"Well, do yourself a favor."

Xiao Wang waved his hand and sent Shangguan Yan'er away.

"Yes, Xiao Wang." Shangguan Yan'er nods to Xiao Wang, turns around and leaves the bar.

As soon as Shangguan Yan'er left, Xiao Wang took out a small bee stereo from his pocket and played the recording back and forth. He listened carefully to Zhao Chengfeng's conversation with Shangguan Yan'er half an hour ago.

"Spade nine didn't die, ha ha, hero sad beauty pass..." Xiao Wang chuckled, immediately a glass of red wine all under the stomach.


Over there, Zhao Chengfeng's wound has been bandaged.

"Boss, how did you get this injury?" Huisheng, while packing up the medical supplies, asked: "although this poison is not fatal, it is rare."

Zhao Chengfeng first lit a cigarette and took two puffs of it. He said, "it's Shangguan Yan'er's stab. This is her dagger." With that, Zhao Chengfeng handed the dagger over.

"What? Yan'er stabbed you? " I'm confused.

One side of the kid is also a face of horror expression, "boss, this, this is impossible."

"The facts are in front of us. What's impossible?" Zhao Chengfeng, with an expression of pain and resentment, suddenly took a mouthful of it, and the "Zizi" of the burning cigarette was ringing“ Is it hard for me to kill myself and blame her? "

"Don't be angry, boss. We just think it's incredible." See Zhao Chengfeng mood is not very good, Huisheng advised a, also did not say too much.

The relationship between Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er is well known by Huisheng and others. Who can accept the change from a close lover in the past to an enemy now?

"Maybe she has her own difficulties, boss, don't..." the kid also advised.

"She's in trouble for nothing!"

Zhao Chengfeng broke out in anger and roared: "the reason why I told you this today is to let you have a heart preparation. If you meet one day, even if you don't fight against her, it doesn't mean that she won't do anything to you!"

"Today, she stabbed me. Before that, she wanted her sister's life. Is it her trouble not to kill people, not to hurt relatives and not to be happy?"

After Zhao Chengfeng's roar, Huisheng and Xiaogui are silent. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's angry appearance, they dare not even speak out.

Zhao Chengfeng seldom gets angry, but once he gets angry, it means that he is really angry.

And Shangguan Yan'er is really too much this time. It's just that she joined the broken sky without telling the public. She has cheated everyone's feelings, but she shouldn't do it. She shouldn't do it to her own sister. How can Zhao Chengfeng not be angry? How can we not be angry?

"All in all."

After a moment's silence, Zhao Chengfeng finished smoking the rest of the cigarette, stubbornly twisted out the cigarette end, and said with a black face: "from now on, we must be careful of this woman. Even if we can't get off the killer, we should not be confused by her. Call me when you need to. I'll come in person! "

Voice down, Zhao Chengfeng's body with a strong gas of killing.

"We know, boss." Huisheng nodded and agreed, with an ugly look.

As a doctor who helps the wounded and the dying, Huisheng is a kind person in the whole dragon scale group. Generally, he doesn't quarrel with others or make trouble with others. Sometimes he is bullied by others. That's a laugh and he doesn't care. But this time Shangguan Yan'er goes too far, which also arouses the dissatisfaction in Huisheng's heart.

"In addition."

Zhao Chengfeng naturally put on another cigarette, took a hard bite, and asked: "should Tang's body be taken care of almost?"

"It's almost healed."

Huisheng said: "next, we just need to change the bad eating habits and unscientific work and rest rules in the past, so we won't get sick again."

Huisheng's answer is more conservative. After all, the identity of Tang Jinhai is there. Who dares to bet? If something goes wrong, the first thing to look for is yourself.

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily and said in a deep voice: "there is a new problem in the African continent. Come back, you should deal with the matter at hand, and then rush to help."

"What happened again?" When Huisheng heard this, he suddenly felt a bad premonition.

"The Mafia are restless."

Zhao Chengfeng scolded: "I don't know how those bastards learned that we had cheated them before. They found out. Recently, they gathered a large number of mercenary regiments to surround us. I'm afraid jintari is in big trouble."

"I still have some things to deal with at home, so I can't go there for the time being. If you hurry up and help me, I'll ask you to have a good talk. If you can't talk about it, just go ahead and fight!"

"Can it be that we have an insider?" Huisheng asked cautiously.

"Who can say such things clearly? But I believe in my brother. "

Zhao Chengfeng said: "the Mafia people are not really stupid. Moreover, when we were set up that day, we made a lot of noise. It's not surprising that we noticed anything afterwards."

"Well, I'll get some medicine today, and then I'll start early tomorrow morning, so that I can get to jintary tomorrow night." Reincarnation thought is also, there is no impermeable wall.

Not to mention the little secret of jintari, even Shangguan Yan'er disguised herself so well in breaking the sky, didn't she still be found? If you don't know, don't do it yourself.

"Well, nothing. I'll go first." Zhao Chengfeng left the station with a black face.

After waiting for the car, Zhao Chengfeng's face suddenly relaxed a lot. At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng wanted to tell Huisheng and others the truth, so as not to meet in the future. His subordinates had no sense of propriety.

However, after getting Shangguan Yan'er's hint, Zhao Chengfeng gives up. Instead of telling them the truth, it's better to keep them in the dark and act together to deceive the sky.

True is false, and false is true. No matter how good he is at breaking the sky, I'm afraid he can't tell anything for a moment, can he?

"It seems that it's not so easy to win Po Tian's trust. Next, we have to find a way to attract Po Tian's attention." While driving, Zhao Chengfeng calculated.

It's not good to kill the person who breaks the sky again. It's bound to annoy the people above. Although they don't care about themselves, it doesn't mean that breaking the sky can't change without Zhao Chengfeng.

"Damn it, I can't. I can get a few more tasks. As long as I reach a certain contribution value, I can exchange some of them for God's death." After thinking about it for a long time, I really didn't have a good idea. Zhao Chengfeng was too lazy to think about it. He drove all the way to Xia Bingbing's company.

Because just after lunch, the company is not very many people, there are many people in the lunch break.

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