Vermilion gently a send, immediately pulled back.

"He Yongfei, he Yongfei, you are not ashamed to kiss your brother-in-law!"

After the kiss, he Yongfei would like to put his head in his stomach. He is too shy.

"Bata, Bata!"

Zhao Chengfeng smacked his mouth, opened his eyes, showed a satisfied smile, licked the fragrance around his mouth, praised: "it's really fragrant."

"OK, let's drive. I'm still in a hurry to go back to work." Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's words, he Yongfei was even more ashamed and urged him to do so.

But Zhao Chengfeng is not worried, light way: "urgent what, don't work every day as the first priority, people, or learn to enjoy.". What is work for? Isn't it just to enjoy life better? "

"Will you go? If you don't go, open the door and I'll walk back by myself. " He Yongfei can't stand it, so he has to open the car door.

It's true that he doesn't worry about his work, but he can't stand Zhao Chengfeng, especially when he just took the initiative to kiss him. He is as shy as two people rolling over the sheets. He doesn't know how to face his cousin next.

This kind of thing can't be frank and lenient. I said to my cousin, I'm sorry, what did I do to your man? Is that decent?

"The brother-in-law of the sex wolf, hum!" He Yongfei hated him so much, but he didn't dare to show it at this time. In case the brother-in-law of the sex wolf used him to be strong, what would he do?

"No," he said

Zhao Chengfeng quickly locked the door and said with a smile, "are you too irresponsible to leave like this?"

"I'm not responsible?"

When he Yongfei heard this, he was stunned, "how can I be irresponsible?"

"You see you just kiss me and run away, isn't that irresponsible?" Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly, "I tell you, this is my first kiss today. Before you kiss me today, I haven't kiss anyone."

"I Pooh!"

When he Yongfei heard this, he was so angry that he didn't have a good way: "your first kiss today is gone, the first kiss of my life is gone, I didn't let you be responsible, you still let me be responsible? Can you still order your face? "

The more he Yongfei said, the more angry he felt. Who is this? Typical hooligans and rogues.

"Of course, you don't have to let me be responsible. You're the one who kisses me, but I'm not the one who kisses you. You've taken so much advantage. Of course, you don't have to be responsible. It's so cool to leave." Zhao Chengfeng snorted and said, putting on a look of how much he has been wronged. People who don't know really think that Zhao Chengfeng has been raped.

That appearance, that expression, if can shed a few drops of tears, absolutely force is the little daughter-in-law who has just been bullied.

"You, you..." he Yongfei was completely stupid. He never dreamed that Zhao Chengfeng was such a rascal.

"I don't care. If you're not in charge today, don't try to leave. Don't go here or there!" Zhao Chengfeng doesn't give he Yongfei a chance to speak, so he relies on him.

Little boy, do you want to go after kissing brother Feng? There is no door. Brother Difeng has to come back. Otherwise, he will suffer a lot. After so many years in his career, Zhao Chengfeng has never made a loss.

"Well, what do you want?"

He Yongfei doesn't want to say anything, but tears. At this moment, he Yongfei is thinking about a problem in his heart: what evil did he do in his last life? Did he dig someone's ancestral grave or collude with someone else's husband? How did he meet such a wonderful brother-in-law?

"That's easy."

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly, "didn't you kiss me just now? For the sake of fairness and justice, I'll kiss you and we'll be even, OK? "

"What? You, you kiss me? Is it fair? " He Yongfei glared at the man in front of him. He didn't find that people can be shameless.

What a son of a bitch?

"You can not agree, anyway, neither of us will leave. After a while, your cousin will call to urge you to go back to work, and I will say that you raped me, I lost my body, and I..." Zhao Chengfeng said lightly.


He Yongfei rudely interrupts Zhao Chengfeng. If he listens to it, he Yongfei is afraid of biting her tongue and killing herself.

"Can I promise you? Hurry up, I have to go back to work after kissing my mother! " He Yongfei gritted his teeth and said, eyes closed, legs pedaled, with about to die.

At this moment, he Yongfei admits his life, but he can't even admit it.

"Well, I'm coming." When Zhao Chengfeng saw the battle, he was elated. He said that his sister-in-law was good, and he was as docile as a lamb.

When Zhao Chengfeng was about to kiss him, Yu Guang aimed at he Yongfei's chest. Maybe it was because of some tension and anger. He was up and down, and his eyes were straight.

"It's good to be young. It's still growing." Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help saying.

"Asshole, what are you doing? Can you hurry up? " They are too close to each other, breathing close to breathing. He Yongfei is shy and angry, closing his eyes and urging.

To tell you the truth, he Yongfei's anger turns to anger, but he has little expectation in his heart. He has never been kissed by a man before. It's better not to feel too sour.

"Well, here we are." Zhao Chengfeng should be a, looking at the attractive red lips, bent over to stick up.

"Bata Bata" for a while, fiercely kiss up.

He Yongfei's delicate body suddenly trembled. In that moment, her whole body seemed to be connected to the power supply, and the feeling of crispness and numbness suddenly flooded all over her body. Frankly speaking, that feeling was really great.

"No, no, no, no, no..."

Just, he Yongfei didn't expect, this guy actually put his tongue in, eyes suddenly opened, fierce resistance.

But he Yongfei, who is Zhao Chengfeng's opponent, is still pressed to death by Zhao Chengfeng. Not only that, he Yongfei finds a more serious thing. This guy's hand is not honest. He touches his chest. No, it's not touching. It should be rubbing!

He Yongfei is still fighting.

But Zhao Chengfeng has a face of enjoyment, regardless of it.


Suddenly, a black figure in front of the car flashed by, and Zhao Chengfeng's back reflexes were general. A sense of crisis rose and he Yongfei suddenly let go.

"Huhu..." he Yongfei gasped for breath and glared at Zhao Chengfeng with a red face. He scolded: "you rascal, you have to die..."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't seem to hear him. He gave the car key to he Yongfei and said in a deep voice, "you drive first. I have something to do. I'll come as soon as I go."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng got out of the car and went to the place where the shadow disappeared.

"Son of a bitch, you'll run away after touching. You're not responsible for him!" Behind him, he Yongfei angrily scolded.

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