"This... How is this possible?" Qin Yuzi looked at Zhao Chengfeng who fell on the ground with a look of shock.

Looking at her ragged clothes and hair, like a beggar, Qin Yuzi was surprised and speechless for a long time, but Zhao Chengfeng slowly got up. Although Zhao Chengfeng was not easy, Qin Yuzi felt even worse.

In March, this son has grown up so fast. In time, he will become a hero, just like his father.

"My God, he, who is he?"

All the spectators around the challenge arena were dumbfounded and shocked. Looking at Zhao Chengfeng, who was like a bloody man, he stood up. Although he was embarrassed, he had to be admired.

A guy less than 30 years old can make Qin Yuzi in the middle stage of magic martial arts so embarrassed. This is his ability, this is his ability. And people also feel that their faces are being slapped, painful and sour

"When I see him, how can I feel that I have spent so many years in vain?" One of them said dejectedly, shaking his head.

"With this strength, it's not too much for us 731 to be a team leader."

"Well, it's much better to be a son than a captain. That's the real genius. I've convinced him anyway."

All the comments of his subordinates went into Qin Yuzi's ears. When he came back to himself, Qin Yuzi's face turned red and white, and his heart was shocked and angry.

Qin Yuzi didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng could hurt himself in less than three months. How did he practice?

"Ah, it's still too weak. It can only hurt his skin, but it can't hurt his root. It seems that leaping cultivation is really a little reluctant. Now his body is empty, and he can't lift any energy." Unlike Qin Yuzi, Zhao Chengfeng stood up and sighed. He was not particularly satisfied with his performance.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want this kind of effect. It's Zhao Chengfeng's strongest move to use Qingfeng to brush his face. Unexpectedly, Qin Yuzi is still standing.

"Zhao Chengfeng, I underestimate you, but you are still not my opponent. I will kill you!"

Back to God, Qin Yuzi was angry. No one had ever made him so embarrassed. This account must be calculated with him.

"You want my life? I'm afraid it's not enough. If you have the guts, try again. " Zhao Chengfeng was surprised, but he raised his sword with a sneer.

The sword body is still full of red light, but the red light is flickering, which is a sign of the strength of the spirit. But even so, Zhao Chengfeng still won't give up, let alone bow to admit defeat.

"Lao Qin, stop it!"

On the wall of the city, the leader who saw this scene through the telescope got angry and gave a loud shout. Unfortunately, the distance was too far for Qin Yuzi to hear. Even if he heard it, Qin Yuzi would not stop.

This son is too strong and has great potential. It must be a great trouble to keep him in the future. Rather than that, it's better to beat him to death early so as to avoid long dreams.

"Damn old Qin, it's too shameful!" Tang Ao was in bad weather and ran downstairs.

Tang Aotian saw all the duels just now. Even though he was far away, Tang Aotian could still feel the strength of Zhao Chengfeng. Maybe Zhao Chengfeng is not as strong as Qin Yuzi now, but not necessarily in the future. It's so shocking, especially the last sword. Tang Aotian can feel the strong sense of killing from a long distance.

And, you know, there is a man behind Zhao Chengfeng. His name is Zhao Feilong. Once Zhao Feilong gets angry, I'm afraid the whole 731 people may not be his opponents.

It is the most powerful existence in China, and it is also the existence of God.

"Then I'll give you another bang."

Qin Yuzi stomped at his feet, and his momentum rose sharply. His fist was covered with a layer of forceful energy, and he smashed at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Lao Wang, son of a bitch, I'll fight with you!" Zhao Chengfeng knows that he can't escape. Qin Yuzi and Zhao Chengfeng put himself to death. How can Zhao Chengfeng wait to die? Lifting the almost empty energy in his body, he rushed to the sword, and put his left hand into the bag.

Zhao Chengfeng will not wait to die, that can only use unconventional means.


Seeing Zhao Chengfeng come, Qin Yuzi is very happy and smashes his head at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Damn you, big head!"

At the same time, a handful of quicklime powder in his hand is scattered out, and the white fog is confused.

"Ah, my eyes." Qin Yuzi was caught off guard. He was caught in the action and immediately cried out in pain.

Zhao Chengfeng stabs Qin Yuzi in the past with his sword. Originally, it hit Qin Yuzi in the face. Zhao Chengfeng's sword deviates and avoids the past. Qin Yuzi is a fortune of China after all. It's a pity to kill him.

"Ah, this, this..."

"This move is too..."

All the onlookers around are silly. It's obvious that Zhao Chengfeng won, but to tell you the truth, it's not so glorious to win. It's like fighting with children and playing tricks, but it's also good to play tricks. People win.

"Smelly boy, I'm going to kill you, you bastard!" Qin Yuzi rubbed his eyes, finally saw Zhao Chengfeng's figure, raised his hand and photographed him.

"Damn, I just spared your life. I'll..."


Zhao Chengfeng didn't finish a word. The palm of his hand had arrived. Zhao Chengfeng couldn't avoid being shot in the chest. The whole person flew up again and hit the challenge arena heavily. The yellow dust filled with blood.

"Qin Yuzi, I'll fuck your grandmother, cough..." Zhao Chengfeng yelled, his heart filled with crazy hatred. Paralyzed, I should have killed the old son of a bitch with one sword if I knew that.

It's too bad.

"Captain, this..."


For a moment, all people have no good feelings for Qin Yuzi. The young people are merciful to you. As an elder, how can they kill you? There is not a bit of master demeanor, not to mention the elder demeanor.

"Smelly boy, I used such a mean and shameless method. I'm going to kill you." However, Qin Yuzi couldn't listen to anything. He just wanted to kill Zhao Chengfeng and kill the son of a bitch.

Striding forward, Qin Yuzi clenched her fist, her eyes flashing with anger, and her killing intention was even stronger.

"Lao Wang, son of a bitch, I really shouldn't spare you a dog's life." Zhao Chengfeng looked at the old man came, heart suddenly sink to the bottom, life can not be too kind.

In particular, to be kind to the enemy and to be soft on his people is to be cruel to himself.

"Little bastard, go to hell." Qin Yuzi raised his fist and raised a grim smile at the corner of his mouth.

Zhao Chengfeng watched his fist fall, not dodging, even if he died, Zhao Chengfeng had to keep his dignity.

"Stop it

All of a sudden, a light rebuke sounded, and the green light flashed, straight at Qin Yuzi.


Qin Yuzi was caught off guard. He was hit by a hand and fell to the ground in a great confusion.

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