"Miss Liu, the sales volume of your company's products is very good. They sell well at home and abroad, and the customer response is very good." Li Zhengxing stood in the crowd with red wine and laughed.

However, Liu Shiyun didn't even look at Li Zhengxing. How clever is Liu Shiyun? Looking at Li Zhengxing's performance, we can see that Zhao Chengfeng has just turned defeat into victory, but we just don't know what method the man used.

Otherwise, may Li Zhengxing come to flatter himself?

"President Li, this is very interesting. At the promotion meeting, didn't you still say that we were selling fake goods and wanted to get rid of us?" Yan Xi couldn't bear to see it and couldn't help choking.

Sure enough, Li Zhengxing's face turned red and white, and white and green, which was extremely ugly. It's a slap in the face.


"It's flattering."

Many people nearby heard it and said with a sneer. Looking at Li Zhengxing's embarrassment, they couldn't help shaking their heads. There are a lot of people like Li Zhengxing in shopping malls. They are never popular.

At the moment, Li Zhengxing can be said to have been pushed by the people and beaten by thousands of people when the wall fell down, leaving little face for Li Zhengxing. After all, many of the company's top managers are not in Penghai City, and Li Zhengxing's power is not in charge of others.

"Cough, Miss Liu, don't be angry. Things in the daytime are really hoodwinked, so it's just an accident." Li Zhengxing had no face to stay any longer. After a few words of prevarication, he took the initiative to leave.

All along, Liu Shiyun ignored Li Zhengxing.

Liu Shiyun is a proud woman. Perfume lily is a proud company.

"It's a thing to steer by the wind, huh!" Yan Xi rolled his eyes and cursed at Li Zhengxing's back, "eh, no, why is this product so friendly to us all of a sudden?"

Liu Shiyun smiles but says nothing. Yan Xi's reaction is slow enough. When Liu Shiyun changes his clothes, he realizes that there is something wrong with the atmosphere. More than half of the people come to toast and chat with him.

Liu Shiyun knows what he knows, and he has no connections in Pang Hai City. Although the development of perfume lilies is very good, he is not a big listed company after all.

Then there is only one possibility, Zhao Chengfeng secretly contributed.

"What a wonderful man." Liu Shiyun said in secret that at this moment Zhao Chengfeng also came.

"Why did Li Zhengxing come to you?" Zhao Chengfeng went to the woman and asked in a low voice.

As long as Li Zhengxing is not sensible, Zhao Chengfeng will directly educate him.

"It's OK. Come and apologize." Liu Shiyun gave a faint smile and asked, "where have you been? The one who didn't see you just now. "

"Well, I just went to the bathroom." Zhao Chengfeng casually pulled a cover to cover up the matter.

"Oh." Women have no doubt.

Next, the reception went on smoothly until 10:30 p.m., and finally ended. At the reception, Liu Shiyun and Bosideng's vice president also reached a cooperation intention, which was the biggest harvest of this trip to Beihai city.

"I've been busy all day. I'm so tired." Yan Xi stretched a stretch, suddenly said: "Shiyun, let's not play in Beihai City for another two days, we finally meet."


Liu Shiyun hesitated and looked at Zhao Chengfeng.

If Xia Bingbing doesn't have an accident, it doesn't matter to play for a few days. But now the company is too busy. He Yongfei has been supporting the whole headquarters company alone for the two days he came out.

"It's rare to come out. Play if you want." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "I'm afraid no one is bothering us now. We can open up and play."

"All right." Liu Shiyun nodded, and his eyebrows and eyes were filled with joy.

Liu Shiyun doesn't just want to spend two days with Yan Xi. The most important thing is that the sunny day with Zhao Chengfeng is the sunny day with him.

"We'll have a good rest tonight. Let's go out early tomorrow morning." Zhao Chengfeng decided to go back to his room and have a rest.

However, after Yan Xi entered the room, Zhao Chengfeng quietly got into Liu Shiyun's room. No accident happened. They had to spend most of the night before they fell asleep


"Son of a bitch, you dare to beat me. You must find out who and what this bastard is In the intensive care unit of Penghai people's Hospital, song Sicheng roared constantly.

It's just that I lost a lot of teeth and didn't talk in a word. It's hard to hear, and as long as I move, my face will be very painful. That son of a bitch was too cruel. When he went to the hospital for examination, he lost six teeth!

Just a few slaps down, song Sicheng's face is big two circles.

"Mr. Song, our people have started to investigate. I believe there will be results soon. You..." the Secretary whispered.

"Soon? How fast is it? " Song Sicheng glared angrily, "I can't wait. I'll call my hands immediately. I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill his woman. I'm paralyzed."

Secretary silent, heart said you are like this, but also on women? Don't flash your waist again.

"What are you doing in a hurry?" Song Sicheng roared again.

At the thought of the humiliation he suffered at night, song Sicheng has the heart to kill people. After being out for such a long time, song Sicheng has never been so embarrassed or beaten.

"Yes, I'm going." The Secretary quickly retreated.

However, just after going out, I met Honglei.

"Mr. Song, are you better?" Honglei came in with a fruit basket and a smile on her face. They seemed to be good friends for many years, but Honglei pretended that she had never beaten song Sicheng at all.


Seeing Honglei come in, song Sicheng hums heavily. Don't turn his head, he doesn't care about Honglei at all. Damn, song Sicheng can't understand why Honglei Mingming is her good friend and partner for many years? And in front of so many people, isn't it embarrassing?

"Sicheng, I know you are angry with me, but you don't know that the reason why I beat you is not to embarrass you, but to help you, do you understand?" Red bud is not angry, but patiently said.

"Well, that's ridiculous!"

Song Sicheng sneered and asked: "so, I want to thank you? Hong Lei, why don't I give you a slap? "

"You go out first." After Honglei drove the Secretary away and closed the door, she said, "do you know who that person is?"

"No matter who he is, I will kill him!" Song Sicheng shouts with his fist in his hand.

"What if he's the one who breaks the sky?"


Song Sicheng's face was stiff, and he stopped talking. His eyes were staring like the bell of a cow, and he didn't speak for a long time.

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