
In the face of mengzhala's fist, Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head slightly, and the color of contempt is very obvious!

"Asshole, dare to look down on me, I'll blow your head out with one blow!" Being looked down upon by a guy who is more than twice his size, monzara's anger rises again, and his strength on his fist increases by two points.

At this moment, monzara seems to have seen the scene that Zhao Chengfeng's head is broken and his brains are bursting out like tofu, with a crazy grin on his face.

But, Zhao Chengfeng still did not move, as if scared silly fool like, motionless pestle in place, face also with a silly smile.

"It's over. It's not working."

"My God, I don't dare to see it anymore!"

"Do it, damn, I'm still waiting to see the play!"

The emperor is not anxious, the eunuch is anxious, Zhao Chengfeng has no action, the following people are shouting one after another.

Even DORT was a little impatient. He couldn't help glancing at the king next to him, and his mouth was filled with disdain. Hum, what's the difference between this man and rubbish? In the face of the opponent's attack, even silly do not know to guard against, Dodge, such a person can be powerful to where?

Although in the manor, the king is equal to himself, and his status is the same, but DORT doesn't look up to the king in his heart. It's true that in recent years, the great popularity of breaking the sky, can not be said that in the end is not to instigate some of the ancient tricks of the Chinese people? It's just a mystery. Only by mastering the absolute power, can we be equal to ourselves!


At this time, mengzhala on the challenge arena suddenly drank, his face grinned a little more, and his fist had already infinitely approached Zhao Chengfeng's face. At this moment, many people even closed their eyes. They really don't want to see blood splashing on the spot.


However, sooner or later, when mengzhala was still one centimeter away from the tip of Zhao Chengfeng's nose, Zhao Chengfeng took out his hand and clamped mengzhala's fist with one hand like a pair of iron tongs. It was hard to move forward!

Monzara was silly. Monzara never dreamed that someone could block his fist. No, he didn't block it, but held it with one hand! On this point, monzara knew that the man in front of him was unusual.

Unfortunately, when he wanted to take back his fist, monzara felt a huge and powerful force that could not resist. His wrist was broken. Monzara even forgot the pain and the pain cry. He only felt that senbai's stubble pierced the skin and flesh, and the fruit was exposed in the air.

"Too little power, too slow speed."

Zhao Chengfeng commented: "what's the use of such a big man? You'd better die. "

"No..." monzara sniffed the smell of death from Zhao Chengfeng's eyes and cried out in horror.

However, it was too late.


Zhao Chengfeng kicked it out, monzara's chest sagged rapidly with the speed visible to the naked eye, and his back suddenly protruded, like a big hunchback.


With a puff of blood, monzara's huge body flew up, just like a flying cow, hitting DORT in front of him with a dull sound and splashing yellow dust.


DORT suddenly stood up, his eyes were full of horror. DORT never dreamed that everything changed so fast. It felt like a dream. It should have been the end of spade nine's head burst, but unexpectedly, after a second, everything changed.

"This..." DORT obviously can't accept this reality.

"Do you believe me now, Mr. dot?" The king looked at dote and felt funny.

What about the apprentices of the purple dragon knight? Are you not destroyed by your own people? However, the king was a little happy and worried. If Zhao Chengfeng and other strong people can be controlled all the time, it is undoubtedly the best. But Zhao Chengfeng is out of control, even against himself!

"Asshole!" Doth said angrily.

"Damn it! What happened? "

"The killing God is still the killing God. It's too hanging!"

"How can I feel that killing God is more powerful?"

After a short silence, the scene is boiling up again. Many people who know the strength of spade nine are talking and marveling.

"Damn it, the killing God is on stage. This beautiful woman has nothing to do with us."

"Yes, the killing gods have all been killed. We can only drink from the West."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care about the reaction of the crowd at all. He stands on the challenge arena quietly, with one person and one sword. He is very brave.

"Since no one is on stage, can I take her and enter the bridal chamber?" After a moment, Zhao Chengfeng looks back at the tattoo messenger.

Tattoo messenger is still in a daze, that foot is too fast, too fierce. The charm of Zhao Chengfeng at that moment deeply impressed women. For a moment, women were crazy.

If he is his own man, he belongs to himself from beginning to end.

"What are you doing? Haven't you seen a handsome guy? I'm asking you something Zhao Chengfeng urged again.

"Oh, well..."

Back to God, the tattoo messenger looked at the other side of the broken sky king, the woman is very clear, the king is not so easy to let Zhao Chengfeng take the night rose, others can take, but Zhao Chengfeng absolutely can't.

"Isn't she the person you hate the most in your life? Why do you want to marry her? " Sure enough, the king stood up and walked slowly to the challenge arena.

The king's voice is not big, but the deep male voice seems to be born with dignity, which makes people can't help lowering their heads.

However, Zhao Chengfeng is an exception.

"Yes, I hate her, but she used to be my woman after all. I'm not happy to see her taken away by other men. At least, I don't want to be a greenhead. Are you satisfied with this explanation?" Zhao Chengfeng looked directly at the king's eyes and naturally grasped the sword.

"Satisfied, but not enough." The king shook his head. "I'm afraid you're still in love with this woman."

"You can think what you want. Now I've won the martial arts contest. She's my woman. Is that in line with the rules? " Zhao Chengfeng is too lazy to explain.

Anyway, it's all about fighting. Why waste so many words?

"Others can, but you can't." The king shook his head.

"Why? Do you want to cheat? "

Zhao Chengfeng's eyebrows stand up and his anger erupts.

"In front of so many people, you have to play tricks. Ha ha, you are really shameless." Zhao Chengfeng didn't give the king any face.

"You are wrong."

The king still shook his head, not angry, "it's not me playing, but your heart has not really belong to the broken day, I can't believe you."

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