"Little boy, you're a little bit too young to play with brother Feng. I'll bah!"

Zhao Chengfeng vomited a mouthful of phlegm at the back of a group of people in Li Zhengxing and angrily scolded.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? " At this time, Yan Xi came running.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "it's OK. The trouble has been solved for the time being. However, song Sicheng is shameless enough to find the president of Penghai chamber of Commerce to deal with me. "

"Song Sicheng?" Smell speech, Yan Xi brow a twist.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and told what happened just now. Finally, he said, "Xixi, this song Sicheng is not simple. If you want to go back to Nanchuan City in the future, you must be careful of this person."

"I see." Yan Xi nodded heavily. His face was as gloomy as water. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"OK, you can keep it by yourself. I don't understand these professional knowledge. Let me see Shiyun." With that, Zhao Chengfeng clapped his hands and went to find Liu Shiyun.

Yan Xi doesn't speak, and it's hard for Zhao Chengfeng to find song Sicheng's trouble. Moreover, they have just met. Zhao Chengfeng can't go to Nanchuan to teach song Sicheng for Yan Xi's sake, can he?

Although Zhao Chengfeng recently learned from Lei Feng to do good things, he does not have to do all good things.

"Shiyun, I think your business is good. How about it? How many orders did you take? " Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile.

Liu Shiyun said with a smile, "it's OK. Anyway, it's not in vain. Oh, by the way, what's the situation over there? Why, I just saw you arguing with someone. "

"Hi, this..."

Zhao Chengfeng takes advantage of the situation and sits down. Taking advantage of no one to place the order, Zhao Chengfeng tells Liu Shiyun everything.

"So it's someone who's making trouble secretly, and that person is still Xixi's pursuer?" Liu Shiyun frowned slightly and said, "this is not very good, is it? It's a shame that courtship doesn't lead to revenge. "

"Ah." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and sighs: "what is the character of some upstarts now?"

"Well, if you have taken people away, will it be bad for Xixi?" Liu Shiyun is worried.

For Zhao Chengfeng, Liu Shiyun has nothing to worry about. This guy is not afraid of anything. He is the only one who bullies others, and no one can take advantage of him.

On the contrary, it's Yan Xi. It's just the Department Manager of the company. How can he fight song Sicheng?

"There should be no problem. I'll pay attention to it. If song Sicheng doesn't know how to advance or retreat, I'll give him some color to see. Don't worry about it." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it.

When all the women speak, Zhao Chengfeng naturally can't just sit back and ignore.

"Well." Liu Shiyun nodded, Xiumei slightly frowned. It seemed that he was still worried. His eyes swept unnaturally to Yanxi in the distance.

How can Liu Shiyun not worry about such a good friend and best friend?

"What underwear do you sell? The quality is extremely poor. It flattens my wife's chest. You have to give me an explanation. " However, at this time, a young man came up with a woman beside him.

Slapping Liu Shiyun on the display cabinet immediately attracted many people's attention.

"This is your company's underwear. Look, what kind of crap is it for people?" The young people were indignant and stood in front of the display cabinet, shouting, which attracted many people's attention.

A lot of people came and talked about it.

"Our product is through..." Liu Shiyun shows a twist of eyebrows, knows that the comer is not good, but still patiently explains.

But at this time, Zhao Chengfeng stood up and stopped Liu Shiyun. Zhao Chengfeng has been in the world for so many years. His eyes can be regarded as golden eyes. What kind of people and things have he never seen?

There are extremely strict regulations on the design and production of these underwear. How can there be quality problems? Because each woman's chest size, shape is not the same, the effect may be different, but there will be no quality problems!

Then there is only one possibility - deliberately find fault!

Zhao Chengfeng didn't offend anyone. If he had to, it would be Li Zhengxing, President of Penghai chamber of Commerce, and song Sicheng, gongdilong from Nanchuan.

Judging from the current situation, I'm afraid Li Zhengxing and song Sicheng have been in the same boat for a long time. It's not hard to understand that once song Sicheng takes a piece of land to build a house in Penghai, it means that the house prices in Penghai will soar. At that time, as the president of Penghai chamber of Commerce, Li Zhengxing will also have face, won't he?

"Young people, food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be spoken indiscriminately." Zhao Chengfeng hums coldly, and his pupils emit a touch of killing gas.

This obliteration is not aimed at the young people in front of us, but at Song Sicheng! Zhao Chengfeng hasn't figured out how to find trouble with him. Unexpectedly, this guy took the initiative to find him.

"Chengfeng, this woman has never come here to buy underwear." At this time, Liu Shiyun whispered in Zhao Chengfeng's ear, glaring at a man and a woman in front of him.

"Nonsense? Hum, what's wrong with me? Isn't this underwear produced by your company? " At this time, the woman also leaned up and said indignantly, "what kind of broken product has made my chest hurt. You unscrupulous businessmen are too shameful. Do you take customers as God?"

"You must give me a statement today, or I'll find a reporter to expose you." The man followed suit.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't respond, but his eyes were aimed at the gate of the hotel. At this time, Li Zhengxing followed a group of people "just in time" to come in, and Zhengzhu appeared.

"Speak up, give me an account!" The woman yelled.

"I'll go. There are fake and shoddy products in such a big promotion?"

"No, it's the biggest recommendation meeting in China every year. Will there be fake and shoddy goods coming in?"

With more and more onlookers, many people in the crowd whispered, pointing at Zhao Chengfeng and Liu Shiyun.

"What happened? What's the order of noisy Li Zhengxing came over with a black face, accompanied by several security guards.

"Who are you?" The man pretended not to know Li Zhengxing.

Li Zhengxing said, "I'm the president of Penghai chamber of Commerce, the organizer and the direct person in charge of this promotion. If you have any questions, please let me know."

"Oh, it's chairman Li. You've come just in time." As soon as the man patted his forehead, he quickly said: "President Li, you must make the decision for our consumers. Here, you see, we bought underwear here. As a result, after wearing it for a while, my wife felt chest tightness, shortness of breath and discomfort all over. As soon as she took off their underwear, she felt much more comfortable."

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