"Dong Dong!"

Liu Shiyun frowned unhappily, knocked on his desk twice, and reminded him, "if it's too far away, you can tell me how to design and what aspects to pay attention to. It doesn't matter whether they are arrogant and domineering."

"It's natural and harmonious, but it doesn't lose its novelty. To keep fashion, we must be bold in design, because only if you design boldly, will they wear boldly." Zhao Chengfeng summed it up in a short and frightening way.


Liu Shiyun snorted coldly and asked, "can you see them more boldly if they dress boldly?"

"You think too much."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head straight and said: "I admit that, according to the average cup, the American people are much better than the Asian people, but it doesn't mean that big is necessarily good-looking and practical."

"How do you know it's not practical? Can't you use it? " Liu Shiyun then asked, feeling very bad.

Men comment on other women, even more than they know, any woman will be a little sour.

"I didn't use it, but I just touched it by chance." Zhao Chengfeng said that if he didn't hide it, he could be regarded as telling the truth about the crime.


Liu Shiyun snorted heavily to vent his dissatisfaction. On the other hand, song Sisi had to be calm, because he had known about the existence of vidora for a long time.

On one side, he pinting and Hu Lingling look at each other. They are shocked from each other's eyes. They are so surprised that they don't know what to say.

It's not so bold.

He used to be president Xia Bingbing's husband. It's all right to hook up with other beautiful women in the company. Now he even admits that he has intimate contact with foreign women. This is the rhythm of death.


With a dry cough, Zhao Chengfeng covered up his embarrassment and continued: "the next design will be left to Xiaohe and Lingling. Just design according to the key points I just mentioned. Don't make it so complicated. Under the condition of ensuring these key points, you can appropriately add in the product features of our company and your own ideas, and then we will discuss them slowly. "

"Yes, brother Feng."

"Then we're going to design."

Hu Lingling and he Bingting didn't delay, so they went out to work with the papers.

"Well, it's boring to go to work. I'm free again." As soon as they leave, Zhao Chengfeng lights up a cigarette and sighs.

On hearing this, Liu Shiyun was even more upset. Good Zhao Chengfeng, as a subordinate of my mother, how dare you be more idle than my mother? I'm looking for death!

But Liu Shiyun doesn't want to talk to Zhao Chengfeng at the moment. He hates his teeth and has no good way. He can only stare.

"Big sister Shiyun, what's wrong with your eyes? Why do you roll your eyes? Is there sand in your eyes, or I'll rub it for you? " Zhao Chengfeng moves forward.

"Get out of the way!"

Liu Shiyun stares, and his silver teeth cackle. His heart says that this bastard's face is not so thick.

"Then I won't go away."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't mean to get up. He said with a smile, "I haven't been bragging with you for a long time. I miss you so much. Let's have a chat today. By the way, do you like to talk about meat or vegetables? "

"Boring." Liu Shiyun turned his eyes and left with the document in his hand. He said that I can't annoy you. Can't I hide you?

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to stay either. As soon as Liu Shiyun leaves, they hook up with song Sisi. They look at each other and make eyes like silk

Liu Shiyun didn't mean to avoid Zhao Chengfeng, but he just had to report something to Xia Bingbing. As the head of R & D and design department, Liu Shiyun is not idle.

In addition to doing essential work, we have to be responsible for the research and development of phantom three. In addition, we must pay attention to the world's top brands of perfume, and even go out to watch fashion shows, focusing on fashion and light luxury products.

As long as there are ideas and ideas, Liu Shiyun will communicate with Xia Bingbing privately to see if there are suitable projects to be implemented.

"Bingbing, the messengers of Smith Company have been turned out by you two. Is it necessary for us to enter the American market?" After talking about business, Liu Shiyun expressed his doubts.

In fact, when Zhao Chengfeng talked about it before, Liu Shiyun had doubts in his heart. He had already expelled people. If he wants to enter the U.S. market, I'm afraid that the first thing he has to face is the crazy pressure from Smith Company.

In Liu Shiyun's opinion, a smart woman like Xia Bingbing would never do such a stupid thing.

"It's because of the rejection of Smith that we have to enter the U.S. market." Xia Bingbing raised her eyebrows and said with pride, "our products only need market certification. We don't need the help of Smith Company. Besides, I have talked to you privately before. Smith Company is just robbing. We don't need to cooperate with them at all."

Smell speech, Liu Shiyun nodded, looking at Xia Bingbing's eyes in some more things, have to say, this is a very strong and self-improvement woman.

Yes, why do you want to go to Smith Company? Who dares to say that the current perfume lily company has no development potential?

"It's true, but I'm afraid it's a difficult way to go. I'm not worried about product design at present. What I'm most worried about is the market." After all, American women are very different from Asian women.

Both the consumption view and the aesthetic view are different. Don't design a lot at that time. If people don't like it, it will be embarrassing.

"Have you forgotten your husband? He is a man who knows women very well. Didn't he sell the underwear before us? " Liu Shiyun said with a smile, with a touch of banter in the corner of his mouth.

"Are you laughing at me?"

When it comes to Zhao Chengfeng, Xia Bingbing also has a headache. This guy has many advantages, but the disadvantages are more obvious. There is only his place, it must be the place where beautiful women gather. The reins in his hand are a little loose, and he may be wearing a green hat on his head unconsciously.

"How dare I?"

Liu Shiyun joked: "with such a husband, shouldn't you live full of fun all day? After that, you don't have to worry about anything. It's so easy. "

"Are you envious?" Xia Bingbing's eyes narrowed slightly, half true and half false: "do you want me to give him half to you? We are good sisters anyway. "

"Ha ha." Liu Shiyun noncommittal smile, suddenly even the expression is not very natural, carefully calculate Xia Bingbing's words, heart said she is regret to share her husband with others?

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