Yuan Shanshan didn't wake up until noon. After waking up, Yuan Shanshan was still in a trance. She looked at Zhao Chengfeng and asked, "how long did I sleep?"

"It's longer than I expected, about thirteen hours." Zhao Chengfeng walked over with a smile, touched the woman's head and asked, "how do you feel now? Is there anything uncomfortable? "

Yuan Shanshan shook her head, looked at the man and said, "Chengfeng, thank you. Thank you for taking revenge for me."

"You have to understand that I am your man now, so I don't need to thank you."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "I said that maybe I'm not the best man in the world, but I try my best to be the most responsible man in the world. At least, the woman who follows me won't regret it."

"At least now I don't regret it."

"I won't regret it later."

Hearing the speech, Yuan Shanshan smiles and loves the country and the city.

"Did you change my clothes?" Yuan Shanshan opened the quilt, only to find that her clothes had changed, without yesterday's blood, clean and simple, with a touch of vanilla flavor, which is yuan Shanshan's favorite flavor.

"Of course."

"Did you take advantage of me? Nothing else? " Yuan Shanshan's face is slightly red. However, she has a lot of courage. She dares to make fun of Zhao Chengfeng.

"Of course!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily and continued: "I have done everything I can, but I forgot to do one thing."

"What's the matter?" Yuan Shanshan asked suspiciously.

"I forgot to take two photos. If you are not with me in the future, I can take them out and look at them." Zhao Chengfeng nodded his head solemnly and took it for granted.

Yuan Shanshan blushed even more, shook her head and got up from the bed.

Looking at the natural smile on the woman's face, Zhao Chengfeng sincerely feels happy for yuan Shanshan. Dust to dust, that hatred finally put down.

"Let's go out for a walk after dinner."

Zhao Chengfeng suggested: "the first time I came here, I ran for my life. This time I came here, and things were finished. Then we just went out to have a look at the scenery. How about it?"

"But I don't know what's interesting here." Yuan Shanshan felt guilty.

For more than ten years, Yuan Shanshan has more hatred in her heart. How can she care to play?

"Where you are, it's fun." Zhao Chengfeng looked at the woman affectionately and suggested, "why don't we stay in the hotel instead of going out? I won't play any more. How about you?"

"Not serious."

Rao is yuan Shanshan, who has a lot of courage and is scared by Zhao Chengfeng's suggestion. How about playing with herself? To put it bluntly, isn't that what happened in bed? It's too bad to be killed by him all afternoon?

"When the serious business is finished, shouldn't I do something to comfort myself?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, a little unhappy.

"Well, let's talk about it in the evening. It's not good to do that in broad daylight. I'll accompany you in the evening, OK?" Yuan Shanshan also felt sorry for Zhao Chengfeng.

As for men, it's understandable that there is a strong physiological demand, which proves that men are in good health and strong physique. What's more, Zhao Chengfeng pays too much for himself. What's more, he pays some for himself?

"Shanshan, it's very kind of you. I'll be sure at night..." Zhao Chengfeng was overjoyed by the news.

However, before Zhao Chengfeng finished speaking, the phone in his pocket rang.

"Didi... Didi..."

It's Pang Hu.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng answers the phone.

"Master, I have news from GE batian." Pang Hu's excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

Pang Hu sets out two days earlier than Zhao Chengfeng, ambushes in the dark ahead of time, and waits for GE batian to show up. Unexpectedly, this time Zhao Chengfeng is right. Ge batian is reluctant to give up his son and appears in the hospital.

"Well, have you found out what his intention is now?" Zhao Chengfeng put down the chopsticks and asked in a deep voice.

"Take his son far away."

Pang Hu said: "Ge batian has been operating in the northwest military region for many years. He has a few confidants. They don't know where they got a helicopter, and they just stop at the border between China and South Vietnam. They should start at night."

"Go? I'll let him go to hell. " Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng sneer unceasingly.

The reason why he didn't take ge batian's life last time was that he made a lot of contributions to the country. After thinking about it, he decided to put this son of a bitch under house arrest for life. Unexpectedly, he ran away.

This time, Zhao Chengfeng will not let the tiger go back. Last time Ge batian was a bull, but this time, he was just a prisoner. No, he was a fugitive. The dragon scale team never catches prisoners alive.

"Well, after the phone is down, give me a precise positioning, this is the first point; Second, you should investigate the situation around you. In addition, if you let the fuel out of the plane, I can't make it fly; Third, forget it. Without a third, I can kill that son of a bitch myself. " Zhao Chengfeng pondered.

On hearing this, Pang Hu knew what Zhao Chengfeng meant. He meant to do it himself.

However, Pang Hu said his question: "master, just Ge batian, don't do it yourself, or I'll come?"

"You? What do you have in mind? " Zhao Chengfeng.

"It's easy."

Pang Hu said excitedly: "I also have some relations in South Vietnam. We can get a time bomb directly and put it on the fuel tank. As soon as we get on the plane, we don't have to work hard to let them all die in half an hour."

Zhao Chengfeng thinks this method is good. However, after looking at Yuan Shanshan, he shakes his head and says, "no, GE batian, I have to live and hand it over to your teacher."

"Well, you do as I tell you. I'll adjust after dinner and come back on my horse. Do you understand?"

"I see. I'll do it first."


Zhao Chengfeng put down the phone, but met yuan Shanshan's grateful eyes, watery eyes like pearls, staring at Zhao Chengfeng, mumbling: "Chengfeng, thank you."

"Silly girl, didn't you say it all? I'm your man, your business is my business, and your dream is my dream. " Zhao Chengfeng fondly touched the woman's head, "similarly, your enemy is my enemy. Ge batian and Chen Gaowang killed our parents. Is this the end of the feud? No, absolutely not! "

Yuan Shanshan just looked at Zhao Chengfeng, two lines of tears fell silently, excited not to want, this man in his life.

"Well, don't cry. Let's have a meal. We have to go on our way after dinner. This evening is the death time of Ge batian!" Zhao Chengfeng said, grabbed the chopsticks and continued to eat.

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