"Evidence? Yes, yes, I have them all. This is from Fuwa of the next door, saying that all the evidence is in it. " With that, the old man took out a U disk from his pocket and handed it to Shangguan Lanxin.

Shangguan Lanxin was slightly surprised. He didn't see that the old man actually understood this thing. However, now there is no USB flash drive, and there is no computer in the car, so you can't watch it.

"Grandfather, it may take us about 20 minutes to get to the leader's house. You patronize and cry all the way, but you don't tell us what's going on, so we can give you some advice. Now you have a USB flash drive, but we can't watch it. " Shangguan Lanxin said, take this opportunity to have a general understanding of what happened in the end, which can make the old man so sad.

In front of Zhao Chengfeng also raised his ears, in the heart is very curious.

"Old man, I'm from Liuchuan Town, Gaoyang City, northwest province. There are five people in my family. My name is Geng Zhenglong. I'm 65 years old. My wife and I are at home with grandchildren, while my son and daughter-in-law are working outside to earn money. " Geng Zhenglong said slowly: "although the family is not very rich, the small life is full and happy. My biggest wish in my life is to see my grandchildren grow up, marry and have children. It doesn't matter if I work hard all my life. But... "

When he said this, Geng Zhenglong's eyes were congested, his eyes were splitting, his hands were full of calluses, his nails were pinched into his skin, and his blood seemed to flow out.

Shangguan Lanxin was distressed to see that this scene was enough to confirm that the old man had a big grievance. He comforted him and said, "don't get excited, grandfather. If there's anything, we'll talk about it slowly. No matter how much grievance your family has suffered, we'll expose it, and we'll get justice back."

Xu Shi was encouraged by Shangguan Lanxin, and Geng Zhenglong said: "but five days ago, it was a weekend. Sun Tzu Xiaozhi came home and told me that there were some school bullies in the school. I didn't understand at first. Later, I learned that the so-called protection fee was actually underworld, and one mouth was 1000 yuan. Naturally, I didn't want to give it to the old man, He took Xiaozhi to Liuchuan town police station to report the case, but the police didn't accept it at all. "

"That afternoon, I sent Xiaozhi to school and found some school bullies to reason with. Nothing happened at that time. But the next morning, we received a notice from the school that Xiao Zhi jumped off a building and committed suicide... "

"What? Jumping off a building to commit suicide? " As a bystander, Shangguan Lanxin realized that something was wrong with it. How could she jump off a building and commit suicide? Why didn't Liuchuan town police station file a case for investigation?

There must be something wrong! And the so-called school bully, Shangguan Lanxin, has also heard about it. To put it bluntly, it is a group of powerful and powerful second generation officials or rich second generation circles in the family who do whatever they want in the school.


Geng Zhenglong said that when he was excited, his forehead was blue. He swore, "these animals are the school bullies who killed Xiaozhi alive. Then they threw him down from the fifth floor, all over with injuries. Moreover, the school tried to cover up. Before our family arrived, they rushed to the funeral home and were stopped by us."

"Girl, you don't see it. When my wife and I saw Xiao Zhi's body, they all cried and fainted. They were red and swollen, with multiple fractures. There were very clear steel stick marks on their arms, legs, backs and even their heads. How could this be suicide? Even if you commit suicide, why does it fall on the ground without a trace of blood? " Geng Zhilong was so excited that his hands trembled.

"You can apply for forensic identification, level by level petition." After hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng tightened his brows even more.

"How could it be so easy!" Geng Zhenglong sighed: "these officials are protecting each other. The leader of the school is song Yuze. He is the son of the head of Gaoyang city. He has a good background. Another is the son of Yao Ping'an, the mayor of Liuchuan town. Another is Gao Song, the son of Gao Dabao, the director of Liuchuan police station. Another is Li Cheng, who seems to be the son of a big man in the military region of northwest province."

"After the incident, the whole town of Liuchuan was under martial law. The police station sent out a crackdown and forced him to burn Xiaozhi's body. He was stopped by the old man's neighbors and robbed of his body. Xiaozhi's body was covered with injuries. It's terrible."

"These bastards!" Shangguan Lanxin scolded.

"Later, things caused a big stir on the Internet. However, the local media distorted the facts and made up false appearances under the guidance of some people. Basically, everyone in Liuchuan town was sealed, saying that my grandson committed suicide by jumping off a building. After each person signed his name, he could get 50 yuan. Justice is in the heart of the people. Many people can't stand it. They gather on the streets to fight with the police. Angry people overturn the police car and rush into the police station to smash it. But what happened later became more and more chilling. People from the army came, and they came with tanks and artillery... "

"Geng, are you sure everything you say is true? Is there any evidence for what you said? " After hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng's liver and gall will crack. If so, how can there be a king's law in the whole world? Where is the sky?

Shangguan Lanxin was moved too. He couldn't help but want to shoot people. It's not miscellaneous, it's animal, it's animal!

"Old man, I swear to God that if there is a lie, I will be hit by a car when I go out, and my family will die!" Geng Zhenglong swore to heaven, tears of grief and indignation came down again, "you don't know, old man, my whole family is under surveillance. I hid in the cesspit and then escaped. I climbed two mountains and finally arrived in the capital."

"Don't worry, Mr. Geng. If Zhao Chengfeng doesn't give you justice, my family will die!" Under the indignation of Zhao Chengfeng, he stepped on the accelerator and went straight to the big leader Tang Aotian's residence.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng planned to let Shangguan settle the matter. However, now Zhao Chengfeng has changed his mind. He must let the leaders see how shameless those animals who are far away from the emperor are and let them listen to the voice below.

"Chengfeng, where are you going?" Shangguan LAN is puzzled.

Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth and said, "go to the big leader. I'm going to kill. I'm paralyzed!"

Geng Zhenglong is an ordinary man after all. When he heard Zhao Chengfeng's tone, he was somewhat confused. He rushed to Guan Lanxin and asked, "girl, who is this young man?"

"Who is he? He is the embodiment of justice. Don't worry, grandfather Geng. He will give you an account of your affairs. From now on, no one can hurt your family. " Shangguan Lanxin has a proud face.

It's not that shangguanlan is confident. It's just that Zhao Chengfeng is angry.

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