Beihai City under the night sky is more and more beautiful, and Jiangcheng Avenue is one of the beautiful scenery.

The long and wide passage of the villa is brightly lit. Occasionally, I hear the chirping of insects and birds from the villa garden, which is quite the flavor of rural fields.

At this time, a red Hummer came in and went all the way to the end of Jiangcheng Avenue.

"Why? Didn't the woman go home? " When Zhao Chengfeng got out of the car and saw that the light was turned off inside, he had some doubts. When he left the company in the afternoon, didn't he say that he would go home together in the evening?

After parking the car, Zhao Chengfeng looks around the villa again, but there is still no trace of Xia Bingbing. Zhao Chengfeng is a little depressed, so he calls Xia Bingbing.

"Hello, what's the matter?" The phone was soon connected. Xia Bingbing's tepid voice came from the other end of the phone. He was vaguely angry.

"What did you say?"

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this tone, he became even more angry and yelled, "what time is it? Are you still going home? What are you doing out there? Do you know what a good wife and mother is

"I..." Xia Bingbing was stunned by Zhao Chengfeng.

"You what you, hurry back to me, give you ten minutes, if you don't go home again, see how I deal with you, that's it!" Zhao Chengfeng crackled for a while and put down the phone.

Xiao Yang, brother Feng doesn't listen to me. I have to give her some color to see.

After parking the car, Zhao Chengfeng got into the bathroom and took a shower. He felt fresh and comfortable. But when he saw the time, Zhao Chengfeng was not very happy. He gave Xia Bingbing ten minutes, but twenty minutes were almost over. Why didn't he come?

"Make a phone call and then urge..." Zhao Chengfeng just wants to dial the phone, but he hears the sound of the car outside. When he opens the curtain, isn't it Xia Bingbing's big car?

When Zhao Chengfeng saw this, he put the phone away. A bad smile came from the corner of his mouth. He said, "little boy, brother Feng thought you were disobedient.".


Soon, Xia Bingbing came upstairs and threw her bag on the sofa. Looking at Zhao Chengfeng on the sofa, she hummed coldly, "what can I do for you?"

"What did you say?" Zhao Cheng wind way: "the afternoon does not say good?"? At night, roll the sheets at home, you can pour good, go home, even you can't see, why did you go? I don't know how to cook for my husband. I don't know whether we have entered the substantial stage of creating human beings? "

Summer ice jade Bi surround, looking at Zhao Chengfeng, "have you finished?"


Zhao Chengfeng said with a black face, "what are you doing? Why are you going home now? "

"Why should I tell you?" Xia Bingbing's laughter is even colder. She says, "you're messing around outside, but I'm not even involved. You're good. I'm in charge of you.".

Why not God?

"Oh, dare to fight with brother Feng, right? Believe it or not? " When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he stood up from the sofa and rubbed his hands. His eyes fell on Xia Bingbing's concave convex body, especially his hips.

"What do you want to do?"

Xia Bingbing was surprised, suddenly thought of a thing, this guy is extremely shameless, if you want to use strong to yourself, what should you do?

It's nothing to be beaten, but this guy's beating place is too, too

Thinking of the last time Zhao Chengfeng whipped her ass, Xia Bingbing was not happy. Pain is one thing, the key is shame.

After being beaten last time, when Xia Bingbing went to the toilet, she found that she had been beaten red.

"What do you say I want to do?" Zhao Chengfeng bad smile, step by step approach, has been Xia Bingbing forced to the corner.

Xia Bingbing's breathing suddenly gets up, and the soap on the man keeps drilling into his nostrils. Somehow, Xia Bingbing is a little shy, and her face can't help reddening.

"Tell my husband what's going on? Why go home now? Well Zhao Chengfeng a hand against the wall, a hand hook up Xia Bingbing chin, looking at the woman's delicate red lips, Zhao Chengfeng almost can't resist a kiss.

It is undeniable that Xia Bingbing is definitely the most distinctive among all the women. Noble and cool, but also sexy, and such a woman is usually cold outside and hot inside, once opened her heart, it will be out of control.

"I, I just sat in Shiyun's house for a while, we just had a chat, I..." in the face of a strong and domineering man, Xia Bingbing didn't resist for the first time, forgot to resist, and even had a tendency of obedience.

"Oh, I'll go!"

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he immediately regretted it. He patted his thigh and said, "why didn't you say it earlier? If I had known you were together, I would have gone straight to you

"What do you want us for?" Xia Bingbing Xiu eyebrow micro Cu, some don't understand a way.

"Shuangfei, how exciting..." Zhao Chengfeng looked forward to it.

However, Zhao Chengfeng did not notice Xia Bingbing's face changed from shyness to anger.

"Rascal, you are shameless!"

Xia Bingbing breaks out and pushes Zhao Chengfeng away.


Zhao Chengfeng staggers on the sofa, showing his teeth in pain, and the sweat on his forehead also comes out.

"Damn you, damned girl, you are so cruel." Zhao Chengfeng covers his belly and gently opens his robe. Because he has just taken a bath, he has not had time to dress up his wound. The knife wound is shocking.

The medicine of rebirth is really effective, and it starts to dry the scar in half a day. However, with Xia Bingbing's so fierce push, Zhao Chengfeng's wound splits again, and the scarlet blood flows out again.


Xia Bingbing looked at the same thing, startled, looked at his hands, said: "you, what's the matter with you? I, I didn't know you were hurt, I... "

Xia Bingbing rushed to the past, a look at the injury, scared pale.

"Chengfeng, are you ok? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" Xia Bingbing is really scared. When did he become a martial arts expert? This palm has such great power!

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said perfunctorily, "I told you that you don't understand. Forget it, you can get me some cotton and wipe the blood. After that, you can give me some medicine or something."

"All right, all right, I'll go right away." Xia Bingbing did not dare to delay, and soon found cotton and other things to help Zhao Chengfeng wipe the wound.

Looking at more and more blood cotton in the garbage can, Zhao Chengfeng subconsciously asked: "Bingbing, you say my blood portrait is not like your girl's big Yi Ma? Is it more charming than Da Yi Ma? "


Xia Bingbing face "Shua" all red, low voice spat curse: "can you normal point?"

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