"You can't believe me?"

Zhao Chengfeng seemed to have expected that the king would say so. He sneered and asked, "are you worthy of my belief? Whenever there is a difficult task, let me do it. But when Lao Tzu is in trouble, when Lao Tzu is plotted by the saints, mafia and Japanese, where are you? "

"We believe in your strength. You won't die easily." The king was still smiling, but he didn't want to be angry with Zhao Chengfeng. "Of course, it's also a test for you. How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain? "

"I Pooh!"

Zhao Cheng's vogue is to scold his mother. The king of heaven is really shameless. He is so fresh and refined in telling lies that ordinary people can't do it.

"Don't fool me." Zhao Chengfeng didn't have a good way: "don't think that using two Tianzhu will make me work for you all my life. I will pay more than you."

Zhao Chengfeng's roar shocked many people, especially the members of Po Tian. The king is the supreme existence of the heaven. Ordinary people don't want to see him on weekdays. Today's appearance, that is to give everyone face, but did not expect, Zhao Chengfeng is more courageous, actually directly with the king hard!

That's tough! Of course, I'm brave enough.

"You have a point." The king was still not angry, shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you don't like it, you can leave here. It's easier to send you tasks in the future. Of course, you can't take her away today."


Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help scolding and said with a black face, "tell me, how can I take her away? I won't allow my forehead to turn green, absolutely not! "

"It's very simple, as long as you finally break the sky from the bottom of your heart, I will agree that you take her away, and they both belong to you, spade nine, you are really happy." The king laughed with a touch of ridicule.


Zhao Chengfeng said seriously: "from now on, I will work for the broken heaven and swear to die for the broken heaven. I......"

"Do you want to swear?" The king stopped Zhao Chengfeng, shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't believe these things."

"What do you want?"

Zhao Chengfeng was a little impatient, "aren't you a man? Can't you have a good time? If there's any way, just show it, and I'll follow. "

"Here it is."

No matter how angry Zhao Chengfeng is, the king always keeps a calm smile and calmly takes out a palm sized red sandalwood box from his sleeve. The box is very delicate, which makes Zhao Chengfeng feel strange.

Zhao Chengfeng is not a fool, if you really let yourself easily take Shangguan Yan'er away, there is only one possibility, Shangguan Yan'er has no use value.

"What is this?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned.

"Heart biting poison!"

The King opened the box and explained triumphantly: "this is a heart biting poison. Take this thing. If you are unfaithful to me or to me, it will devour your heart bit by bit and make you die in pain."

"Of course, if you're loyal to me, it's OK." With that, the king looked at Zhao Chengfeng with a smile and said, "how about it? Do you dare to eat it? I can remind you that this is not a good thing. After taking it, there is no cure. It will be like a tarsal maggot, lurking in your body until you die

"Heart biting poison!"

"Damn, I heard you right. The king has these things that are extinct in the Miao area!"

The king's voice fell, and many people at the scene were moved. Some of them knew the insects very well, so they explained to others in private.

"In a word, this thing is the shackles from the body. As long as there is a little bit of unfaithfulness, the poisonous insects will erode your body and make you miserable! No, let you die slowly in pain, let you watch your body hollowed out and die in fear! "

Shangguan Lanxin heard clearly, and his heart suddenly became nervous. He looked up at the man in the challenge arena, and his heart was very complicated. On the one hand, Shangguan Lanxin hopes to save his sister. On the other hand, he also hopes that Zhao Chengfeng will be safe.

The palm and the back of the hand are all meat. How to choose?

"How are you thinking about it? Do you want to eat it? " The king saw that Zhao Chengfeng was silent, and the smile on his face was even worse.

King is a person who doesn't care about the process, only about the result. Some people say they are mean, but why not? The swallow bird knows the ambition of a swan, but he wants to dominate the world. How can he care about other people's criticism?

"For me, you're really planning." Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath, and his silent eyes always stayed on the king. His hatred was fermenting again.

This is a man without feelings and humanity! He doesn't deserve to be Zhao family!

"This is natural, because you are a rare talent, even better than Xiao Wang." The king didn't seem to recognize the irony in Zhao Chengfeng's words, and continued: "of course, as long as you take the heart biting poison, not only the woman belongs to you, but also the position of Po Tian Xiao Wang belongs to you. How about that?"

"As you wish!"

Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth, grabbed the pills in the box and thrust them into the drill.

The cold feeling spread in the mouth immediately. Zhao Chengfeng obviously felt that there was a trace of cool air, which was not controlled by the strong Qi at all, and spread to the viscera.


The strength that just mentioned, not only failed to force that cool air to move, on the contrary, the chest suddenly hurt, and a mouth of blood spewed out.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to remind you."

Seeing this, the king didn't feel distressed at all. On the contrary, he laughed even more happily. "Don't try to use your inner strength to force the heart biting poison out. It's impossible to succeed. On the contrary, it will cause the heart biting poison to bite back. You've just seen how powerful it is."


Everyone at the scene was shocked again. I didn't expect that this thing was so powerful. I had a reaction just after I ate it. It was terrible!

"You are cruel!"

Zhao Chengfeng secretly scolded a, this just blunt big Wang way: "now I can take her away."

"That's natural. I'm a man of my word. However, the next time you receive the task order, I hope you can act quickly and be friendly to me, because if I am in a bad mood, I will make you very uncomfortable. " Once again, the king said.

This is the threat of chiguoguo, but in order to save Shangguan Yan'er, Zhao Chengfeng has to suffer from such threats.

"Into the bridal chamber!"

Tattoo emissary at this time called a, will Shangguan Yan son to Zhao Chengfeng hand. When Zhao Chengfeng once again caught the woman's hand, his heart was a lot of peace.

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