"Captain, it's arrogant to kill this guy. I dare to challenge you!"

"Captain, would you like me to come?"

"Ah, the young people are too arrogant now. They dare to challenge the team leader. They are too brave."

Around the challenge arena, many people look at Zhao Chengfeng in the grandstand, shake their heads and sneer at him. Do they really think that holding a sword is a master? It's too pretentious.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't respond. He just stands quietly on the challenge arena and looks at Qin Yuzi walking slowly on the stage.

Qin Yuzi is an absolute master with a steady and powerful pace. Zhao Chengfeng judged that Qin Yuzi's strength should be a little stronger than Chiba's Zhou zuocheng's, but compared with his master, it's worse. As for Chen Yidao, it's even worse.

This is the reason why Zhao Chengfeng came to the appointment. For nothing else, he used Qin Yuzi as the touchstone to see how powerful the lethal sword moves are and whether his strength has increased these days. That's all.

"Zhao Chengfeng, if you give up and kowtow, I will forgive you." Qin Yuzi stood with a negative hand, his face with a trace of indifference and arrogance, but there was a potential murder in his eyes.

This is Qin Yuzi's strategy.

Since Gan's son was maimed, Qin Yuzi has done a lot of preparatory work, the most important of which is to investigate Zhao Chengfeng and understand his personality. Qin Yuzi knew that Zhao Chengfeng was a man who wanted to save face. How could he bow in front of so many people? How can I admit my mistake? You know, these onlookers, but Qin Yuzi personally pulled over, not to help, but to see Zhao Chengfeng's jokes.

Some of them, even Zhao Chengfeng's subordinates in the future, see their future boss bow down and admit their mistakes. Can they convince the public? Although it is a light sentence, it can kill two birds with one stone. It not only lays a nail for Zhao Chengfeng in the future, but also makes Zhao Chengfeng have no way back.

"Old man Qin, you talk too much nonsense. Do you use chicken soup to guide us all these years? Who is responsible for protecting the big leaders? " How can Zhao Chengfeng not understand Qin Yuzi's mind? However, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care.

We can't avoid a war today. Since we want to fight, let's have a good fight.

"What an arrogant boy. He's too presumptuous. How can he talk to the captain?"

"It's not like words. It's not like words. Don't you know what it means to respect the old and love the young?"

"Captain, you come down and let me teach this arrogant boy a lesson!"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's words fall, a stone stirs up a thousand waves. The spectators around him are not happy. They attack Zhao Chengfeng one after another and want to teach him a lesson. Qin Yuzi was very satisfied with this and wanted the effect.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't hear it. He didn't look at the guys around him. This is a powerful world. No matter how much he says, it's useless.

"Boy, since you have said that, I have to fight. For the sake of the reputation of our 731 army, I must defeat you today. Of course, if I hurt you or even kill you, you can't blame me. After all, you have no eyes. You won't listen to me for a long time." Qin Yuzi was embarrassed, but he was very excited.

It's too young to be stimulated.

"Old Qin, don't think I don't know what's in your mind."

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't listen any more. He hummed coldly: "I know that you hold a grudge against my son who hurt you. You pull a group of people to help you with your fists, and say blatantly bland nonsense. Don't you just want to kill me, and then find a reason to give it to the people above? Don't waste your time. If you want to fight, you'll fight. I've lived for more than 20 years, but I haven't seen an old man like a woman. Are you still a man? "

"Lizi, you want to die!" Qin Yuzi was so angry that he blushed and his neck was thick. For a moment, he was embarrassed. Unexpectedly, Zhao Chengfeng would expose himself to his face. He realized that there was something wrong in the eyes of the people below. Qin Yuzi suddenly drank, "I'll meet you today. I'll see how hard your fist is. I'll teach you a lesson for you. Hum

"It's good to have such a good time, isn't it?" Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head, but his eyes are always on Qin Yuzi in front of him.

Qin Yuzi was dressed in a grey robe, which was windless and full of energy. Even the air around him was turning.

"Boy, take my move, Fenglei boxing!"

The voice falls, Qin Yuzi a punch beat out, this punch full used 70% strength. Zhao Chengfeng's face was hurt by his huge fist.

Unfortunately, Zhao Chengfeng did not move. Standing in the same place, he was like a stake. He just held the handle of the knife with one hand, and the blue tendons on the back of his hand soared.

"Well, why doesn't that boy move? Waiting to be beaten? "

"Bullshit, I'm scared by the leader's momentum. You don't dare to move."

"I think so. Over the years, I've never seen a team leader lose."

When it was late, it was fast, and the style of boxing came in the blink of an eye, and it was about to hit Zhao Chengfeng on the chest.

"The sword comes out to seal the throat!"

At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng took out his hand. The sword came out of its sheath, and the red light suddenly appeared. It was like a shining rainbow. It was reflected in front of everyone, but there was only one color, deep red as thick as blood.

Red heart trembles!


The sword made a sound of breaking through the air, and a small force directly collided with the boxing style.


The fist was broken, and a trace of sword still rushed to Qin Yuzi.

"Well? No good

Aware of the crisis, Qin Yuzi was full of strength, arms and a sudden stop.



Qin Yuzi's sleeve was cut off, his arms showed a red mark, and there was blood oozing out. Everyone at the scene was silly. No one thought that Zhao Chengfeng had hurt Qin Yuzi with one move, even though it was not enough for Qin Yuzi.

But do you want more face?

"Cough, Captain, this is too obvious." Under the challenge arena a person dry cough way, however, this sentence, but let Qin Yuzi more embarrassed.

It can be seen from a fool that Qin Yuzi did it first. It's just a passive defense. How can we say let it go?

"Good boy, I haven't seen you for a few days. My accomplishments have risen greatly. I underestimated you before, but now I want to be serious." Although Qin Yuzi was angry, he was not flustered. No matter how strong Zhao Chengfeng was, he had to be limited by his own strength.

"Yes? Then it's my turn to attack. " At the corner of Zhao Chengfeng's mouth, he starts to sneer. Suddenly, people move. The red light of the sword is like a laser sword, shining brightly

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