"Damn, it's a big loss to go out today."

He Yongfei gets out of the car swearing, gets to the side of the cab, starts the car, and leaves angrily, complaining about Zhao Chengfeng all the way.

However, Zhao Chengfeng has no time to care about he Yongfei, and his attention is all on the black figure in front of him. Dark shadow's speed is not fast, it seems to be guiding Zhao Chengfeng.

"Still want to run? There's no way

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes were as sharp as a sword. His speed also increased and he caught up with him. Shadow action is not slow, aware of Zhao Chengfeng catch up, a hasty speed into a villa.

After entering the villa, Zhao Chengfeng is not in a hurry to catch up, because this villa is his own. Villa No. 1 on Jiangcheng Avenue just drove a Bentley out of it.

"Are you finally willing to come out and enter me?" After entering the villa, Zhao Chengfeng saw the shadow standing in the small garden of the villa. He was slim and graceful. Although he didn't see his true face, he had enough body to play for a year.

On this background, Zhao Chengfeng can judge the identity of the person - Shangguan Yan'er, oh, no, it should be the first rose of the four golden flowers in the sky.

Zhao Chengfeng tone indifference, and then raised the inner strength, ready to fight at any time, in the sun, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes reflect a strong air of killing.

"Are you going to kill me?" The dark shadow turns around. It's night rose. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's killing intention surging, night rose shows a smile instead of worrying.

"Shouldn't I kill you?"

Zhao Chengfeng hummed coldly: "do you know how much pain I have suffered for you and our feelings? How much pressure have you been under? "

"Ha ha, pressure, isn't it?" Smell speech, night rose smile more and more brilliant, slightly upturned corners of the mouth, evoke a touch of ridicule, sarcastic way: "go to bed with other women, drift in countless women, this is what you call pressure?"? Feelings? Ha ha, I'm so happy. You are Zhao Chengfeng. Oh no, you should say spade nine. You're a "terminator" killer. Do you also have feelings? "


Zhao Chengfeng is depressed. She has been paying close attention to herself. She knows how many women she has and how many women she has relations with.

When I was just playing with he Yongfei, I was mostly hiding in the dark. I really couldn't see it any more, so I took the initiative to show up and lead myself.

"I'm a playboy, so what? Have I ever been a little bad to you? " Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Night rose shook her head and said, "it's nothing bad. It's just that you and I were different at first. Now, I'm the one who broke the sky, and you are also the one who broke the sky. Let's just laugh at each other, so don't hurt each other any more. "

"I'm here today to make up with you, OK? Do you think we can go on

"I Pooh!"

Zhao Cheng's forehead was so blue that he angrily denounced: "although I have joined Po Tian, I can't help it. If it's not for you, I will only oppose Po Tian, because you and I have done a lot of things, even betraying our country, and even doing things that I'm sorry for my brothers and friends."

"Today, I will kill you! Avenge myself and your sister, you murderous devil Voice down, Zhao Chengfeng around momentum soared, momentum run to the extreme, the situation is imminent!

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng is about to break out, Shangguan Yan'er stops Zhao Chengfeng and asks, "do you have to kill me? Have you ever thought about a question: in fact, it's good for you to join Po Tian. No matter how much you hate me and hate me, we are all on the same boat now. Why should we fight to death? "


Zhao Cheng snorted coldly and said, "even if you have a point, what about Lanxin? In order to join Po Tian, I asked Lan Xin to feign death. It's very good of you to stab your sister with a sword. If it's not for the return of life, I'm afraid your sister has already set foot on the road of the yellow spring. "

"Knowing that your sister is not dead, you sent someone to assassinate her. I'll ask you, when did your heart become so vicious? Once that kind and lovely Yan'er where? Say it

In the end, Zhao Chengfeng almost roared.

"Good? Lovely? " Shangguan Yan'er continued to smile, and the mockery in the corner of her mouth became more and more obvious, "Zhao Chengfeng, don't you think you are very funny? No, are you stupid, kind and lovely? Do you really think that girls are all silly white sweet, waiting for you to cheat, waiting for you to coax

"Then tell me, what's wrong with being my woman at ease? Even if it's all over the world and the war is raging, you and I are always together. Isn't that good? " Zhao Chengfeng's face is terrible white, but his eyes are full of blood, and his anger comes from the bottom of his heart again“ Why do you want to join Po Tian? Why? "

"Because breaking the sky can give me dignity, help me improve my strength, and satisfy my vanity!"

Shangguan Yan'er also roared, "do you know that I don't need your protection? I'm a woman and a proud woman. I have the ability to protect myself. I don't need your protection. Do you understand? I want to use my own strength to tell the world that even if women don't have men, they can still live well! "

"Then why do you want to attack your sister again? You know, she is your own sister, not picked up." Zhao Chengfeng's face became more and more gloomy. His fists crackled and he was very angry.

"Ha ha, biological sister?"

Shangguan Yan'er sneered and said, "do you know that because of this sister, I should have received 100% love from my parents. She just walked away half of the time. Even in those years when I was wandering abroad with you, no one in my family even thought about looking for me. Do you think I should kill her?"

"Shangguan Yan'er, you are hopeless." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, looking extremely painful.

"Please call me night rose. Shangguan Yan'er is dead." The night rose looks cold and unfeeling.

"If you're still Shangguan Yan'er, I'll leave you alive today, just for the feelings I've paid for you these years; But if you are a night rose, you will not have to live today. Let's die! "

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly stamped his feet, and his figure suddenly floated out. His huge fist brought up a strong wind, and he came to Shangguan Yan'er in the blink of an eye.

However, Shangguan Yan'er didn't move.

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