When Zhao Chengfeng and ye Zhuqing arrive at the private room, Chengkang and nangongming have arrived with their families. The three girls got to know each other for a while, and then they sat around, chattering and making noise, totally ignoring the three big men of Zhao Chengfeng.

"Tut Tut," Cheng Kang said with a smack of his tongue, "women are naturally familiar with cosmetics and clothes. They can chat for three days and three nights without taking a rest."

"If you want to be envious, you can also become a woman. I'll send you to Thailand for free. It's said that the transsexual surgery there is excellent." Nangong Ming said with a smile as he puffed his cigarette.

Cheng Kang's eyes narrowed, and he said with a bad smile, "what's the matter with dogs these days?"

"Damn it Nangong Ming's face turned black and he hummed and stopped talking.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile and asked, "why don't you two get married when you can talk so much?"

"Who will marry him? I don't want to be a fundamentalist? " Nangong knew that his eyes were turning around, and he seemed to think of something. He said, "by the way, this morning, Zhang Qi called me and said that he wanted to see you. He thought that he was going to apologize. Did you see it or didn't you see it? I'll give him a call if you want to see him

"Let him come here. He is idle anyway." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it.

Despite Zhang's and Zhang's arrogance, Zhang Qi is at least a young man in the capital. Although he is arrogant and domineering, I have to admit that Zhang Qi can make trouble. At the same time, he bought more than 60% of the shares of Jingxi Hotel. Zhao Chengfeng convinced Zhang Qi that at least Zhang Qi was not the black sheep who only knew how to eat, drink, whore and gamble. He used his ability to create a little wealth and contacts for Zhang.

And Zhang Qi's network is not her own?

Once Zhang Qi comes over, the three women in front of her face to face. In the future, ye Zhuqing and others will go to the capital to do something, and the resistance will be much less. It has always been Zhao Chengfeng's way of doing things.

After all, the fate of Wang pangzi and ye Tiancheng is enough to frighten Zhang Qi and make him dare not have other ideas.

"Well, I'll give you a call." Nangong Ming takes out his mobile phone and dials it to Zhang Qi.

Chengkang didn't understand this very well, and he didn't think as far as Zhao Chengfeng thought. He could not help complaining: "you are crazy. Zhang Qi is not on the road, so I have to teach you a lesson. I know these children in the capital very well. If I don't give them some color, I don't know how powerful they are."

"Destroy Zhang Qi, heaven and earth you will manage?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"I..." Cheng Kang immediately embarrassed incomparable, let oneself shoot a gun to shoot a gun to shoot a gun to still go, but want to let Cheng Kang go to the market to calculate, really not that material鈥?I, I can't. isn't there Mingzi? I've been learning to do business since I was born. "

"He has two hands on his own. His online gambling city is in the process of preparation. He is too busy to manage his own business. How can he manage the hotel?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head.

As soon as Cheng Kang heard this, he didn't say a word. He seemed to understand Zhao Chengfeng's intention. Sometimes it's not difficult to slap people to death. It's just that they all die. Who will do things for him?

Instead of killing them, it's better to stay by your side, serve yourself and maximize your interests.

"Mingzi, how is your online gambling city going? When will it officially open? " Zhao Chengfeng turns his head and looks at Nangong Ming.

Referring to this matter, Nangong Ming frowned and shook his head, sighing: "I thought it too simple before, but now I'm really in a bit of trouble."

"Tell me what the trouble is."

"Site domain name."

"I plan to use Huaxia's domain name for online gambling city, but Huaxia's control is extremely strict in this respect. As soon as it goes online, it will be suppressed crazily, and it may even be closed down as soon as it starts business," Nangong said

"It's simple. It's a big deal to use foreign domain names." As soon as Cheng Kang heard this, he could not help turning his lips. He obviously looked down on Nangong Ming's intelligence. He was a businessman and didn't know how to adapt.

People live, trees die.

"If you don't move anything, don't stir it up. It's just your ability, isn't it?" Nangong understood Chengkang for a moment, but didn't have a good way: "are foreign domain names so easy to use? Let's not say for a moment whether the domain name application can be successful. Even if it is successful, with the greedy degree of those guys abroad, it's not enough for me to swallow it? What's more, my contacts are all in China. How can I publicize them with foreign domain names? "

"Cough." Cheng Kang laughs and is robbed. He doesn't know how to refute. For these things, Cheng Kang really doesn't know much.

"It's not hard either."

Zhao Chengfeng laughed and said, "there are two cities in China that are allowed to have one country, two systems. Among them, Aocheng is a famous gambling city in China and even the world. You can go to Aocheng to set up a website. It connects China and the world at the same time, killing two birds with one stone. "

"Heroes think alike!"

Nangong mingchong gives Zhao Chengfeng a thumbs up and praises: "I'm also thinking about this method. By contrast, it's definitely the best way at present. The only disadvantage is that we don't have any background in Aocheng. I heard that Aocheng is also a gathering place of gangs. In case someone cuts us as soon as it passes, it's ok..." Nangong mingchong blinks his eyes, The thief said with a smile: "madman, I'd like to borrow someone from you. I think your apprentice is very good. I'll borrow it for two days."

"You..." Zhao Chengfeng grins bitterly. Nangong Ming has been calculating himself for a long time.

"Unscrupulous businessman, damn it, even my brother is calculating. Nangong Ming, you are so shameless." Cheng Kang also said with a smile.

Nangong Mingshen continued with a big smile: "brother Feng, let's discuss it."

"OK, I'll go back to Beihai tomorrow. I'll talk to Pang Hu later." Zhao Chengfeng didn't refuse either. After all, it's his brother's business and we can't ignore it.

What's more, Zhao Chengfeng is also afraid of Nangong Ming's temperament. If he goes to Macao to fight with others, he will be in trouble. After all, Macao is not the capital. The mountains are high and the emperor is far away. They are not afraid of Nangong Ming.

Three people are talking, Zhang Qi came trembling, holding a box for Maotai, looking at Zhao Chengfeng in horror.

"Brother Feng, I've done it. From today, no, from last night, you'll never see fat Wang again." Zhang Qi carefully way, legs can't help shaking up.

"Well, it's done well." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said: "heaven and earth are still under your management. In addition, I'll introduce some people to you. This is ye Zhuqing, my girlfriend; This is Liao Susu, that is Xu Jiaojiao. They are all... "

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