
When the night came, night rose with the rest of the people came to Chen Gaowang's house, was stunned by the scene.

In the yard, except for a corpse without limbs and head, there was only blood. The smell of blood was so strong that people wanted to vomit.

"What's the matter?" The spirit fox person behind asks a way, eyebrow twisted into a knot in one's heart.

Night rose did not say a word, went to the disgusting body, although the blood has dried up slowly, but still can see the viscera sliding out a lot, the means is too fierce.

"If I guess correctly, Chen Gaowang, the owner of the Chen family, has been killed." The night rose as like as two peas of Chen Gaowang, and looked at the corpse carefully, and it was the same as the dress that he saw last night.

If Chen Gaowang was not the one who died, then the Chen family would not be empty. The only explanation is that Chen Gaowang died, while the others went back to their own homes, went to their own mothers and ran for their lives.

"What about that?"

The fox man frowned and asked, "Chen Gaowang is dead. How can we explain to him? Now the spade ten team is quite short of manpower. Now there is only one spade ten left

And this spade ten is the last product killed by Zhao Chengfeng. It's also a blessing in disguise. When the boss died, he was promoted.

"What can we do? We can only reflect to the top truthfully, and we'll look for a new candidate. " Night rose is also depressed. It's not easy to meet an expert. Now it's good. When people die, the reinforcement plan will fail again.

"That's easy to say!"

The spirit fox person was discontented and said: "this is the task of the top, and you promised Chen Gaowang yesterday. In the end, Chen Gaowang is the one who breaks the sky. Are we the one who breaks the sky so plainly dead? If it's spread out, what's our reputation for breaking the sky? How can we survive after breaking the sky... "


The night rose suddenly drank, turned back and looked coldly at the fox, and hummed coldly: "don't you just want to say that this matter has something to do with spade nine? However, don't forget that it only informs us that spade nine has already arrived in southwest provinces, and even close to our target. But that doesn't mean that spade nine is the murderer of Chen Gaowang. "

"Moreover, even if spade nine killed Chen Gaowang, what can you do? Are you going to take revenge on him? " Said, the night rose up and down swept to sweep the spirit fox, the corner of the mouth raised a touch of ridicule, way: "I'm afraid, haven't been able to get close to his body, you already had a different body."


The spirit fox trembles with anger, but he doesn't know how to refute it. It's not surprising that night rose talks badly. In fact, it is. Today's Zhao Chengfeng is not what he used to be. Ordinary people are not his rivals at all.

It is said that last time Xiao Wang went out, this just slightly suppressed spade nine. With this strength, can you find Zhao Chengfeng's trouble? Hehe, it's almost like looking for death.

"OK, stop talking nonsense. Check the scene, take photos, and then send the message back to it. In addition, you don't need to inform the tattoo emissary to come, and there's no need to come." Night rose has no time to talk nonsense with Linghu. After a few turns in her mind, she has a way to solve the problem.

However, night rose is thinking, what does Zhao Chengfeng want? Do you want to carry the people on your back and wantonly kill the people in the same family? Isn't this an initiative to provoke the top?

"This guy really doesn't worry, and he doesn't know how those old guys in China will talk to him. It's too hard to guess." Night rose heart also helpless, but also can only harden the scalp.


Ordered by the night rose, the spirit fox was very upset in his heart and scolded softly: "the man you used to make trouble, and I want to wipe his ass, damn it."

"You talk too much."

Night rose looked back at the fox, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"..." the fox man stopped talking for a moment and began to examine Chen Gaowang's incomplete body carefully.


At this moment, several other parts of Chen Gaowang's body have been taken away by Zhao Chengfeng. Although it's bloody, Yuan Shanshan doesn't feel terrible at all. Instead, she feels relieved and mutters to herself when she returns to Huaishu village.

"Mom and Dad, my daughter has avenged you. Villagers, Shanshan has avenged you. You can rest in peace." Repeat these words all the way.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't disturb women either. He throws Chen Gaowang's limbs and head under the big locust tree, lights up a cigarette, looks at the big locust tree and says, "big locust tree, this is my promise Zhao Chengfeng made to you. I said that I will use Chen Gaowang's head to commemorate you. Today I did it."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng bowed slightly to the big locust tree.

Looking at the woman in a trance, Zhao Chengfeng was afraid that the woman would become crazy because she was too happy, so he urged the woman to take out the remaining incense and start burning paper again.

"I've got my revenge. Rest in peace."

"I've got my revenge. Rest in peace."


After repeating a few words, Yuan Shanshan closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng quickly looks at the woman. After a look, he shakes his head and sighs in his heart. He can't help it. This hatred has been suppressed in his heart for too long. Now that it's released, Yuan Shanshan's heart is empty.

"Let you have a good sleep. After a good sleep, all the hatred may be gone." Zhao Chengfeng takes the woman to the car and burns the rest of the paper money. Then he takes yuan Shanshan to the car and leaves Huaishu village.

After a day's tossing, Zhao Chengfeng is also tired. He wipes the blood on Yuan Shanshan's body. After changing his clothes, Zhao Chengfeng also sleeps in the past. Only when he sleeps in the middle of the night, he hears yuan Shanshan talking in her sleep. He cries and laughs for several times.


Looking at the way women cry and smile, Zhao Chengfeng's heart suddenly pulled up. In the past, he only thought that it was not easy for a girl yuan Shanshan to bear a deep blood feud, but he didn't know what was not easy, and he didn't know how painful yuan Shanshan's heart was. Today, Zhao Chengfeng knows.

"I'll drink spicy food with brother Feng in the future. Brother Feng won't let you suffer." With a sigh, Zhao Chengfeng finished smoking a cigarette and fell asleep with a woman in his arms.

To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, Yuan Shanshan didn't wake up. She just hugged him like a child.

"Ah, how do you feel like brother Feng has brought a bottle of oil?" Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head with a wry smile and strokes yuan Shanshan's hair. Suddenly, he feels that the woman who is sleeping is pretty.

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