
The whole hall on the first floor was silent. Most of the people at the scene knew the relationship between Hong Lei and song Sicheng. They were absolutely close partners, even closer than sisters.

However, no one expected that Honglei would fight song Sicheng for Zhao Chengfeng's words. This scene made Li Zhengxing lose his chin.

"Sir, if you're not busy, why don't you come to my office and have a good chat with me?" Honglei looks indifferent, as if she didn't find anything. She rushes into Zhaocheng's wind tunnel.

Different from the previous domineering, Honglei even stooped slightly to show respect for Zhao Chengfeng.

"Well, sit down." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and followed Hong Lei to the second floor.

"This young man is unusual."

"Nonsense, can the person who can let red sister receive herself be an ordinary person?"

"The key is that for the sake of this young man, red sister has beaten her good friends who have worked together for many years. I'm afraid that red sister is afraid of this young man."

The hall is full of high-level leaders of major companies. No one is a fool. They are speculating about the origin of Zhao Chengfeng. After all, there is no final conclusion. The only thing to be sure is that Zhao Chengfeng's origin is extraordinary.

Li Zhengxing also thought of this, but he was not happy, and his face was as white as paper. Even the person that red elder sister wants to please, oneself offend toward the person in the death, isn't seek to die?

"No, I have to apologize later. I have to apologize!" Li Zhengxing has a plan in mind.

On the second floor of Huangcheng Hotel, in Honglei's office.

There is no one else in the office except Zhao Chengfeng. Some secrets can't be known to too many people.

"You, you are spade nine?" Hong Lei carefully examined the young man in front of her, and felt that all this was too untrue.

The world is too small. I didn't expect to meet my own leader here. What's more, the leader looks too young, dressed in ordinary clothes, and doesn't look like the leader of the broken sky at all.

But he could recognize himself at a glance.

For Zhao Chengfeng's identity, Hong Lei is suspicious.

"There's no basis for saliva." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, took off his clothes and showed his strong chest. With a little effort, the word "spade nine" gradually appeared.

"Hello, captain." Without any doubt, Honglei bows to Zhao Chengfeng and slips out with a touch of white on her chest.

This is a goblin!

"Captain? Are you calling too early? " Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile while wearing clothes.

Honglei frowned and said, "Captain, what do you mean?"

"It means that I have to find out who I am. Who knows if you are nine hearts or not." "Take off your clothes and show me your logo," Zhao said

"Take off, take off your clothes?" Red bud's face changed and she was really surprised.

Honglei doesn't think she is a clean woman. In order to accumulate her own contacts and influence, she has slept with many different men over the years, but she has to take off her clothes in front of a completely strange man. Honglei is a little hard to accept.

"If you don't take off your clothes and I don't have perspective eyes, how can I know where your tattoo is? How can I identify you? " Zhao Chengfeng frowned and asked, "are you really pretending to be my God breaker?"

At the end of the speech, Zhao Chengfeng's tone suddenly became sharp.

"I'll take it off!"

As soon as Honglei gritted her teeth, she slowly took off her clothes, revealing her snow-white and plump figure. On her white chest, a gorgeous peach blossom was in full bloom, and there was a "Nine" beside the peach blossom.

Nine hearts!

"Well, I see. You are nine hearts." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, and then said: "you can't see it in your clothes. If you take it off, I guess you have a good figure."

Honglei is ashamed and angry, but she doesn't dare to attack. She can only smile with her. Red bud is not Zhao Chengfeng, dare not commit a crime below.

"Song Sicheng, what are you going to do with it? He humiliated my woman and repeatedly made trouble for me. This is your territory. What do you think of this? " Zhao Chengfeng fingers tapping the table, light asked.

Red bud heard the speech, but shook her head, "Captain, although this is my territory, song Sicheng is not small. In Nanchuan City, even the whole Nanyang Province, song Sicheng is a very famous tycoon. Not only that, Song family, where song Sicheng is, has a long history in Nanyang Province, and I dare not offend him to death."

"So would you rather offend me to death?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile.

Hong Lei was surprised.

"That's all."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "this is the end of song Sicheng. If there is another time, I will kill it. No matter whether he is a song family or a rich man, I will never be soft hearted. "

"Thank you, captain. I will persuade song Sicheng when I come down." Hearing the words, Hong Lei was completely relieved.

To be sure, song Sicheng has a long history, but are those who break the sky easy to provoke? Not to mention that Zhao Chengfeng is still the star of spades nine. At least he is also a small leader. At the command of Zhao Chengfeng, no matter how good his personal relationship with song Sicheng is, he has to do it.

This is the powerful Po Tian!

"In addition, I think you already know that the new year's Congress will be held in more than a month. When I call, we'll be there together." Zhao Chengfeng pauses and continues.

It's also a coincidence that Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect to meet hongtaojiu in Penghai. He thought it might be troublesome to find hongtaojiu, but he didn't know that hongtaojiu came to the door.

At first, Zhao Chengfeng seemed to win over hongtaojiu. However, when hongtaojiu took off his clothes in front of him, Zhao Chengfeng gave up the idea. It's better to win over Cai Haotian than to win over hongtaojiu, although Zhao Chengfeng killed Cai Haotian's son.

"Yes, captain." Hong Lei nodded.

"Well, that's it." Zhao Chengfeng smokes a cigarette and pats his ass to leave. He has to go to see Liu Shiyun. I don't know if the woman is in a better mood now.

Paralyzed, song Sicheng that son of a bitch enough damage, actually let people splash red wine.

"Is this really spade nine? How to smoke such cheap cigarettes? Strange. " Looking at the butt of Zhao Chengfeng's cigarette, Hong Lei is very curious, but she keeps up with it.

Honglei doesn't want Zhao Chengfeng to be made difficult again in her own territory. People who break the sky are not easy to provoke.

"I'll go. What's the situation?"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng arrived at the hall on the first floor, he was stunned. Many people surrounded Yan Xi and Liu Shiyun and toasted one after another. Even Li Zhengxing, President of the chamber of Commerce, was laughing.

"It seems that Hong Lei is a woman with a good reputation. She has such a great deterrent." Zhao Chengfeng looks back at Honglei with emotion.

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