"Tell me what plan you have. Let's hear it." Liu Shiyun asked.

The R & D and design department does not have an independent office. However, Liu Shiyun's office is very large, with an idle desk beside it. In addition to Zhao Chengfeng, the whole department is full of young women. On weekdays, if there is anything to be announced in the Department, just sit together and say it. It seems casual and warm. Several women are like sisters, It also saves a lot of trouble.

Now, the four women and Zhao Chengfeng are all sitting around to discuss underwear design schemes for women in America and Europe.

"Xiao He, what do you think with Lingling? Let's talk about it. Let's discuss it with each other. By the way, as your master, I'll test you both." Zhao Chengfeng sat at the top of the table and took a puff of his cigarette, looking old-fashioned.

Eyes slightly narrowed, from time to time scan the four women's key parts, secretly contrast some, not happy. Frankly speaking, if it wasn't for the bad weather, Zhao Chengfeng really wanted to be a white-collar worker in the company all his life. He had nothing to do in his spare time. What a pleasant life.

"Well, let me say something." Seeing that Hu Lingling was still blushing with shame and didn't want to say anything, he pinting took the initiative and said, "I think that whether they are European women, American women, or even African women, they all have a common characteristic: their bones are broad and thick, and their breasts are much larger than those of Asian women."

When it comes to "big chest", he pinting also lowered her head, a little embarrassed.

Liu Shiyun glanced at Zhao Chengfeng and said to he Bingting, "go on."

"Well." He Bingting nodded and continued: "therefore, I think when we design, I'm afraid we need to increase the size appropriately. If necessary, we even need to invite foreign models to try on our clothes."

Liu Shiyun nodded and wrote it down twice in his notebook.

"Anything else?" Liu Shiyun asked.

He Bingting shook her head, "no more."

"Lingling, please talk about your opinion." Liu Shiyun looks at Hu Lingling again.

Although Hu Lingling's face is still a little hot, it's a lot easier because of Liu Shiyun's question. She said, "I'll add something on the basis of Tingting. I think European and American women are on the front line of fashion. In terms of appearance design, we should not only keep our product characteristics, but also cater to fashion, Cater to their appreciation. "

"Well, that's good." Liu Shiyun gave a lot of praise and wrote it down twice in his notebook.

"That's all I can think of." Hu Lingling is still a little embarrassed.

Liu Shiyun looked back at Song Sisi and asked, "Sisi, do you have anything to say? Let's talk about it from your sales concept."

"I can't say that."

Song Sisi frowned slightly and said, "after all, sales still depend on the market and the quality of products. There are too many uncertain factors. At present, our products are well-known in the domestic market, so we can do whatever we like. At most, we can do some promotion and membership activities. "

"But I don't know the appreciation level of foreign women. If you are already on the market, I can provide some suggestions according to the sales situation, but now... "Song Sisi shakes his head, obviously he doesn't know much about design.

Finally, Liu Shiyun looked at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "now it's your turn to speak. Let's talk about how you want to design and what are your plans. Let's talk about it."


Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath of his cigarette, cleared his throat and said, "since you all want to listen, I'll just say a few words."

"Cut the crap and get to the point." Liu Shiyun dissatisfied with the white Zhao Chengfeng a look, said you this guy is really enough to show off, just a word, not the wedding, stink show off what?

"Don't I have to tidy up my mind? What's the hurry? Good things are not in a hurry. Bad things are all in bed. Can't we smooth them out? " But Zhao Chengfeng didn't think so.


Liu Shiyun blushed and spat in a low voice, but there was no good way to take Zhao Chengfeng.

A space for one person is not clear, but Zhao Chengfeng is an absolute genius from the underwear design and the marketing. This is the first time he has relied on his own strength to revitalize the whole perfume lily company, and has steadily occupied a place in the domestic women's goods market, and now has the potential to become the "first Chinese" underwear brand.

"First of all, we need to understand the needs of women in Europe and America. Let's take American people as an example. American people advocate freedom. Therefore, I can tell you that many American women do not wear underwear or even wear underwear." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't show off and talks about it.

"Ah? No

"Really, really open."

For a moment, Liu Shiyun's four girls were all silly. Besides, they had a hot face. They could not help looking down at their breasts. Fortunately, they were dressed.

"It's not openness, it's faith!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "the people of the United States advocate freedom and pay attention to human rights. Therefore, you can check the history. In the United States, even ordinary murderers will not be sentenced to death. As for advocating freedom, it can be seen from the independence of the American people. "

"In the United States, when many children are 18 years old, they will leave home and earn money with their own hands. After earning money, they don't have to be filial to their parents. They can buy whatever they want. We can also see the belief of American people from their consumption view. "

The girls were thoughtful and nodded from time to time.

"Of course, it doesn't mean that American women seldom wear underwear, because underwear will change the natural beauty of their breasts. In the eyes of American women, they don't care about sagging and other chest problems, because this is nature. With the growth of age, it is an inevitable physiological process. In their eyes, women at every stage are the most beautiful." Zhao Chengfeng continued.

"Therefore, if we want to design the underwear of American version, can't we consider the style of gathering and shaping?" Hu Lingling was quite clever, and she understood what Zhao Chengfeng meant.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded admiringly and continued: "yes, in the eyes of the American people, underwear is just a piece of cloth. No function can match their own beauty."

"Therefore, from this point of view, the self-confidence of the American people is often a kind of pride, an excessive pride, which is also the reason why the American people have always been arrogant and arrogant."

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