"Answer the question honestly, otherwise, hum!" The adjutant hummed coldly, his eyes were full of killing intention, and his black muzzle was frightening.

At this time, Yao Ping'an, the mayor of the town, finally remembered who was the old man in front of him. This is the founding general, Mr. Tang. Mom, I didn't expect that even Mr. Tang was shocked by Liuchuan town.

"It's over, it's over, it's all over." Yao Ping'an shivered all over, and his heart fell to the bottom.

"Good fight!"

"Give Xiao Zhi justice!"

"Kill these bastards who have been killed for thousands of years!"

When the neighbors around Geng Zhenglong saw the battle, even the fool knew that Xiaozhi had been beaten to death and the officials had been protecting each other. The old man in front of him and the soldiers around him came to plead for the old Geng family and give justice to the people. For a moment, the crowd was furious and cursed one after another. Many more people took out their eggs Vegetable leaves and other things hit Yao Ping'an and a group of dog legs.


Wang Xiuhua knelt down in front of Tang Jinhai and couldn't stop kowtowing. "Thank you, master Qingtian for making decisions for us. Thank you, thank you..." before she finished her words, she was already sobbing. She was both sad and excited.

"Mom, stop crying." Chen Xiu, the daughter-in-law beside him, who is also Xiaozhi's mother, began to cry. "God has opened his eyes. God has finally opened his eyes, but Xiaozhi will never come back."

"We are sorry for you. Get up." Tang Jinhai's heart is breaking when he listens to the cry of grief.

In those years, Tang Jinhai never felt so sad when he fought bloody battles on the battlefield. Although he had greater damage and sacrifice, he fought for his family and country.

Just did not expect that the blood and tears of that year, but now in exchange for this scene, but let these bastards forget this. It's better to go home and sell sweet potatoes than to be in charge of the people. But instead of making decisions for the people, they bully the people. Is this still human? It's not as good as pigs and dogs, not as good as animals!

"The guards followed orders and quickly sealed off the whole Liuchuan town. Whenever local government personnel entered, they were all arrested by Laozi, tried and investigated one by one, and the command post was built here." The more Tang Jinhai thought about it, the more angry he became. He was also angry.

Standing in front of the house on the edge of the ridge, although his hair is gray, he reveals the tremendous momentum.

"Yes, commander!" The adjutant took orders to leave.

Hearing this, they were surprised and whispered one after another.

"Shit, it's the commander."

"God, the commanders are here. Liuchuan town is saved, and Gaoyang city is saved."

"Don't you find that this commander is a bit like the one in the TV play?"

"It's really like that!"

The people were excited and excited, and they all jumped.

As for Yao Ping'an, when he heard the word "commander", he was stunned. He sat on the ground powerlessly, his face was white, and it was over. It was all over.

Yao Ping'an looked a bit like him before, but he was not sure for a moment. Now he is finally sure, but it's too late.

"Commander, I want to report Yao Ping'an, the mayor of Liuchuan town."

At this time, a villager jumped out, pointed to Yao Ping'an and said, "this man is very popular in the village. I don't want to talk about corruption and bribery. There are countless luxury cars at home. His son Yao Feng, who was only 16 years old, raped a middle school female teacher."

"The female teacher petitioned, but was stunned by Yao Ping'an. She was mentally ill and is still living in the hospital."

"I also want to report that Yao Ping'an ate, drank, whored and gambled, and became a lesbian in the town. His eldest brother-in-law started a construction company and defaulted on the wages of migrant workers by tens of millions. People went to the door to ask for money and broke their legs."

"I want to report..."

For a moment, many people jumped out and accused Yao Ping'an one after another. Yao Ping'an bowed his head and didn't say a word. He just felt that his head was buzzing, as if he had been struck dumb by thunder.

"Cluck, cluck!"

Tang Jinhai's teeth were clenched and his eyes were red with anger. Where are government officials? They are bandits and bullies!

"Bring me my knife, I will chop him alive!" Tang Jinhai is also a man of passion. Who can bear it? If you want to bear this resentment, how can you bear it in the future?

"Commander, I'm afraid it doesn't conform to the regulations. We have to wait..." the Secretary whispered.

"Regulations? What are the rules? "

Tang Jinhai glared angrily and growled: "is what these bastards do in line with the rules? Can't you hear with your ears? Can't you see with your eyes? Let's see what it's like to be bullied? Listen to the people's curse, let alone Lao Tzu's cutting him alive, even if it's a thousand cuts, it's cheap for these bastards! "

The secretary was scolded, but he didn't dare to go out. If you think about it carefully, it's true. Shouldn't these animals be killed?

"Even if I break the law, take off my clothes or go to jail today, I will chop him alive and bring me the knife!" With a roar from Tang Jinhai, an officer presented Tang's sword.

Even though he hasn't cut a man for more than 30 years, the blade is still shining. At the moment of seeing the sword, Yao Ping'an finally feels the fear of death.

"Commander, don't, don't kill me, I, I'm wronged, I'm innocent, you can't listen to their words." Yao Ping'an begged for mercy. At the critical moment, his mind also turned.

"Wronged? Isn't Xiaozhi killed by your son? " Chen Xiu cried: "you bastards, you dare to kill people when you are young, don't you learn from you?"

"Wronged? Didn't you say that it would cost us five million to call Xiaozhi a suicide by jumping off a building? "

Yao Pingan had a long face and did not know how to answer it for a long time.

"Yes, we just heard that. We can testify!" Several villagers jumped out to support Chen Xiu.

One of the villagers even said, "commander, you are old. I'll chop this son of a bitch alive. I'm a famous pig butcher in this town."

After hearing this, Yao Ping'an almost died of anger and paralysis. He was killed as a pig. Was he too tired of himself?

At this moment, Yao Ping'an finally knew what it was like when the wall fell down and people pushed and beat.

"When the pig is killed, it's cheap for him." Mr. Tang gave a cold hum, and Yao Ping'an's face turned white again.

"Don't kill him yet, old man." At this time, Zhao Chengfeng and shangguanlan rush over in a hurry. It's Zhao Chengfeng who talks.

Tang Jinhai frowned and said, "do you want to help the tyrant?"

"Listen to me first, old man." Zhao Chengfeng said: "the big leader will come later, to file a public trial on this group of miscellaneous, collective shooting, and live news."

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