"The Wangs in Beijing came to me a few days ago. The green light of the company went all the way to the end, and it has developed well. Up to now, you have earned the money from parkpeak." They were chatting while eating in the restaurant.

Today's ye Zhuqing is more mature than in the past. A black professional dress, elegant but sexy, sexy but not frivolous, with willow like eyebrows, a pair of dark eyes, exudes wisdom and fierce light, and is full of the momentum of a strong woman.

How to see are incompatible with the man in front of, but, only in the face of Zhao Chengfeng, ye Zhuqing's eyes will bloom.

Many times, ye Zhuqing is thinking about a question: why do you like this man? Is it because he repeatedly appeared like prince charming to save himself?

Not all of them. Men may have such and such problems, but no matter what shortcomings, can not cover up the light of men, serious and responsible, have to bear!

"I don't think there will be any problem with the company. After all, you have paid enough tuition fees. With the help of old doggerel Qu Xiaoqiang, even if you can't make a lot of money, you won't lose." Zhao Chengfeng light should be way, heart said at that time out of a car accident, Qu Xiaoqiang such a talent to send over.

In any way, Qu Xiaoqiang is a rare talent. There is no need to talk about his major. Otherwise, Qu Xiaoqiang will not earn more than 10 million yuan by himself. He bought a Rolls Royce in his thirties.

What happened in Jingxi Hotel made Zhao Chengfeng see Qu Xiaoqiang's loyalty. Even though his ability was limited, Qu Xiaoqiang's loyalty to the LORD was not a problem.

This is why Zhao Chengfeng was so angry that he wanted to kill Wang pangzi.

"Is that all you ask of me?" Smell speech, leaf bamboo green Xiu, eyebrow tiny Cu, put down knife and fork, some small depressed.

Ye Zhuqing is also a woman with high self-esteem. She doesn't like the feeling of being despised. This is to start a company, not to do charity. Ye Zhuqing is a businessman. He doesn't start a company to make money, just to not pay? It's better to find a job and be a white collar.

"It's not for you."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile and said seriously: "there is nothing better than stability. As your man, I hope you will be happy all your life, but I care more about your safety."

"I think you know how many enemies I've provoked since we've known each other. They can't do anything about me. Can't they do anything about you?" Zhao Chengfeng gave an example and said, "what's more, you look so beautiful. When you go to the capital for a walk, you are watched. Did you forget the last time you were in Jingxi Hotel?"

Ye Zhuqing felt a little more comfortable after hearing the speech, but the woman still said, "you don't have to worry about safety. I have my own sense of propriety. The company must make money. I want to make a lot of money. "

"Why make money?" Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Nonsense, of course, to prove it to you."

Ye Zhuqing said solemnly, "not only to prove it to you, but also to the whole world. I, ye Zhuqing, want to tell the world that women can make money."

"You can do whatever you like as long as you are happy. I have two demands. " Zhao Chengfeng didn't disturb the women's interest either. With a tight complexion, he stretched out a finger and said, "first, safety; Second, take care of your body. Without good health, where can we find a better life in the future? "


Ye Zhuqing face slightly red, not to be outdone, said: "you'd better take care of yourself, a scar, don't accidentally be chopped to death, cut disabled guess is."

"What the hell? Curse me? " Zhao Chengfeng's eyelids jump.

"If you die, it's OK. It's over. You don't have to worry about anything. You're going to be disabled. I'll have to take care of you all my life." Ye Zhuqing said: "if you don't protect yourself, you can wait. When you are old, push you down on the square or in the park. You can sit in a wheelchair and watch me dance square dance with other old masters. I'm so angry with you and me."

"Damn it

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, his eyes were staring straight. What a smelly girl! What a poisonous woman is there?

"Don't be such a jerk. How's your kidney?" Ye Zhuqing raises the corner of her mouth slightly and shows a funny smile. Her eyes fall on Zhao Chengfeng's lower body intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhao Chengfeng can't listen any more and doesn't eat any more. He drags ye Zhuqing all the way home. Obviously, it's a fierce hand-to-hand battle. Ye Zhuqing takes a vacation at home the next day and doesn't go to work.

And Zhao Chengfeng swaggered out of the door, like a winning rooster, and left with his head high.

In ye Zhuqing, Zhao Chengfeng selflessly releases the pressure, but when Zhao Chengfeng comes to the gate of his mother-in-law's Wang Qiuxiang community, his heart suddenly sinks to the bottom of the valley, and Xia Bingbing can't help but emerge in his mind.

Women, after all, left.


After smoking three cigarettes in a row, Zhao Chengfeng tried to calm down, and then he stepped into the community.

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

"Here, just a moment." Just after knocking on the door, Wang Qiuxiang's voice came from the room. Wang Qiuxiang's voice was obviously smaller than before, and his mood was very low.

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng felt a pain in his heart and stood straight outside the door.


The door opened, Wang Qiuxiang looked up, some surprised, "Xiaofeng, you, how did you come?"

"Mom, I'm on a mission. I'm passing by Beihai city. I'll come back to see you sometime." Zhao Chengfeng grinned, showing a far fetched and bitter smile.

Dare not face, do not want to face, but in the end have to face.

"Come in and sit down." Wang Qiuxiang's nose is sour and he can't tell what it's like. He invites Zhao Chengfeng into the room.

As in the past, the room was as like as two peas in the past, and the furnishings in the house were still the same as in the past. Just how they felt they were missing one person, and made two people feel uncomfortable. For a while, the two people had not heard for a long time, and the atmosphere was depressed and dreary.

"Mom, I think you already know something about Bingbing." Zhao Chengfeng finally spoke, escape is not the way, "I'm sorry for you, but you can rest assured that I will bring Bingbing back, certainly."

Referring to her daughter, Wang Qiuxiang couldn't help but shed tears and sobbed silently.

How can Wang Qiuxiang not be sad with such a daughter and such a family member?

"Mom, believe me, I will definitely bring Bingbing back. If I don't bring Bingbing back, I will swear not to be a human being!" Zhao Chengfeng bites his teeth and swears.

Wang Qiuxiang nodded, still did not answer.

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