't have many students in class recently, so I just sing to attract people. Don't mention it. I've also attracted a lot of fans from the past. There are a lot of people who have rushed to the members. " Tian Xin'er is a little proud.

"Thank you."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng's heart is full of emotion. Unexpectedly, it's so late. Tian xiner doesn't make money for himself or for fun, but simply promotes Zhao Chengfeng's popularity and contributes her strength to the construction of live broadcast platform.

Maybe Tian Xin'er's contribution is insignificant, but this intention is too heavy.

"I don't know how to thank you. Why don't you come out, let's meet and I'll treat you to dinner?" Zhao Chengfeng seriously said that this is the first time that Zhao Chengfeng wants to see Tian xiner.

Although netizens, but Zhao Chengfeng think Tian Xin'er is very reliable, such a girl, now I'm afraid is playing a lantern can't find it.

"Meet, don't do it!" Tian xiner refused very simply.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned and asked, "why?"

"I won't meet you. What if you want to support me? I feel uneasy after taking so much money from you. I'm sorry to say no to your excessive demands. In order to protect myself, I decided not to meet you Tian Xin'er's serious analysis.

Zhao Chengfeng grinned bitterly and said: "am I so miserable and obscene in your mind?"

"Keke, who can say this kind of thing accurately Tian Xin'er continued.

Zhao Chengfeng felt that he had been hurt by 10000 points, and he didn't know what to say.

"Come on, uncle, I won't talk to you any more. I have to go to bed. I have my own business to do tomorrow. I'll help you in the evening." Tian Xin'er finished, and without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng's response, he really went offline.

Zhao Chengfeng has just typed a typeset, but he hasn't sent it out yet. He can't use it now.

"This girl is really..." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile. He didn't know what to say.

"Come on, you'd better go to bed. It's good for you to go to bed early and get up early." There is nothing to talk about on the live platform. Zhao Chengfeng simply goes offline and lies on his back in bed with a big word "too".

Zhao Chengfeng lies on the bed, but he doesn't rush to sleep. He carefully smoothes out what Po Tian Xiao Wang said tonight, and then thinks about what may happen next when he meets Shangguan Yan'er. He confirms that there is no problem, and then he sleeps deeply.

"Didi... Didi..."

Zhao Chengfeng just fell asleep, the damn phone rang again.

"Damn, who, in the middle of the night, can you make people sleep well?" Zhao Chengfeng began to curse his mother when he answered the phone. Uncle, isn't that disturbing?

"Madman, it's me. I'm Nangong Ming. What are you doing? I'm in Las Vegas right now. " Nangong Ming's cheerful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Screw you!"

Zhao Chengfeng was not polite and scolded his mother as usual, "can you give him a snack? I'm sleeping. In the middle of the night, have you fucked up? So excited not to sleep? "

"Damn me, madman, it's OK for you to scold me. You scold Su Su, but I'm not finished with you." Nangong Ming was not happy when he heard this.

"When the hell did I scold Liao Susu? Don't I scold you all the time?" Zhao Chengfeng is a little depressed, but more confused.

"You just stopped talking about my dog? Is this the same way to call Su Su a dog? " Nangong Mingli zhiqizhuang road.

Zhao Chengfeng "Oh", finally understand what is the stem.

"All right, all right, I'm wrong, all right? You've been fucked, aren't you? " Zhao Chengfeng was a little impatient and said, "what's the matter in the end? Speak quickly. With that, I still have to sleep."


Nangong Ming is so angry that he stomps his feet, but there's nothing he can do with Zhao Chengfeng. This guy is just a knife mouth and a knife heart. If he wants to make trouble, he can do anything.

"Speak quickly!" Zhao Chengfeng urged.

"Well, I found a way to make money in Las Vegas. Would you like to join me?" Nangong Ming finally got down to business.

Hearing that it was a matter of making a fortune, Zhao Chengfeng immediately got some interest, sat up from the bed and asked, "what you are talking about is not a gambling house, right?"


Nangong Ming was very excited and said, "if you think about it carefully, if we want to open a gambling house, it's a struggle for money every day. It's more money than opening a company."

"Don't forget, Huaxia is cracking down now. You are not allowed to do such things. You are not afraid of implicating your old man when you commit crimes against the wind?" Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and analyzed it calmly.

Money is a good thing. Zhao Chengfeng wants more, but he also knows what can be done and what can't be done.

Nowadays, under the leadership of the leaders, Huaxia is thriving, but at the same time, there are many problems, such as corruption, bribery, and so on. The control is much stronger than in the past. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to fight against them.

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