Gaoyang city is the most developed city in the whole northwest province. However, the government building of Gaoyang city is a bit dilapidated and embarrassed, because half a day ago, many people rushed to the office building to smash and abuse, causing a lot of riots.

After the military crackdown, it was not easy to restore the quiet, but left a mess, and even several buses were overturned.

"These people are so arrogant that they dare to make trouble in the government building. It's not like talking. It's not like talking." The innermost office on the top floor is also the most luxurious office in the whole office building.

Because song Weidong, the leader of Gaoyang City, lives in it. At this time, song Weidong was sitting in an office chair with his secretary chattering. On the sofa in the reception room, there was a young man about sixteen or seventeen years old. His yellow hair was very eye-catching. Although he was young, his eyes were a bit fierce.

"People are in control?" Song Weidong waved his hand and rubbed his tight eyebrows. He felt a headache.

This matter is too big. More than three hours ago, a large number of videos and photos were exposed on the Internet. Now the situation is very unfavorable.

"It's all under control, secretary. You can rest assured. Director Wang is very reliable in his work, although he lost two cars." The Secretary said with a smile.


Song Weidong nodded and said in a deep voice, "you should call director Wang immediately and ask them to restrain themselves. Don't embarrass these ordinary people. Just let them go when the wind is over. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I'll do it right away." The Secretary nodded away.

"By the way, there's one more thing you need to do. How do the photos and videos on the Internet come out? It's too shameful to ask the people in the propaganda department. Can't you do this little thing well? " Seems to think of something, song Weidong and asked a sentence.

It's too tricky.

Originally, it was not easy to suppress a large number of people. How could there be another bloody storm on the Internet?

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

However, the child sitting on one side was not happy and complained: "Dad, I don't understand. Don't we just kill a smelly boy? What's the big deal? Are you so scared? You know, you are the first person in Gaoyang city. Who dares to make a mistake? "

"Shut up

Song Weidong was so angry that he yelled, "how do you mean to say that? Lao Tzu sent you to study, not to mix the society, let alone to kill people. Look at the crap you've done, do you know how much trouble you've caused me? "

"What's the trouble? Just a few farts? Just grab it. What's the big deal? " The child a face of disdain, completely did not kill people's consciousness, said and bowed to play the mobile phone.

Song Weidong was more and more angry. He grabbed the teacup and smashed it down with a bang. He scolded, "play, play, do you know what to do besides play? Song Yuze, how did I give birth to a son of a bitch like you? "

"That's you. Because you are an old son of a bitch, you gave birth to such a little son of a bitch as me." A child named song Yuze grins innocently, but cools his back.

"I'll kill you and me..." Song Weidong was so angry that he trembled and grabbed something and was about to smash it.

"Didi... Didi..." I don't know. At this time, the phone rang quickly. Seeing the caller ID, song Weidong picked it up quickly.

"Hello, Mr. Li, what's the matter?" Song Weidong asked in a low voice.

And the song Yuze of one side sees this scene, can't help but curl one's lips, disdain a way: "running dog."

Song Weidong was so angry that he couldn't get angry at this time. He could only stare at Song Yuze.

"What? The capital is coming! " All of a sudden, song Weidong's eyes widened and his face was unbelievable. "How could this happen?"

"OK, OK, I know, I know, I'm going to get there." Song Weidong is sweating in a waterfall, and the cool wind is blowing on his back. He puts down the phone, and song Weidong picks up his coat and leaves.

Song Yuze asked, "what should I do if you leave?"

"What to do? You can wait to go to jail. I can tell you that now people are coming from the capital to investigate the matter and see how much you have done for me. " Song Weidong scolded, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Even if he was immortal this time, he had to take off a layer of skin.

Just now, Mr. Li from the military area command called. The tone is not clear.

"What if people come to the capital? People have turned to ashes, dead without proof, how can he drop? Besides, didn't you give the order to seal it? " Song Yuze is disdainful.

At this moment, a 16-year-old or a 17-year-old is more old-fashioned and insidious.

Song Weidong hears the speech, yes, it's almost time to deal with it. Do you need to worry about it? There's no need to worry at all. However, song Weidong still said, "you're staying here. You're not allowed to go anywhere. Otherwise, I will break your leg. "

"Why don't you try one?" Song Yuze looks disdainful.


Song Weidong was so angry that he shivered. Finally, he had to give up. "When things are finished, I'll deal with you slowly." With that, song Weidong slammed the door and went straight to Liuchuan town.

How can it work without receiving the leaders from above?


"Hehe, five million is a normal thing. I didn't expect that the mayor of a small Liuchuan town was so rich. I asked you, how much is your monthly salary? Since when has he been in office? " In the village on the edge of Liuchuan Town, dozens of helicopters are located in the fields, and hundreds of soldiers surround the whole village with guns and live ammunition. No one can get close to it, or go out. It's everyone!

The first white haired old man was Tang Jinhai, who came all the way to Geng Zhenglong's home. When he arrived at home, Yao Ping'an, the mayor of Liuchuan Town, was "doing" the work of the family members of the dead and asked for five million private gifts. After hearing this, the family was almost angry.

"You, who are you?" Yao Ping'an, with a big stomach, thinks that Mr. Tang looks familiar, but he can't remember for a moment.


The adjutant came forward, without saying a word, raised the butt of the gun and smashed it down. In an instant, Yao Ping'an's lips were bleeding, and his lips were smashed open, like a rabbit's lips, and several front teeth fell to the ground.

"Damn, even the mayor of our town dare you..." a young man next to me couldn't see it, so he had to come forward to make a theory.

"Dada... Dada..."

A row of bullets fell on the ground, which made the man's scalp numb.

"One more word of nonsense, death!" The adjutant's voice was frightfully cold, and Yao Ping'an's legs trembled like chaff.

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