Crazy night, two people do not know when to sleep in the past, however, when they wake up, the sun has been three poles.

"Xiaoqing, do you regret it?" Zhao Chengfeng embraces a woman, some distressed.

Ye Zhuqing shakes her head slightly and shows a smile of satisfaction. She doesn't answer. She just pecks on Zhao Chengfeng's cheek. Her heart is self-evident.

"Xiaoqing, do you know?"

Zhao Chengfeng hugged him more tightly and said slowly: "in fact, I always felt that I owed myself. That day in the hotel, I, I really felt that you were a very dissolute woman. Then, when I was angry, I put you up. But I didn't expect that there were many things buried in your heart. I admit that I just wanted to make up for you at the beginning. Maybe I didn't really love you at that time, but later, I really fell in love with you. "

The woman quietly lies in Zhao Chengfeng's arms, with a smile on her face.

"From that moment on, I have been telling myself that you ye Zhuqing is Zhao Chengfeng's woman. I want to protect you all my life and love you all my life. So whatever you want, I will satisfy you. But I also know that you are a very strong girl, so the company's finance can't keep up with you. I didn't take money directly for you, let Mingzi buy pikefeng privately... "

"It's popular. Don't say it."

Ye Zhuqing's heart is full of warmth, blocking Zhao Chengfeng's lips, soft voice: "no matter what happened in the past, now we are together, as long as we are together in the future, this will be enough."

"I know you're very playful. I'm not the only woman, but it doesn't matter as long as I love you."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng moved to tears, what a good sister.

"Chengfeng, I don't want to live forever. I just want to have it." Ye Zhuqing continues to move Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't be moved. When he was moved, he became a beast. After rolling on the bed for a while, they got up from the bed. If Nangong Ming hadn't called for lunch, he would have been bored in bed for a while.

"Chengfeng, you are too fierce. We must stipulate that next time I take the initiative, you just lie down and enjoy it." As soon as they went out, they whispered.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "how can that work? You should enjoy it. It doesn't matter if I'm tired. "

"Villain, you are so fierce, who can stand you?" Ye Zhuqing rolled his eyes. His pretty face was red with shame. He regretted it as soon as he opened his mouth. He scolded himself for not being shy. How could he be like a woman at night?

"Hey, brother Feng is in good health. I can't help it, so I need more women..." Zhao Chengfeng looks elated and holds his head high, just like the rooster who won the battle.

But just then, a woman came out of the elevator.

"Uncle, you, you..." Tian Xin'er just had lunch in the hotel hall. Unexpectedly, he met Zhao Chengfeng as soon as he went upstairs. He was a little happy for a while.

However, Tian xiner was not happy soon, because there was a woman beside Zhao Chengfeng, and she was also an extremely beautiful woman. The most important thing was that they were intimate, just like a couple of beauties.

They must be lovers, even husband and wife! At least Tian Xin'er thinks that they are talented and beautiful, but Tian Xin'er doesn't know why. Suddenly, she feels uncomfortable. She always feels that someone has robbed her baby.

"Xin'er, I didn't expect to meet you here. Why are you going?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't feel anything. He said with a smile, "Xin'er, let me introduce you to my girlfriend ye Zhuqing; Xiaoqing, this is Tian Xin'er, the female anchor of my live broadcast platform, who also lives in this hotel. "

"Hello, sister Xiaoqing, you are so beautiful." Tian Xin'er grinned, but reluctantly.

Ye Zhuqing is no longer the underworld princess who only knows how to make trouble. After working experience, ye Zhuqing's eyes are obviously more vicious. At a glance, he can see that Tian xiner has an idea about Zhao Chengfeng.

"Xin'er, you are beautiful, too." Ye Zhuqing said with a smile: "since we are all friends, let's go to dinner together. Let's have a good chat. Your skin is so good, I want to ask you for advice."

Tian Xin'er shook his head, "no, I've just had dinner. There's still something to deal with on the live broadcasting platform. I'll be busy first. You can have a good meal and drink. We'll talk next time."

"Well, next time." Ye Zhuqing waved his hand.

Watching Tian Xin'er enter the room, ye Zhuqing looks back at Zhao Cheng and says, "what? Not yet? "

"What do you mean?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't respond for a moment.

"Cut, still pack!"

Ye Zhuqing snorted and said, "don't think I can't see it. This girl is interested in you. Besides, other people's girls are so beautiful, pink and chubby. How lovely are they? How dare you say that you are not interested in other people? "


Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile and said: "I admit that I have no immunity to beautiful women. But now I'm not in the mood to think about these things. I have more important things to do."

"Tut Tut, is there anything more important than picking up girls?" Ye Zhuqing joked that other things about Zhao Chengfeng are really unclear.

The biggest impression of Zhao Chengfeng on ye Zhuqing is that he is lustful and cheeky.

"Xiaoqing, that's what I want to tell you." Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath: "years ago, my wife had an accident, so I had to find her. What I'm going to do next is this, so I may not have much time to accompany you. I hope you can understand me? "

"What happened to your wife? What's the matter? " Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng is not joking, ye Zhuqing's eyebrows suddenly twist up. No, Zhao Chengfeng is already very powerful. Under his protection, how can his wife have an accident?

"It's hard to say

They walk very slowly. Zhao Chengfeng tells ye Zhuqing everything that happened five or ten years ago. At the same time, he also tells ye Zhuqing some basic knowledge of the ancient martial arts world. Since ye Zhuqing has really become his own woman, Zhao Chengfeng has absolutely no reason to hide.

"So, so it is." After hearing this, ye Zhuqing was worried and said, "well, don't you always have to face all kinds of dangers?"

"Dangerous? Ha ha. "

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "this is the life of people. I can't help it. I can't avoid some things."


Ye Zhuqing said seriously: "Chengfeng, you are not alone, so you must protect yourself, for yourself, for me, for those girls who love you, for your family!"

Zhao Chengfeng's nose was sour. He was so moved that he nodded and said, "don't worry, I will protect myself, I will!"

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