
The fist wind reaches the nose tip of Shangguan Yan'er, and the fist stops. The wind blows Shangguan Yan'er's hair.

"Why not? With your current strength, I'm afraid there are no more than five people who can defeat you in the sky. Even if I join hands with the four golden flowers, I'm afraid I can't suppress you. " Shangguan Yan'er said lightly, and a smile with a little deep meaning came up from the corner of her mouth.

"Go away!"

Zhao Chengfeng clenched his teeth and growled: "Shangguan Yan'er, this is the last time I call you that. From then on, between you and me, bridge to bridge, road to road, no one knows who. However, if you dare to hurt the people around me again, even if Zhao Chengfeng pursues the ends of the earth, he will surely take your life! "

"Won't you kill me? Ha ha. " Shangguan Yan'er smiles, and her expression is suddenly cold, "then you go to die."

Soon, Shangguan Yan'er's voice hasn't fallen yet. A dagger in her right hand has been stabbed out, facing Zhao Chengfeng's abdomen.


Zhao Chengfeng looks at the wound on his belly, his face is white, and his face is unbelievable.

"It hurts, doesn't it? The pain is right. Do you remember how I gave it to you for the first time? Yes, I gave it to you in pain. Now you finally taste the retribution, ha ha... "Shangguan Yan'er suddenly burst out laughing.

"You wicked woman, go to death!"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly burst out a powerful power, conveniently a clap, powerful airflow straight to Shangguan Yan'er chest.


But Shangguan Yan'er seemed to have expected that she would fly backwards, just like a dancing butterfly. She was ten meters away in the blink of an eye.

"If I were you, I would not catch up now, because the knife is poisonous. Hurry to find your good brother and come back to life. Maybe he can save your life." With that, Shangguan Yan'er turns and disappears.

"Damn, it's really poisonous!"

Zhao Chengfeng looked down and showed his teeth in pain. He seemed to think of something in general. He said to Shangguan Yan'er's back: "night rose, I'll kill your ancestors, I'll kill you!"

Scold to scold, but Zhao Chengfeng action is not slow, covering the wound quickly into the basement, drove a car and went out.

"Hey, rebirth, where the hell are you? Laozi is poisoned. Yes, he is While driving, Zhao Chengfeng calls Huisheng.

Knowing that Huisheng was also in the station, he rushed over quickly.

"Well, there is a small note on the handle of the knife." When Zhao Chengfeng puts down the phone and touches the wound, he notices that Shangguan Yan'er hangs a dagger on her body when she stabs her.

This dagger as like as two peas of Zhao Chengfeng, with two characters inscribed on the top, is one of the logo of the dragon scale team.

"It's cunning to break the sky. There are layers of tests behind it. Don't keep your hands when you meet next time, or they will be suspicious." There are only a few figures, but there are many secrets.

Zhao Chengfeng thought his acting skills were good enough, but he didn't expect that Po Tian was so cunning. He didn't believe in himself and tried himself again and again.

I want to see if I can deliver some useful information when I meet Yan'er in private. How can I know that it's a chain? It's insidious.

"Damn it, how can I do it to Yan'er? I've assigned a good task to me, grandma." Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but scold.

After a look at the wound, the wound is not deep, just pierce the skin, but the outflow of blood is black, black swelling area, is still spreading.

It's toxic!

Zhao Chengfeng raised the speed to the extreme, but he didn't know how many red lights he ran on the pipeline. In less than 20 minutes, he raced to the dragon scale group station.

"I'll go. It's poisonous. Boss, what's the matter with you?" Huisheng is an expert. When you look at the wound, you will know that the situation is not good.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "hurry to treat my injury. I'll tell you the rest later."

"It's not lethal."

There is no need for Zhao Chengfeng to say more. Huisheng has checked the wound again. After confirming that the toxicity is general, he quickly gave Zhao Chengfeng a black pill.

Zhao Chengfeng, no matter what the composition of the pill is, looks up and swallows it, which makes him feel more secure. Shangguan Yan'er must be reluctant to die, but if the poison on this dagger is smeared by the sky, it's not necessarily.

"Boss, you lie down for a while, I'll clean the wound for you, and then bandage it for you. After that, we'll talk slowly." Huisheng said.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, but in his heart is recalling Shangguan Yan'er's previous words, think about whether there are any words that are suggestive of himself.


"You killed him?" On the other side, Shangguan Yan'er left Jiangcheng Avenue and went into a bar in the center of the city.

Because it was afternoon time, there were not many people in the bar. He sat down next to a man wearing a mask. The man shook his wine glass and asked faintly.

"I can't kill him, and you don't want me to kill him." Shangguan Yan'er's eyes are expressionless and looks at Xiao Wang in front of her.


How do you know I don't want to kill him? He's the most restless guy in the world. He killed a lot of people. He almost destroyed the whole spade ten team by himself

"If you really want him to die, you'll do it yourself, because you know my strength too well. Even if you use the beauty trick, it's not necessarily his opponent."

Shangguan Yan'er said in a deep voice: "and I know him better than you. There is a gap between me and him. He won't believe me any more."

"Ha ha, you know yourself well." Xiao Wang gave a noncommittal smile, but did not say anything about it. After a pause, he said, "next, take your people to the southwest provinces. The Chen family of the guwu family is related to the holy religion. Although we don't know what their specific relationship is with the holy religion, we'd better try our best to attract them."

"Is that necessary? Are we not strong enough? " Smell speech, Shangguan Yan'er Xiu eyebrow a Cu, obviously don't agree with Xiao Wang's suggestion.

Xiao Wang shook his head and sighed: "there are people out there, and there is heaven out there, just like Zhao Chengfeng. After the breakthrough, he is more difficult to control."

"Although the holy religion is not talented, it can survive for hundreds of years. There must be something unusual. If it can be used by me to break the sky, it is naturally the best. Even if it can't, I don't want the saints to oppose us and destroy our grand plan. "

Wen Yan, Shangguan Yan'er nodded and said, "do you mean to let the Chen family of southwest province join the broken sky?"

"It's not the Chen family in southwest province who joined in Po Tian, but the leader of the holy religion who joined in Po Tian for my use." Wang corrected.

"Then I know what to do."

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