"Look back at the moon!"

On the challenge arena, Zhao Chengfeng is very different from before. When he doesn't move, he moves like a rabbit. With the long sword waving, he rolls up his killing intention like a wave. The killing intention spreads, and people are shocked.

At this moment, no one dares to underestimate Zhao Chengfeng any more. If he is far away, he just takes the sword. It's too fast. In the blink of an eye, he hurts Qin Yuzi in the realm of magic martial arts. You know, he looks in his early 30s at most.

When they were 30 years old, they didn't even have the courage to fight with Qin Yuzi and other experts. How could they despise Zhao Chengfeng?

"Come on, today, I'll let you have a taste of my strength and watch my boxing!"

Qin Yuzi can't bear it any more. Zhao Chengfeng has to be dragged away. Today, Zhao Chengfeng must be given some color to see. Otherwise, how can he avenge his son and lead the 731 army in the future?

"I'll take the hammer. Captain, it's a big move."

"What a strong momentum!"

When Qin Yuzi's move came out, people were surprised again. This is Qin Yuzi's signature skill, which is extremely powerful. Qin Yuzi was surrounded by her hands. Her strength was like a whirlpool. She turned rapidly, forming a wave.

The pressure of the air wave is smaller and smaller, but the power it contains is bigger and bigger.


Facing Zhao Chengfeng's sword move, Qin Yuzi pushed his hands forward.

"Break it for me!"

Zhao Chengfeng had already sensed the strength of the storm, and in an instant he raised two points of strength and stabbed it with a sword. If Qin Yuzi's air wave is a balloon, which contains strong energy, Zhao Chengfeng's sword is like the tip of a needle.


The balloon broke, which means that Qin Yuzi's sky hammer was broken by Zhao Chengfeng, but the explosion wave also shocked Zhao Chengfeng.


Zhao Chengfeng flies backwards and falls to the ground heavily. He only feels the Qi and blood in his body surging, which is very uncomfortable. After all, he is a strong man in the middle stage of the magic martial arts realm. The gap of strength is too big.

No matter how fierce and advanced Zhao Chengfeng's deadly sword moves are, the huge gap in strength is not so easy to make up. It's like sea water and well water.

Well water is very high-grade, which can be drunk when it is scooped up, while sea water is much lower, which can't be drunk directly. But it doesn't mean that well water is better than sea water, because the amount of sea water is there.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng is like well water, while Qin Yuzi is like sea water, covering all the light of Zhao Chengfeng.

"Boy, now I know my strength." Qin Yuzi once again complacent sneer, staring at Zhao Chengfeng, as if looking at a doll in general.

In Qin Yuzi's opinion, a fight with Zhao Chengfeng is like a fight between an adult and a kindergarten child. A child is angry at most and bites himself. But once an adult is angry, he can kill the kindergarten child with one hand.

Now Zhao Chengfeng, Qin Yuzi can fan to death with a slap. However, Qin Yuzi couldn't come forward to shoot him to death. It seemed that he had no spirit, and the great leader was watching on the wall.

Qin Yuzi must enrage Zhao Chengfeng, let him stand up, and take the initiative to attack himself. Just now that "sky hammer" has hurt Zhao Chengfeng. As long as he comes again, Qin Yuzi can kick Zhao Chengfeng to death.

This is strength!

"If you give up now and kowtow to apologize, I can forgive you and let you go." Qin Yuzi continued to stimulate.


Zhao Chengfeng, holding his sword, slowly stood up, spitting out a mouthful of thick phlegm with blood in it, and obviously suffered a lot of injuries.

"I, Zhao Chengfeng, kneel down. Parents, let me kneel down to you? There's no way Zhao Chengfeng glared at Qin Yuzi and hummed coldly: "Qin Yuzi, I admit that you are very powerful. The mid-term master of magic martial arts is really extraordinary, but I have to surrender to this strength. I'm afraid you've made a wrong calculation."

"Young man, bow down and admit defeat. Since you know our team leader is the medium-term strength of magic martial arts realm, why try to be brave?"

"Yes, it's no shame to bow down and admit defeat."

"Admit it."

For a moment, the onlookers all around comforted Zhao Chengfeng, because Zhao Chengfeng showed great strength before, which made people have to look at him. Just as he pulled out his sword, many people smelled the smell of death.

Even if Zhao Chengfeng is not as good as Qin Yuzi, he will never be humiliated. Instead of being as mean as before, we appreciate Zhao Chengfeng.

"Zhao Chengfeng, admit defeat. You are not my opponent." Qin Yuzi once again said that he hated the people beside him. He was paralyzed. Did I want him to admit defeat? I want his life.

If this boy really bows his head and admits defeat, whose is it? A bunch of jerks.

"Give up? Ha ha, I, Zhao Chengfeng, have never admitted defeat. Today, I still won't! " Zhao Chengfeng looks up at the sky and roars, his inner strength surging, and the surrounding air is restless again.

Qin Yuzi sneered, "stubborn!"

"Old Qin, take it."

"Sky hammer!"

Qin Yuzi also moved, the same momentum as the sea suddenly increased, at this moment, Qin Yuzi was like a God, majestic, his hands around the waves, gradually compressed.

This time, Qin Yuzi used 90% of his strength to kill the son of a bitch and avenge his son.

"Ah, the boy is miserable. The captain is really angry."

"Yes, it's not easy to have such accomplishments when you are young. Why must you be so stubborn?"

"You see, what kind of sword move is this?"

All of a sudden, there was an exclamation in the crowd. Zhao Chengfeng on the challenge arena was waving his sword continuously, faster and faster. Gradually, since he couldn't see Zhao Chengfeng's sword clearly, he only saw a red light, like a big fireball, and felt the power from a distance.

Not hot, but cold, cold into the bone marrow!

"Heaven hammer, go!"

By this time, Qin Yuzi was ready to finish. He pushed his hands forward and smashed them against the red light. Qin Yuzi was confident that Zhao Chengfeng would die, even to pieces, if he smashed the punch!

"The breeze blows, let it go

Not to be outdone, Zhao Chengfeng's sword suddenly swept away, and the fire was like a huge wave.

"Boom boom!"

In the blink of an eye, the air wave collided with the fireball, making a deafening sound. Even the ground was shaking, as if there had been a strong earthquake.


Strong waves hit, Zhao Chengfeng can not resist, flying upside down, blood from the sky, beautiful and charming.

"No, it's a big move!"

Qin Yuzi was acutely aware of the danger. He took a strong breath to protect his whole body. But just at this time, a row of fire waves came, and his strength was like a knife. He cut Qin Yuzi's robe, which made Qin Yuzi's face very painful.

"Kick, kick, kick." Qin Yuzi only stabilized himself after ten steps back.

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