"Well, if you can sell it, you can't sell it." Mention this matter, Yan Xi feels headache.

It's been more than an hour since the promotion. I'm so stupid that my legs are sore. Let alone no one is coming, no one is asking. That's all. I didn't expect to invite song Sicheng's sticky brown candy.

"Anyway, it's a trip to Penghai. By the way, what about Shiyun?" Yan Xi doesn't worry much about product sales.

After all, the sales of such high-end electronic products mainly depend on the salesmen. For example, this kind of promotion is just a publicity function. To put it bluntly, it is to put out the names of their own companies and products so that passers-by can have a look and get familiar with them.

"She's not bad over there. Why don't I guard it for you? Go to Shiyun. You're all friends. I haven't seen you for so many years. Have a good chat." Zhao Chengfeng suggested.

Just now Zhao Chengfeng also turned around, and found nothing new. He didn't even see a few beauties, so he lost interest. It's better to sit in front of the counter and play with his mobile phone and smoke.

"Well, that's a good idea." Hearing the speech, Yan Xi snapped his fingers and said excitedly, "I'll leave this mess to you. I've played with Shiyun. You helped me today and I'll treat you to dinner in the evening."

"You're welcome..."

"It's settled." Without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to finish, Yan Xi clapped and left.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile and muttered: "it's really a woman who is vigorous and resolute, but it's also lovely."

Time passed quickly. Two hours later, as Zhao Chengfeng expected, the products Yan Xi brought were not sold, and no one even asked.

"This girl is really willing to play. She won't come back to have a look." Zhao Chengfeng looks at Liu Shiyun and Yan Xi in the distance, but shakes his head.

Liu Shiyun signed a lot of lists in the morning, but now they are chatting and laughing. It seems that they are chatting happily.

"Well, it's eleven o'clock. It's time to have dinner for another hour. I'm finally free." Zhao Chengfeng looks at the time and is ready to go to the live platform. Even if he talks with Tian xiner, it's better than sitting here.

"Sir, what products do you sell here? Please introduce them to me." Just at this time, several young people in suits came over and surrounded Zhao Chengfeng's counter.

"Well, I don't understand this either. I'll let my friend introduce it to you. I'm just helping you to have a look..." seeing the business coming, Zhao Chengfeng quickly put away his mobile phone and said with a smile to the head man.

Zhao Chengfeng really doesn't understand. He just works as a personal stake for Yan Xi. How can he know that there is a real business?

"Ha ha, what products do you sell that you don't understand? Don't be kidding, sir The man in the suit, the leader, was laughing.

"I really don't understand. Just a moment, I'll call someone for you..."

"How dare you sell it if you don't know anything? What's your peace of mind? " However, the man in charge of the suit didn't listen to Zhao Chengfeng's explanation at all. With a smile, he hummed coldly: "are you here to make decorations? It takes up the resources of the exhibition cabinet, but I don't know if I ask. The organizer of our promotion conference is not allowed to do so. Sir, please leave the promotion conference site immediately, take your products with you, and leave the exhibition cabinet to the people in need. "


Zhao Chengfeng is not happy. How dare you drive brother Feng away? Who gave you the courage.

"Why? I won't go! "

Zhao Chengfeng stubborn donkey temper also came up, uncle's, wind elder brother to travel north and south, what kind of place has not been? No one has ever dared to turn himself out? Even big leaders are reluctant to turn themselves out.

"Besides, who are you? Why let me go? " Zhao Chengfeng argued.


The man in charge of the suit took out a certificate and sneered: "boy, I'm Li Zhengxing, President of Penghai chamber of Commerce. As the organizer of this promotion, I have the right to kick you out. Besides, if you look at your product, is it qualified? "

"Damn, the sponsor is amazing?" Zhao Chengfeng scolded, suddenly thought of something.

No, why didn't Li Zhengxing go to other counters to investigate, but he had to come to his own side. There must be something strange about it. In Penghai City, Zhao Chengfeng didn't offend anyone. Except for Shen Tianlong and his brothers, only song Sicheng, who had just been pissed off.

Shen Tianlong and his brother are still living in the hospital. They don't want to leave the hospital in less than a year. They can't find their own trouble. The only explanation is song Sicheng.

Song Sicheng is known as "gongdilong". He will be treated favorably by the local government everywhere he goes. If he wants to sue himself, won't he be sure?

"What an insidious and cunning son of a bitch! I was almost calculated by you." Zhao Chengfeng cursed secretly, and hated song Sicheng in his heart.

"The invitation letter was sent by your organizer. Now you want to drive me out. OK, no problem. However, you have to explain the matter to me in front of everyone. Why did you drive me out? You have to explain it clearly. I'm determined not to leave!" Zhao Chengfeng is also a Hun Ren. When he thinks about the joints, he has a worry in his heart.

Brother Feng is not only a good beater, but also a good player in teasing people.

"Hey, listen and have a look. This is Comrade Li Zhengxing, President of Penghai chamber of Commerce. He is also the organizer of this promotion conference. Come on, let's applaud." Without waiting for Li Zhengxing to speak, Zhao Chengfeng took the lead in raising his voice, roaring and clapping.

Li Zhengxing's face suddenly changed, and he felt like lifting a stone to hit his feet. Li Zhengxing had already guessed what Zhao Chengfeng wanted to do.

"President Li sent an invitation to our company. Come and have a look. It's real." Zhao Chengfeng took out the invitation letter from the counter, waved it to everyone, and then said, "but now president Li doesn't know, so he wants to drive me away. I don't know what this is for. Please give me an explanation in front of everyone."


All of a sudden, Li Zhengxing's face was as white as paper. I didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng was so difficult.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhao Chengfeng's cry, the merchants and customers stopped their business and looked over.

Li Zhengxing said with a strong smile: "ha ha, don't think about it too much. It's just a surprise inspection. If there is a misunderstanding, you don't have to care about it."

"Ah, misunderstanding." Zhao Chengfeng raised his voice and asked, "President Li, is my invitation qualified? Do you need to withdraw from the conference? "

"Since it's a misunderstanding, I don't need to. Excuse me first." Li Zhengxing replied and quickly withdrew.

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