Zhao Chengfeng drove a red Hummer and soon arrived at Beihai Xijiao University. As soon as he got to the gate of the University, he saw yuan Shanshan waiting quietly at the gate and looked up.

"It's really a woman like a fairy." Seeing the figure of a woman from afar, Zhao Chengfeng's heart suddenly felt extremely warm and satisfied.

There are women who have been paying and waiting silently for themselves. Even if men are tired and bitter outside, it is worth it.

"Ba ba..."

Zhao Chengfeng honked the horn twice, put down the window again, and Yuan Shanshan waved at the door.

"Why did you drive this car here today? Won't you come down? " Yuan Shanshan came over quickly, a little curious.

"Get in the car."

Zhao Chengfeng opens the car door for the woman. After the woman gets on the car, she starts the car and drives all the way to the seaside. Xijiao university is very close to the seaside, which is about ten kilometers away. At Zhao Chengfeng's speed, they arrive at the seaside in less than half an hour.

"What are you bringing me here for?" The sea breeze is blowing women's long hair. Looking from the side, women's slightly emaciated face becomes more and more bony.

And a white dress, fluttering in the wind, just like a dancing fairy, full of charm. Maybe it's not very sexy, but it's definitely full of pictures.

Even Zhao Chengfeng, who is among the flowers, is fascinated at this moment.

"Ah, it's meaningless. It's just talking about heart and feeling." Zhao Chengfeng laughs a ha ha, heart said wind elder brother when become so straightforward? No, No. if you scare your sister, you'll be guilty.

On hearing this, Yuan Shanshan blushed slightly and felt a little embarrassed.

"By the way, Shanshan, I think your breath is much stronger now than in the past. It seems that you have officially entered the ranks of the junior experts of guwu. You can do it." Zhao Chengfeng carefully explored the breath of women, some surprised.

However, after careful consideration, Zhao Chengfeng is not so surprised. Yuan Shanshan is a child of the guwu family. She is more authentic than Chen Tiange's two brothers, and it's reasonable to practice fast.

With Yuan Shanshan's hatred in her heart, it's not surprising that her cultivation speed is fast.

"But I don't know when I can get revenge for my family if I go on practicing slowly." When it comes to cultivation, Yuan Shanshan's face is full of sadness, and her previous shyness has disappeared.

"Don't worry. It won't take long. As long as you like, I can take you to revenge now and cut off Chen Gaowang's head for you." Zhao Chengfeng light said, completely did not put this matter in mind.

To put the past aside, Zhao Chengfeng will never take the initiative to provoke Chen Gaowang unless he has to. After all, the old man is powerful and experienced in fighting. Zhao Chengfeng will do everything he can to protect himself in front of Chen Gaowang; Now, however, it's different. Zhao Chengfeng's strength has greatly increased, enough to crush Chen Gaowang.

"Really?" Smell speech, Yuan Shanshan stare big eyes, some excited looking at Zhao Chengfeng, "Chengfeng, you, you can revenge for me now?"

"Of course!"

Zhao Chengfeng said firmly, holding the woman's shoulder: "I have made a breakthrough a few days ago. I could have taken you to revenge. First, I have something to deal with myself. Second, I can't make decisions without your permission."

"Today, I had a very important business in the company, but when you called, I wanted to tell you about it carefully and listen to what you mean."

When Yuan Shanshan heard the speech, she was so moved that she didn't want it. She was staring at the man, her watery eyes were faintly red.

"Chengfeng, you are so kind to me." Yuan Shanshan soft voice way, don't care much, stand on tiptoe to kiss Zhao Chengfeng.

Does Zhao Chengfeng have self-control? No,

They hugged and kissed each other, and then they got into the back seat. After a while, the car began to shake, and the sea breeze blew by, which was mixed with the sound of "mm-hmm".

About an hour later, the car finally returned to tranquility, the window opened a small crack, the smell of cigarettes floated out, Zhao Chengfeng's voice also came out.

"Shanshan, do you know why I don't go to your school now?" Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, looked at the woman in his arms, and continued: "I'm afraid that you can't help but devote yourself to me. Students and teachers see how bad it is. I'm afraid that you'll have to face the gossip in the future. I'm old and tired."

On hearing this, Yuan Shanshan hugged her more tightly. In the past, Yuan Shanshan didn't really fall in love with Zhao Chengfeng. At most, she just liked him. But after two times, she couldn't leave this man. Although a man is a little playful, there is more than one woman around him. What's the matter? As long as he is sincere for himself, everything will be enough.

And this may also be the so-called "long life".

"By the way, Shanshan, do you have many classes recently? Can you ask for leave? If we can ask for leave, let's start as early as possible. I'm afraid I have other things to do. It's not good to push on. I think you can't wait to avenge your family now. " Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Yuan Shanshan let go of Zhao Chengfeng. Her soft eyes suddenly burst out a strong intention to kill him. She gritted her teeth and said, "I will ask for leave tomorrow, and I can start the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"The day after tomorrow?" Zhao Chengfeng calculated the time and thought that it should be almost the same. Tomorrow is the day for anbai to start singing. Zhao Chengfeng must check and build the live broadcasting platform. If he can make money, he can make as much money as possible in his pocket. If he puts the money in his pocket, people will be steadfast, won't he?

"Then we'll set out the day after tomorrow. I'll pick you up and you'll be ready." Zhao Chengfeng said in a deep voice.

Yuan Shanshan nodded, turned back and suddenly stuck in Zhao Chengfeng's arms, stroking the man's strong muscles, careful that her liver would flutter and her cheeks would turn red.

Looking at the change of women, Zhao Chengfeng raised a bad smile at the corner of his mouth and asked, "Shanshan, do you know what it is now? What's the matter, isn't it exciting? "

"Chengfeng, you, you're good or bad. You've always planned that, haven't you?" Smell speech, Yuan Shanshan finally reacted to come over, small hand hammering Zhao Chengfeng's chest.

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng laughed, turned over and put the woman under him. He said with a bad smile, "since you say I'm bad, I'm not so bad today. I'm sorry for your praise."

"Oh, you hate me." Yuan Shanshan shyly refused.

However, maybe it's because her heart is about to unravel, or maybe the hatred in Yuan Shanshan's heart is about to unravel. Yuan Shanshan's refusal is more like pandering. Just a moment later, Zhao Chengfeng attacked her.

And the fiery red Hummer, once again, swayed gently in the sea breeze, and became more and more fierce

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