He said "just do your best". After negotiating with Tian xiner, Zhao Chengfeng finds the kid again and talks about the matter seriously. If it's just "do your best" and "focus on participation", how can Zhao Chengfeng make money?

"Boss, do you mean that even if you use money to smash it, you have to smash a champion?" After listening to Zhao Chengfeng's meaning, the kid laughs bitterly and shakes his head. He says that although anbai has made a lot of money, he really wants to keep throwing money. He doesn't know how much money to throw away.

Yes, the kid admits that it's a lot of money to do webcast. He can often see in the news that in order to catch up with the female anchor, so and so lost his fortune, and so and so and so stole his family's passbook.

It's just that everything is difficult at the beginning, especially for the webcast platform. It's a bit like opening a Taobao store. I always want others to open a mobile phone recharge shop, and I can earn a lot of money. But when I do it myself, it's not so easy. Before I make money, I see the money flowing out of my pocket.

What's more, the kid is worried that he has no time. After all, he has to be responsible for intelligence work. What should we do in case of the return of the saints?

"Of course, to be the best, I don't care about the rest." Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly: "in addition, I also know that you are busy with work on your side. You can recruit two network directors later. Besides money, you don't have to intervene in other things, and people can be more relaxed."

"Rich people are crazy. They don't know what's on your mind." Kid straight shake his head, also take Zhao Chengfeng have no way, can only let him go, now rich people don't quite can play?

"That's it. I'll stop nagging you. I'll go to bed first. I have to leave tomorrow." Zhao Chengfeng said as he walked upstairs.

"Boss, you're leaving tomorrow. Are you going to Africa?" Asked the kid.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, suddenly thought of a thing, turned back, and said cautiously: "by the way, recently there is a person you can help pay attention to, called Ge batian, who escaped from the capital prison. You can pay attention to this person. Once you have news, please let me know as soon as possible."


Kid sighs more than just, really want to smoke their two big mouth, this is not nothing to look for trouble, find uncomfortable for themselves?

"Well, that's it. Bye." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and went upstairs.

With a pair of panda eyes on his head, the kid glanced at the webcast, which was not very eye-catching. He could only open the f disk, which he had kept for many years, and put on two exciting films. Then he picked up his spirit and went on to work.


The next morning, Zhao Chengfeng was awakened by Yuan Shanshan's phone call. After washing up in a hurry, she went straight to the airport. When Zhao Chengfeng arrived at the airport, Yuan Shanshan had already changed her boarding pass.

"I said that you are positive enough. Do you need to be in such a hurry for the 11 a.m. flight?" Zhao Chengfeng can't help shaking his head. He went back to his room last night and blew with Tian xiner until midnight. It's a good thing. Yuan Shanshan woke him up before he woke up“ Ah

Then, Zhao Chengfeng yawned again, sleepy, "I'll lie on you for a while, sleepy."

"What did you do last night? You are good at not sleeping at night and sleeping during the day. " Yuan Shanshan shook her head, but she still held the man's head and let him go to sleep.

Zhao Chengfeng put his head against the woman's chest and said with a smile: "what can you do at night? Of course, it's cheating for stimulation. You don't know. Last night, I spent half a night


When Yuan Shanshan heard this, she really wanted to give Zhao Chengfeng two big mouths. The rascal had a lot of guts. She even learned to cheat. However, looking back carefully, I can't talk about cheating. Isn't there many beautiful women around this bastard? So many beautiful girls, not for nothing.

"Well, you should be jealous. I'll go to sleep first." Zhao Chengfeng laughed and joked. He turned around and really fell asleep.

This sleep has been sleeping until 3 p.m. when Zhao Chengfeng wakes up again, he has already arrived in the northwest province.

"I'm back." Off the plane, Yuan Shanshan long spit out a foul air, seems to want to be in the heart of depression.

"Don't think so much."

Zhao Chengfeng understood the woman's mood and said, "this time when we go to the northwest provinces, we will solve all the problems. Do you think we should go to Huaishu village to worship our ancestors first, or kill Chen Gaowang first, and then carry their heads to worship our ancestors?"

"Don't mention his head. I'm afraid I'll pollute Huaishu village. Let's go. We can get to Huaishu village before dark now. After the sacrifice, we'll go to find Chen Gaowang to settle the accounts."

"Can we have a meal first? I'm hungry. "

"I've brought dry food like bread to eat in the car."

"..." Zhao Chengfeng's face drooped.

Yuan Shanshan looked back at Zhao Chengfeng and said in a deep voice, "Chengfeng, I hope you can understand. You know I can't wait now. This hatred has been in my heart for nearly 20 years. I don't want to wait any longer."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng heavy nodded, but still way: "Shanshan, I also hope you can understand me, after all, I am young and powerful, output is bigger, eat bread and dry food every day, I am afraid of malnutrition, ah, at least you give me a bottle of nutrition express."

"Dead hooligan, shameless!"

When Yuan Shanshan heard of "malnutrition", she naturally associated with Zhao Chengfeng's chaotic private life. She thought that this guy was so lecherous that malnutrition was normal.

"Shanshan, if you say so, I won't admit it. At the beginning, you said who ate it under the temptation of vidora and had to devote himself to this handsome guy. After all, didn't you hook me up?" Zhao Chengfeng smiles with pride.

"Asshole, it's been a long time. Can you stop talking about it?" On hearing this, Yuan Shanshan's face "Shua" for a while, all of them turned red. She was so ashamed that she wanted to find a way to get in.

Damned hooligan, it's obvious that he took a big advantage of himself. Now he's selling well when he gets the advantage. What's malnutrition. Feel conscience to ask, can he be malnourished? It's very fierce in bed, OK?

"Why not?"

Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly, "that's a typical example of brother Feng learning from Lei Feng. It's a good thing. I have to talk about it all the time. It's worth showing off."


Yuan Shanshan is very angry, but there is no good way to take Zhao Chengfeng.

"Well, you're speechless. That's it. Let's have dinner first, and then we'll leave Huaishu village, OK?" With that, Zhao Chengfeng took the woman to the hotel.

Eating is fake, adjusting yuan Shanshan's state is true.

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