Shangguanlan heart pit a shock, nose slightly acid, this just know how much pressure and responsibility men bear.

"Maybe I have wronged him all the time." Shangguanlan heart can't help but look at the man two eyes, in the heart of a different idea.

"How's the old man recently? I've been busy and have no time to visit him." Along the way, Zhao Chengfeng chatted with women, hoping to break the awkward atmosphere of silence.

Frankly speaking, Zhao Chengfeng is a little afraid of Shangguan Lanxin. He always has a cold face and feels that everyone owes her two million yuan.

"Well, grandpa has been in good health. You don't have to worry about it." Shangguan orchid heart casually should a, but in the heart is thinking, this man in the end what? I'm so busy that I'm not in the service area. I don't even ask my grandfather.

However, Shangguan Lanxin also knows that great China is extremely mysterious, and there are many mysterious organizations that he can't know.

"That's good, that's good..." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

Suddenly, Shangguan Lanxin stops.


When the off-road military vehicle was stationary, the tire and the ground were rubbing violently. I saw an old man kneeling on the ground in front of the car, weeping and crying.

"Damn, I'm brave enough to touch porcelain in broad daylight." When Zhao Chengfeng saw this, he became angry.

Shangguan orchid heart white Zhao Chengfeng a look, no good airway: "have you seen such a touch porcelain technique?"

Zhao Chengfeng thought, who is kneeling for you? Don't you all lie on the ground crying and crying? But in front of the old man, dressed in a mess, disheveled and filthy as a beggar, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed, shouting: "wronged, wronged."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng mumbles a word, and at this time Shangguan Lanxin has got off the car, Zhao Chengfeng also quickly followed.

"No reason, no reason, chief, I want to complain, I want to complain, Dong Dong..."

As soon as Shangguan Lanxin got out of the car, the old man kowtowed to Shangguan Lanxin. The hard concrete ground thumped, and the old man's forehead soon became red and swollen.

"Don't be like this, Grandpa. If you have something to say, don't be like this. Can we get up and talk about it?" Shangguan Lan's heart was startled and he quickly picked up the old man.

But the old man just couldn't get up and said, "chief, I want to sue, I want to sue the emperor, please help me, help me, I want to see the leader, I want to sue, I want to plead."

"Old man, don't worry about anything. You stand up and say that you kneel down for us two young people to kill us both. Do you want us to live a long life?" Zhao Chengfeng came forward and helped the old man up.

The old man was in his early sixties. His forehead was covered with wind and frost, and his hair was all white. His skin was dark and his hands were covered with calluses.

Zhao Chengfeng is inexplicably distressed for a while. He's old enough to kneel down and complain. How much injustice is it? To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, the old man had a foreign accent, so he initially concluded that he should be a farmer in Northwest China.

"Young man, girl, please take me to see the big leader. If I really can't see your big leader, it's OK to see your leader. I'll complain. I'll plead for injustice. Please, please help our family. I'll kneel down for you two. I'll kowtow to you..." the old man said with tears in his eyes, and kneel down for Zhao Chengfeng.

"I can't use it, sir!"

Zhao Chengfeng quickly helped the old man, gave Shangguan Lanxin a wink, and then said: "uncle, it's OK to take you to see our leaders. Let's get on the bus first, and then you can talk to me slowly."

"Really?" When the old man heard the speech, his tears came down again.

"Uncle, I'm going to cheat you. Zhao Chengfeng was hit by a car when he went out. He gave birth to a son with no asshole. My Zhao family lost their son and grandchildren!" Zhao Chengfeng swears to heaven that he knows a man's mind very well.

If you can force a 60 year old man like this, there must be a great injustice. It is at least 1500 kilometers from the northwest to the capital. Why did you come to the capital to complain? The answer is self-evident. I'm afraid there are some people who are demons.


When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. A few mouse excrement spoils a pot of porridge.

"Thank you, young man. As long as you can plead for wrongs and complain, the old man will be good for you in the next life." The old man was so excited that he wiped away his tears.

"Why not? It's just a small lift, sir. You don't have to worry about it. " Zhao Chengfeng said, but he was wondering what the old man wanted to sue?

"Grandpa, are you hungry? I'll buy you something to eat?" After getting on the bus, Shangguan Lanxin also asked. It seems that the old man is afraid that he hasn't eaten for a long time, and he doesn't know if he can carry it.

The old man shook his head and said, "if I don't plead for injustice, where can I eat and sleep? Girl, you don't know how miserable my poor grandson died. "

When it comes to Sun Tzu, the old man wipes his tears hard and wants to crack.

Zhao Chengfeng brows a twist, the heart said how to also involve his grandson?

"Grandfather, you sit well. I'll drive. I'll take you to see the leader." When Zhao Chengfeng saw that his mood was not right, he quickly stepped on the accelerator and the car "whooshed" out.

Along the way, the old man didn't stop crying, but he also exchanged a few words intermittently. Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Lanxin just knew that although the old man was a farmer, he knew a few words. When he saw that Zhao Chengfeng's car was a military license plate, he thought that he would kneel down for Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Lanxin.

"Grandpa, it's too dangerous for you to do this. If the car's performance is not good, or the reaction is just a little slower, it may hit you." Shangguan Lanxin is still scared, so this time he changed to Zhao Chengfeng.

As for where Zhao Chengfeng took the old man, Shangguan Lanxin didn't care. In the capital, whether it's Zhao Chengfeng or Shangguan Lanxin, it's only a matter of lifting one's hand to redress one's grievances.

"It's OK, I'll die if I die. It's no pity. It's just that my poor grandson was killed alive by a group of animals. I'm not willing to..." the old man wailed again, breaking his heart.

What does Zhao Chengfeng mean when he frowns?

"Grandfather, tell me what happened. By the way, if you complain, do you have any evidence?" Shangguan Lanxin also thinks it's not easy, otherwise, do you need to go to the capital to complain?

Moreover, the grandson of the old man was killed. Who killed him? How did you kill him? Although Shangguan Lanxin is willing to help, at least evidence is needed to start the judicial process.

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