"Are you stupid? Can't we open casinos abroad?" Nangong Ming shook his head and said sarcastically, "you can't turn your brain around? You know how to pick up girls every day, don't you? "

"Roll the calf!"

Zhao Chengfeng scolded: "what do you want to say? Hurry up. I don't have time to compare with you. It's daybreak on your side. I'm sleepy in the middle of the night."

"Online gambling."

Nangong Ming is not joking. He says solemnly, "if we don't open it at home, we will open it abroad, and we won't open a gambling city abroad. The tax on that thing is too high. Let's see an online gambling website abroad, which specializes in foreign money."

"I've been playing in this gambling city for several days, and I'm quite familiar with a friend inside. He told me a lot of things. Now online gambling is popular. It may feel good to go to the gambling scene, but after all, it's too far away. Some rich people like to play cards and women at the same time."

Zhao Chengfeng heard some excited, scolded: "uncle, now the rich people really can play, one heart two use ah."

"That's not true."

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was somewhat moved, nangongming continued to tease: "how about it? Do him one vote, this thing is quite money. "

"In theory, it can be done, but I just want to ask for nothing. I can't get Huaxia's money or do such things in Huaxia!" Zhao Chengfeng thought that he was a patriotic young man and said seriously, "we can't publicize our website in China. If we can do this, I agree. If we can't do it, we'll pull it."

"As if you knew patriotism."

Nangong Ming patted his chest and assured: "don't worry, I have a good idea. I did it just to rob the rich and help the poor? These rich people in foreign countries are not things. It's too extravagant to change a woman every day. They just don't know what a full man is, and they don't know what a hungry man is. "

"OK, that's it. Do it. I'll support you." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have the heart to listen to Nangong mingxiabibi. This guy's bullshit doesn't take a heavy sample day and night.

"Oh, wait a minute." Nangong Minglian said: "you support me, you have to take practical action, just let me do it?"

"What else do you want to do?" Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled.

"You have to pay."

Nangong Ming didn't have a good way: "you have to ask for money when you go to the toilet these days. Fifty cents is not enough. Now, if you want to engage in online gambling, don't you have to spend money?"

"It seems to be. How much do you want?" Zhao Chengfeng said that he had forgotten this stubble.

Now not only do you need money to go to the toilet, but also the price has increased. If you don't give money, you won't be allowed to urinate.

"Not much. It's estimated that it's only five billion." Nangong does not have a red heart in his face.

"What, five billion?"

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was so scared that he didn't sleep. He rushed to the phone and said, "sorry, you have the wrong number. I don't know you."

With that, he hung up the phone.

"Paralyzed, five billion yuan. Do you really think I run a bank?" Zhao Chengfeng scolds himself, saying that Nangong Ming has too much appetite.

"Didi... Didi..."

Nangong Ming can be very persistent goods, over and over again to call Zhao Chengfeng, the third time, Zhao Chengfeng finally picked up.

"Well, what do you want to do? I don't have that much money, OK? " Zhao Chengfeng also convinced Nangong.

"Madman, don't be too many."

Nangong Ming said: "I can't bear to have a wolf. How can we see the return if we don't invest money? Besides, this money is nothing to you. How can you... "

"Mingzi, I really have no money now. If you want to say one or two hundred million, I can satisfy you, but where can I get five hundred million for you?" Zhao Chengfeng zhengse way: "I admit that you say business opportunities are really good, but also can not be hot headed, said to invest money on it, at least have to look at it."

"No money?" Listening to Zhao Chengfeng, Nangong Ming asked again.

Zhao Chengfeng affirmed: "I really have no money."

"Damn it, I'll give you a fart. I'm dead. You can sleep slowly." This time, Nangong Ming hung faster and more firmly.

Looking at the phone being hung up, Zhao Chengfeng has a kind of sadness that has been dogged. Uncle, it's the one who borrows money these days.

"Nangongming, you son of a bitch, I wish you a dog day all your life!" After a while, Zhao Chengfeng came back to his senses and cursed him.

After scolding for a long time, Zhao Chengfeng finally fell asleep.

All night long.

When Zhao Chengfeng wakes up, it's already bright. Open the window, it's busy outside. It's a new day and a hurry.

"Didi... Didi..."

Zhao Chengfeng is just about to go out, but unexpectedly, the phone rings. Zhao Chengfeng takes a look at the phone, and it's suddenly called by a dragon thousands of miles away.

During this period of time, the wild dragon was on the side of jintari. Because he came back to China to help the Tang master to recuperate himself, he has been responsible for the affairs of the African continent recently.

"Good morning, dragon." Zhao Chengfeng answers the phone and says hello with a smile.

"Boss, what's good? Now I'm dying of worry. "

As everyone knows, the dragon's voice on the other side of the phone is particularly dignified, saying: "if it wasn't for the fear of disturbing your sleep, I would have called you last night."

"Don't worry. Let's talk about something. The sky won't fall down." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care much. There are two problems in Africa.

First, the U.S. or the Japanese came to find trouble and pick things up. That's easy to do. Just call back; Second, it's nothing more than local poor people making trouble. It's easy to see Chinese people getting rich. After all, youduri, mengke and others are here.

"Boss, you can still laugh." Dragon some depressed, "I ask you, ah, you were not robbed of Mafia guns?"

"Well, there's such a thing." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, this matter or personally arrange it, no problem.

"My boss, you... Ah!"

As soon as the Dragon heard that, he was speechless. I didn't expect that the boss was so lawless that he even dared to rob the Mafia.

The key is that now people know the truth. They used to treat Zhao Chengfeng and the iron grinding mercenary regiment as friends, but now?

"Boss, the Mafia people now know the truth. It is said that many people have been sent to Africa to settle accounts with us. What do you say to do?" Dragon worried.

However, Zhao Chengfeng did not agree with him and said, "then fight. What are you afraid of? Our strength is very strong now. Even the regular army of the United States is not afraid. How many gangsters can you be afraid of?"

"The key is that there are so many people." The wild dragon sighed.

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