"He, he's really a bad guy?" After a long silence, song Sicheng still couldn't believe it.

Honglei nodded heavily and said in a deep voice: "he is not only a man who breaks the sky, but also my boss, spade nine. I only know that this person is not easy to provoke. As for the others, I don't know and I can't tell you."

"In a word, don't provoke him, otherwise, next time, even me, I can't keep you."

Hearing the speech, song Sicheng shivered all over, lost his energy and energy, and looked at the ceiling with empty eyes.

"Well, I've told you all the things that should be said and shouldn't be said. You can't say anything about breaking the sky. Otherwise, your life will be in danger. As for this grudge, forget it. " With a long sigh, Hong Lei had no choice.

It's true that Hong Lei has a good personal relationship with song Sicheng. For some time, Hong Lei even planned to raise song Sicheng in captivity. However, in the face of Po Tian's choice, Hong Lei has nothing to do.

Is it important for a friend to have a life? Honglei thinks nothing is more important than herself.

"You have a good rest. I'm going." Honglei is ready to leave.

"Sister Hong, is that all?" Song Sicheng is not reconciled.

Honglei shakes her head and turns away. Honglei, who should be advised, has already been advised. As for how song Sicheng chooses and decides next, Honglei can't control it. If song Sicheng really wants to die, Hong Lei doesn't mind giving him a ride. If she can accept song Sicheng's property, wouldn't it be beautiful?

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

Even if Hong Lei reminds song Sicheng, song Sicheng will not give up revenge.

"Well, you're amazing, aren't you? It doesn't matter. I'll find a killer to kill you. Song Sicheng is short of everything, but they are not short of money. Besides, I really think the Song family can't be decorated? " Song Sicheng soon had an idea in his heart, and a sinister sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.


The happy time always flows too fast. In the blink of an eye, two days have passed. Even if Yan Xi and Liu Shiyun don't give up, they have to leave. This time Yan Xi flies back to Nanchuan City directly.

After Yan Xi left, Zhao Chengfeng and Liu Shiyun boarded the plane back to Beihai city.

As soon as he got on the plane, Liu Shiyun leaned against Zhao Chengfeng and fell asleep peacefully. His time with men was very short, but he felt happy every minute.

Maybe this is love.

"Chengfeng, won't you go to the company with me?" Two hours later, Zhao Chengfeng and his wife landed on the plane in Beihai city. Liu Shiyun looked at the man with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

If it's OK, which woman doesn't want to stay with the person she likes?

"No more." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and sighs: "fei'er has a lot of opinions on me now. I'd better not provoke her. If the company has any trouble, you can contact me. I should stay in Beihai for a while."

"All right." Liu Shiyun nodded and got into the taxi step by step.

The distance between them is getting farther and farther, and Liu Shiyun suddenly has an urge to cry.

"Ah, I'm in a romantic debt again." Watching Liu Shiyun leave, how happy is Zhao Chengfeng? However, Zhao Chengfeng's life has been on the road, unable to stay.

After leaving the airport, Zhao Chengfeng contacted Tang Wei and went straight to the southeast provincial military region.

When the old general Tang Jinhai returned from his illness, the southeast provincial military region was full of vitality again, and even the soldiers on guard were full of spirit. Although he is old, he has been in the military region of southeast province for decades, suppressing the curfew in the East China Sea, and has already become the backbone of everyone's heart. When the backbone comes back, everyone will be completely relieved.

"Ginger is old and spicy." Zhao Chengfeng sighed that he knew his identity and went straight to Tang's office.

At the office, Tang and Weiwei are both there. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng, Tang Wei's eyes are much softer than before.

"The old man is in good spirits." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile. Without waiting for master Tang to say hello, he sat down first.

"Chengfeng, Weiwei can come here safely this time. Thank you very much." Tang Jinhai is full of gratitude and takes the initiative to give Zhao Chengfeng a cigarette.

You know, Tang Jinhai is an old general now, and there are no more than ten people who can let him send cigarettes on his own initiative. From this, we can see that Tang Jinhai attaches great importance to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Are you hitting me in the face, old man?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "it's the Mafia. Damn it."

Tang Jinhai nodded with a smile, feeling a lot in his heart. Zhao Chengfeng said that the Mafia, which has been tyrannical for hundreds of years in the world, will die out. It feels like playing around.

To be sure, it may not be so easy to uproot the Mafia, but if the godfather can be captured alive, at least the Mafia can be restrained. Moreover, the godfather is in the hands of Zhao Chengfeng. If there is a godfather's way, it is not difficult to eradicate the Mafia.

And the godfather can even be used as a bargaining chip to talk with Great Britain about the terms. You know, the Mafia controls the underground world in Europe, and Great Britain is the country that does the most harm.

"By the way, vivi, what do you think? You're not going to Munich, are you? " Zhao Chengfeng turns his head and looks at Tang Wei, which is also the main purpose of Zhao Chengfeng's coming here today.

"I..." Tang Wei hesitated and looked at the old man.

"Vivi, my grandfather supports you in whatever you want to do."

How can Tang Jinhai not understand his granddaughter? Comfort way: "don't look at my grandfather's age, but the body is hard, you don't have to worry about me, do what you want."

"I want to go to the African continent." After a long silence, Tang Wei still spoke.

The African continent is not only Zhao Chengfeng's foundation, but also Tang Wei's bargaining chip for her father's revenge. Only when she has the absolute strength in her hand can she compete with Po Tian.

"If you want to, go. Young people should never leave regrets for themselves. " Tang Jinhai smiles and feels happy for Tang Wei's decision.

In the past, Tang Jinhai always treated Tang Wei as a grandson, and let her go to military academy and join the army. However, after meeting Zhao Chengfeng, Tang Jinhai found that he was wrong, which was outrageous.

Everyone has the right to choose their own life. Why should they force their granddaughter to finish their regret?

"Thank you, Grandpa." Tang Wei was moved.

Tang Jinhai waved his hand and didn't care. Looking back, he looked at Zhao Chengfeng meaningfully. "Chengfeng, Weiwei, I'll give it to you. You can't hurt her."


Zhao Chengfeng's face is chatting. Tang Wei has lowered her head long ago. Her face is red and very shy.

"Don't worry, old man. I'll make Weiwei fat." Zhao Chengfeng promised, but in exchange for Tang Wei's white eyes.

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