"Bingbing, even if it is the end of the earth, I will bring you back, you wait for me, you must wait for me!" Out of the community, Zhao Chengfeng's heart is undoubtedly a lot more heavy.

Wang Qiuxiang doesn't cry. He just tears in silence. He doesn't blame Zhao Chengfeng at all. But his mother-in-law's tears hurt Zhao Chengfeng deeply.

Family love can never be given up.

"Didi... Didi..."

Just at this time, Zhao Chengfeng's phone rang. Zhao Chengfeng felt it out and saw that it was Xiao Wang's phone call, which made Zhao Chengfeng a little surprised. Does Xiao Wang want to avenge spade K?

"Hello, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng answers the phone, but his tone is not very good.

"Spade nine, it's only a month and a half away from the big party. Are you ready?" Xiao Wang seems to have forgotten his grudge with Zhao Chengfeng, and his tone is very flat.

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng frowned and asked, "isn't it the annual meeting? Let's have dinner and sing together. What can I do for you? "

"What else is there to prepare?"

Xiao Wang sneered: "you are spade nine. As the team leader, don't you know that you are still short of one person? Sakura nine was brutally killed by you. At present, there are only three people in your group. Among these three people, you haven't even seen Hongtao nine. Why don't you bring the remnant array to the annual party

"What do you mean? Do you still have any requests for the party Zhao Chengfeng's brows tightened even more.

Xiao Wang didn't mention it. When he mentioned it, Zhao Chengfeng almost forgot it.

"That's nature." Wang zhengse said: "if the members are not all, how to hold the annual meeting? At the annual meeting, there will be certain rewards and punishments for everyone's contributions and crimes in the past year. "

"So now I have to find my own people and find a cherry blossom nine?" Zhao Chengfeng finally understood.

"Well, yes, that's it."

"What are the requirements of Cherry Blossom nine's choice?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

"It's up to you."

Wang explained: "generally speaking, the members of each group are complementary to each other. For example, in your group, your fighting ability is the strongest. Hongtaojiu is responsible for intelligence collection. Whether or not square nine makes money is equivalent to the finance minister of your group. Sakura nine is different. Sakura nine is an aid to the three of you. "

"For example, if you think your combat team is not strong enough, you can find an expert to join it; If you feel that your group's economy is stretched, find a rich person to fill in. How to choose is up to you. "

Zhao Chengfeng finally understood. No matter how much he said, the key point is one - the choice of personnel depends on Zhao Chengfeng's decision.

"But, Zhao Chengfeng, I want to remind you." At this time, the kid said: "no matter what kind of person you choose to join your group, once you make sure that he becomes a member of Po Tian, you have to learn to unite with your colleagues. You can't go your own way and kill them. If the last situation happens again, Po Tian will punish you."


Zhao Chengfeng disagreed and asked: "if the people below are not obedient, do I have to keep him? I'm not stupid. "

"You Xiao Wang is very angry.

But Zhao Chengfeng didn't hear it. With a "pa", he put down the phone and said, "what kind of rules? Do his mother's bullshit, I want to have absolute super strength, can you punish me? There's no way

With the deeper understanding of Po Tian, Zhao Chengfeng is not particularly afraid of Po Tian. It's true that Po Tian is mysterious and powerful, but up to now, the only one who can bring trouble to Zhao Chengfeng is Xiao Wang. Of course, the king must be stronger!

As for the spade K, Zhao Chengfeng, one of the four Dharma protectors, has long been killed by Zhao Chengfeng.

"Anyway, anyone can get in and pull in the sky. It's better for Cherry Blossom nine to fill in her own people, so that when it comes to the sky breaking party, she can be regarded as a helper." Zhao Chengfeng is so calculating, but for a moment, he doesn't know who to choose.

"Didi... Didi..." as Zhao Chengfeng was thinking about something, the phone rang again. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, the phone was actually called by Liu Shiyun. Is something wrong with the company?

Zhao Chengfeng quickly picked up the phone and said, "Shiyun, can I help you?"

"Ah, you did?" Liu Shiyun's unexpected voice came from the phone, "I'm ok. I'll just make a call to see if I can get through to you. I didn't expect that you really answered."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng can't laugh or cry, this Ni son also too pull, casually hit just, also too casually.

"I thought there was something important. You've been playing for a long time." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile and said, "by the way, how can I be so free today? I think of calling me."

"Shall I call you often? It's just that you didn't answer. You've never been in the service area. " Liu Shiyun said this in his heart, but he said: "today, I went to Penghai on behalf of the company to participate in a business promotion conference. It is said that nearly half of the people from China's major domestic companies will be present, so I brought the company's products to promote sales. I'll take advantage of this moment to catch the bus, so I'll call you to ask how are you doing recently?"

In the end, Liu Shiyun's voice was full of warmth. Liu Shiyun actually knows that men's mood must be very bad at this time, unless Xia Bingbing comes back immediately.

"Not bad." Zhao Chengfeng's mood dropped a lot in an instant. After a pause, he said, "I'm not very busy today. Let's go to Penghai with you."

"Really? Well, I'll wait for you at the airport. Come here as soon as possible. " Liu Shiyun was overjoyed and cheered like a little girl.

With a smile, Zhao Chengfeng asked, "when will my words not count? Wait for me. I'll be there in half an hour at most. "

Putting down the phone, Zhao Chengfeng stopped a taxi and went straight to the airport. When he goes to Penghai with Liu Shiyun, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to relax or spend more time and space with women.

First, it's for the company. Because of Xia Bingbing, he Yongfei's attitude towards Zhao Chengfeng is much worse. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to be unhappy with he Yongfei, but he can't ignore the company, so he can only take Liu Shiyun as a breakthrough point to understand some relevant situations.

Secondly, hongtaojiu in his group is in Penghai. Zhao Chengfeng has to take time to meet his subordinates. If he can win over, it's best. If he can't, he must be on guard.

All the people in the sky, there is no simple guy, just like the tattoo Messenger, what a sunny woman, can you imagine her way of killing?

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