Now yuan Shanshan is like a tight bow. Before the arrow is shot out, people are very tired. How can we get revenge in such a state?

When Zhao Chengfeng saw that the woman's mind was heavy, he made a joke. They talked about love and love to ease the woman's mood.

"Xiaoshanshan, you need to eat more collagen, supplement vitamins, and the most important thing is..." Zhao Chengfeng took yuan Shanshan's vegetables and aimed at the woman's chest.

Looking at a woman's chest is one of the necessary qualities of a serious sex wolf.

And Zhao Chengfeng is also quite strange. To be honest, Yuan Shanshan is not a very "protruding" kind of woman. Why is she so attractive?

"Can you be more serious and have a lot of people watching?" Yuan Shanshan gives Zhao Chengfeng a white look, but her face is red.

Yuan Shanshan has never been cared so much. She is not only a vegetable, but also a concern. This feeling is still felt in parents when they were young. Now, I feel it in Zhao Chengfeng.

Is that what it's like to be in love? Yuan Shanshan said she enjoyed it at present.

"What are you afraid of?"

Zhao Chengfeng straightened his chest, rubbed his hair coquettishly, and said: "brother Feng is so handsome, isn't that what people want to see? Of course, if you are so beautiful, don't show it to others. Just show it to me. Do you hear me? "

"Boring." Yuan Shanshan's beautiful eyes turned. Although Zhao Chengfeng's words were overbearing, Yuan Shanshan was very comfortable.

If it's not for the blood feud, why doesn't yuan Shanshan want to be a little woman? What about a little woman who cooks every day, watches TV dramas and accompanies her husband at night?

"Be serious. Falling in love is very serious. How can it be boring?" Zhao Chengfeng face a board, and to Yuan Shanshan clip a pig's hoof, said: "eat, eat quickly, this thing effect is very good, eat can grow up, and then with brother Feng's rub, a month to keep, let you up the cup."


Yuan Shanshan blushed and said nothing. She could eat in peace.

A meal was very greasy and crooked. Although she was not very happy, Yuan Shanshan was honest in her heart. In many things that I used to think were childish, today I do them by another person, and the effect is totally different.

"It's going down. We've had enough to eat and drink. Are we ready to go?" Yuan Shanshan wiped her mouth and looked at Zhao Chengfeng, who was stroking her belly. She couldn't help shaking her head.

At the beginning, Yuan Shanshan also felt that there were too many dishes, but not too many. On the contrary, there were not enough. Zhao Chengfeng had an amazing appetite, but he couldn't see any stomach bag at all.

"It's necessary to start, but I suddenly thought of a problem."

Zhao Chengfeng held his toothpick in his mouth, looked around and said, "how do you think it's better for us to show up? Is it going quietly or swaggeringly? "

"Swaggering? I'm afraid that's not good. "

Yuan Shanshan slightly frowned, "swagger to go, not to give them time to prepare?"

"Ready? Ha ha. " Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng is to smile, cold hum a way: "I just want to let them taste, clearly know the danger is coming, but can't avoid the taste, let them in the known fear, bit by bit collapse."

"You, do you want to say hello to Chen Gaowang in advance?" Yuan Shanshan was a little surprised. Is this guy crazy? Is he going to seek revenge? How does it feel like showing off?

"Good idea!"

Zhao Chengfeng snapped his fingers, hooked yuan Shanshan's chin, and praised: "I'm Zhao Chengfeng's woman, that's smart."

"Go, what do you think?"

Yuan Shanshan pushed away Zhao Chengfeng's hand and said, "don't you pick things?"

"It's just to pick things, not just to pick things, but to kill people."


Yuan Shanshan was stunned on the spot. Yes, she was just going to pick things up. Why do she care so much?

"OK, I won't tell you. You can do whatever you want. Anyway, I have a request. After this time, I don't want to sneak back to Huaishu village in the future." Yuan Shanshan is too lazy to argue with Zhao Chengfeng, because Zhao Chengfeng is not a normal person at all.

"Don't worry. I'll think about it first. What should we do about it?" Zhao Chengfeng touched chin, suddenly hit a loud finger, "have."

"What's the matter? Are you pregnant? " Yuan Shanshan is not angry with Zhao Chengfeng. She really wants to slap the bastard and avenge him. Before the event, this guy is not quick and still wants to play. Is this a man? I feel like a kid.

"Go away!"

Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes around and said, "even if you sleep with me thousands of times, I can't be pregnant. In the end, you may have a big stomach."

"Smelly hooligan, you..." Yuan Shanshan's face turned red all at once. She looked around and saw many people staring at her. She was so ashamed that she wanted to bury her head in the ground.

"Who are the hooligans? Do you have to make a good theory? At the beginning, who drugged himself, who tore my shirt, and who... "

"I'll go to the toilet." Yuan Shanshan couldn't carry it any more, so she had to hide in the bathroom.

Looking at the back of the woman's hasty departure, Zhao Chengfeng's corner of his mouth showed a symbolic bad smile again, and said with pride: "little sample, you are still a little bit tender playing with brother Feng."

Ignoring the departure of Yuan Shanshan, Zhao Chengfeng found a pen and paper and wrote a few big words. Then he asked the hotel for express delivery. A SF express delivery was delivered directly. He calculated the time and estimated that he could go to Chen Gaowang tomorrow afternoon.

When Yuan Shanshan comes back again, the woman's face has recovered as usual, and Zhao Chengfeng is ready for everything.

"Let's go, let's go back to the country and burn paper for our parents." Zhao Chengfeng embraces the woman's waist and gets into a taxi.

When Yuan Shanshan heard "my father and my mother", she couldn't help looking at Zhao Chengfeng. Will this man really spend his life with him?

"If you want to see it, just look at it aboveboard. Don't be furtive. We are all from our own family. Don't be embarrassed. Do you have to wait until you get home at night?" Zhao Chengfeng laughs, and the smile is still too much to beat.

Yuan Shanshan's eyelids turned up and she just looked out of the window. Every time she was closer to Huaishu village, Yuan Shanshan's heart became heavier.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back." Yuan Shanshan said in her heart, and her eyes became red. There was an unspeakable sadness in it.

Zhao Chengfeng naturally noticed the change of women, thinking that women's heart knot is not so easy to untie, at this time, if you make fun again, it's very boring, people who don't know, still think that brother Feng is a person without depth.

"Well, it's up to you to adjust yourself." With a sigh in his heart, Zhao Chengfeng turned his head and looked out of the window.

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