The hospitals of the northwest provincial military region are the best hospitals in the whole northwest province. Whether they are internal medicine or surgery, they are of the first class and top level. Especially the orthopedics department is ranked among the best hospitals in the whole country and even in the world.

Because of this, Ge Bao's broken legs were gradually improved within three months. Today, Ge Bao can even walk more than ten meters with the help of crutches.

You know, Ge Bao's legs were very serious at the beginning, so serious that his kneecap was broken into several pieces.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you wait for me. When my legs are ready, I will make you pay a heavy price. At that time, I will not break your legs, but waste your limbs. No, it's five limbs!"

Ge Bao was lying on the hospital bed with a secret heart, and his eyes were full of light. Like many nights in the past, Ge Bao couldn't sleep. Every night, he would spend a long time "missing" his enemy, Zhao Chengfeng.

Tonight is no exception.

Ge Bao should always warn himself that he must remember the pain and shame brought by this enemy. Another reason for "missing" is that GE Bao recalled the scene of fighting with Zhao Chengfeng again and again. That scene, like a movie, appeared one by one in Ge Bao's mind. Ge Bao hoped to see Zhao Chengfeng's flaws.

Half an hour later, "Miss" almost, gebao fell asleep in the past, sleep is very stable, because there is a guard, not worried about someone breaking in.

Ge Bao knows very well that these "guards" are just sent by the top to monitor himself. If he recovers one day, he is likely to face imprisonment, just like his father.

Because of this, Ge Bao told himself that he must bear humiliation, not only to kill Zhao Chengfeng, but also to save his father.

"Dada... Dada..."

As soon as GE Bao lay down, he heard someone coming. He was also an expert. The most important thing was that he was too familiar with the steps of the comer. He had been listening to the sonorous, powerful and steady footsteps for more than 20 years. How could he not be familiar with them?

"Who? Stop

There was a groan outside the door, and the sound of footsteps stopped. Instead, there was the sound of bullets being loaded. Ge Bao knew it was the guards who were talking.

"Can't I come to visit my son?" The thick voice rang out with a sort of grimace.


"Click, click!"

After two sounds of bone fracture, the ward door opened.

"Father, is that you?" Hearing the door ring, Ge Bao turned on the light and sat up from the bed.

"Come with me, leopard."

The man in black who came in took off his hat. Isn't he Ge batian who escaped from the capital prison?

"Father, it's really you, how can you..." seeing his father, Ge Bao was very surprised, and he was very happy in the accident.

Just half an hour ago, Ge Bao thought that he would take care of his injury and recover his strength to save his father. Unexpectedly, his father came to save himself first. The surprise came too quickly.

"Leopard, no more nonsense. I ask you, can you go by yourself now?" Ge batian looked dignified and said in a deep voice, "we don't have much time. Ten minutes at most, their people will arrive."

"Dad, I'm sorry. I can't go. I've got this leg." Hearing this, Ge Bao was very upset, and his hatred for Zhao Chengfeng was strong.

Weak is not Zhao Chengfeng, how can he fall into the field now?

"It doesn't matter, I'll carry you, you come up!"

Ge batian was happy. He carried his son on his back and left.

"Dad, please let me down and take me with you. You can't go anywhere. Maybe they will catch you. Please let me down." Lying on his father's back, Ge Bao's heart was almost broken.

My father is over 50 years old and his hair is white. He should be enjoying the sunset, but he has to take his own life to the end of the world

"Don't talk!"

Ge batian said in a deep voice: "look around carefully. Let's rush down and go right away. I've already contacted you there. You don't have to worry about anything. My father is just a son like you. If I don't take you away, who will take you away? "


Ge Bao nodded heavily and swallowed his tears. He swore that he would kill Zhao Chengfeng and let him taste this kind of street mouse.

The father and son have a very tacit understanding, and they are very familiar with the corners of the hospital. After they easily evade monitoring and patrol, they get on the bus and leave the hospital. In the twinkling of an eye, they get on the highway and go to the border.

"I've finally left this place." Ge Bao looked back and saw that there was no car behind him, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

If he implicated his father because of himself, Ge Bao would feel guilty even if he died.

"I always think something is wrong." However, GE batian felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Dad, did you find anything?" Asked gebao.

Ge batian shook his head and said, "it's nothing. I just think it's too easy to rescue you. I always feel that I'm not sure."

"Dad, you think too much."

But Ge Bao said, "there are only two guards. If it wasn't for the injury on my leg, I would have run away very early. Where are these bastards your opponents?"

"Oh, so it is." Hearing Ge Bao's explanation, GE batian was a little relieved and then asked, "son, what's the matter with your injury?"

Referring to the leg injury, a touch of hatred appeared on Ge Bao's face. He gritted his teeth and said, "father, I only do two things in the second half of my life. The first thing is to kill the son of a bitch Zhao Chengfeng; The second thing is to be filial to your old people and to support you to the end. "

"Your leg..." listening to his son say so, GE batian felt a bad premonition in his heart, thinking that his son's leg was not good.

"The broken bones have been repaired, and there is no problem with the recovery, but it is not clear to what extent it will be recovered." Ge Bao explained: "however, even if my legs have been abandoned, I will let Zhao Chengfeng die and let him die without a place to be buried!"

Ge batian nodded and said angrily: "that's to say, you have to kill that son of a bitch. It's too bad. I was tortured at the beginning, but I almost didn't hurt you to death!"

Ge batian was also depressed in his heart. Thinking about Zhao Chengfeng's methods, now there is a cool wind on his back.

"Dad, this, this son of a bitch did the same to you?" Hearing these words, Ge Bao's hatred for Zhao Chengfeng became stronger.

Ge batian waved his hand and said, "OK, let's not talk about this matter. The most important thing for us now is to leave this shabby place in China first, damn it!"

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