"Chengfeng, you are so stupid!"

When Zhao Chengfeng and his party were sent out of potian headquarters, it was two days later, and they could finally speak happily.

"Why do you want to eat heart biting poison? Do you know that it's very powerful and there's no cure for it, do you know? " Shangguan Yan'er is so anxious that she almost cries. She grabs Zhao Chengfeng's hand, complaining and moving.

"For you, what is eating heart biting poison? I think it's worth it. " Zhao Chengfeng does not agree with the smile, holding a woman's hand, this moment of happiness seems to seize the world.

At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng can finally have a good sleep. This year more than nearly two years, whenever you think about Shangguan Yan'er, Zhao Chengfeng will certainly lose sleep!

As soon as I close my eyes, my mind is full of pictures of Shangguan Yan'er pouring into a pool of blood.

"You... Ah!"

Shangguan Yan'er is both happy and resentful. She doesn't know what to say. She just leans quietly in Zhao Chengfeng's arms. She feels down-to-earth when she is with a man. Shangguan Yan'er has missed her for a long time. Today, it finally comes true.

It's just that the price is too high.

"You can talk. I'll get a car. Let's go straight to musley island." Seeing that they were in love with each other, Shangguan Lanxin couldn't stand it any more, so he casually found a reason to go away.

Shangguan Lan's heart is really contradictory. Seeing his sister's safe return, Shangguan Lan's heart should be happy. But when they see their greasy and crooked, Shangguan Lan's heart is filled with a strong sour smell.

At that moment, Shangguan Lanxin is completely convinced by Zhao Chengfeng. At that moment, Shangguan Lanxin even thinks that if a man is willing to pay for himself, whether he is handsome, rich or not, whether he has status, he is willing to marry him.

"Lan Xin is gone. There's no one. Come on, kiss first." Said, Zhao Chengfeng pasted up.

To sum up, they haven't been intimate for nearly two years. Can we not be excited?

"Come on, don't!"

Shangguan Yan'er stops Zhao Chengfeng. Her beautiful eyes turn white. Zhao Chengfeng looks shamefully and angrily and says, "don't you see that Lan Xin can't stand us?"

"I didn't ask her to watch us make out?" Zhao Chengfeng's face doesn't matter.

Brother Feng is very generous. If you want to see it, you can see it. If you don't want to see it, you can go by yourself. You never ask for it.


Shangguan Yan'er takes a look at Zhao Chengfeng and suddenly thinks of something. She says in a positive way: "I ask you, Lanxin joins the broken sky and pretends to be a couple with you. And you two, you two have a relationship, don't you?"

"Who told you we had sex?" Zhao Chengfeng some guilty way: "heaven and earth conscience, we that is acting good?"

"Bah, do you really think I'm deaf?"

Thinking of this, Shangguan Yan'er said, "you two are doing that in the hotel. It's so noisy. The whole members are talking about it. I haven't asked you yet. What have you done to my sister? Are you not going to be responsible? "


With a bitter smile, Zhao Chengfeng patiently explained, "Yan'er, will you listen to me? I really didn't cheat you. Lanxin sleeps on the bed all night. I just sit on the sofa and smoke all night. I teach the bed while smoking. Otherwise, how can we not doubt the relationship between us? "

"All night? It's a wave. " Smell speech, Shangguan Yan'er speechless shake her head, is also convinced Zhao Chengfeng this sex wolf, even the call is so lifelike, too bad.

Don't say that ordinary people are cheated by him, don't they also be cheated by him? At the beginning, the tattoo messenger took himself to listen to the sound of the bed of his man and his sister. Shangguan Yan'er was heartbroken. After a long time, it was acting.

It has to be said that the world owes Zhao Chengfeng an Oscar.

"Damn, I'm doing it for you, aren't I?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but look at the woman, "by the way, why does the king want you to marry? Is your identity exposed? Do you have any other clues? We really can't find the location of Po Tian's headquarters just by the word "isolated island"

Color to color, but Zhao Chengfeng is not a rogue on the brain, know business to do.

"Not to strengthen his own connections?"

Referring to this matter, Shangguan Yan'er's face became colder and colder. She slowly said, "the king wants to please a guy named zate, and then let me marry him. By the way, I can stimulate you, stimulate you, and test you. But I didn't expect you to come. "

"I thought you were exposed. It scared me to death." Zhao Chengfeng breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he was not sure about the king's pulse. "The four golden flowers are very beautiful. Why do you want to marry zate? It's not appropriate. I think the king thinks highly of you. "

"He values you!"

Shangguan Yan'er corrected: "your potential is unlimited. In addition to the battle of breaking the secret world, your strength is moving. That's why the king has come to this step, forcing you to take the heart biting poison, forcing you to work for breaking the secret world."

"Chengfeng, you really shouldn't eat that. There is no antidote for it. You have to bear the pain all your life. For me, is it worth it? " Shangguan Yan'er is heartbroken.

Zhao Chengfeng's feelings for himself, Shangguan Yan'er knows, but for his own sake and choose to die, too unworthy.

"I can't let my own woman marry someone else, it's absolutely not allowed!"

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said: "it's better to let my grave green than to let my brain green. Men, if they can't protect their own women, are they still men? "

"You are so stupid." Shangguan Yan'er doesn't know how to persuade. It's so late.


Zhao Chengfeng pretended to smile easily and said: "Yan'er, don't worry too much. Don't look at the king's strong blow. I don't believe that there's no cure for this. I'll ask Huisheng to help me to have a look. I really can't. I'll go to miaojiang for a walk. Miao is the hometown of poisonous insects. There are many strange people in it. Maybe it can relieve the poisonous insects in my body. "

"That's all we can do now." Shangguan Yan'er sighed.

"What's more, do you have any other information?" Zhao Chengfeng changed the topic.

Compared with going to miaojiang, Zhao Chengfeng is more willing to put a knife on the head of the king of heaven, forcing him to take out the antidote! Zhao Chengfeng can't really rest assured if he doesn't get rid of the sky for a day.

"Island, this is the only information. Besides, I don't know. In fact, only three people know the exact location of Po Tian." Shangguan Yan'er shook her head with a bitter smile.

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