"You, who are you? How did you get in? " This time, Ramon was shocked.

So eating, people stride in, if the enemy, go to the bed and blow himself. Maybe, Raymond subconsciously stands up and glares at the comer.

"Who am I? And who are you? " Huisheng looks at Raymond and feels funny. Reincarnation is really unexpected, the original leader of the holy religion is still a fake monk.

The fake monk meets the blood monk, this fate is no one.

"I'm the Lord of musley island... Who do you care who I am and how did you come here?" Ramon just wanted to say, I am the owner of musley Island, but suddenly thought of something, immediately changed his words.

If Zhao Chengfeng is not happy and raises his hand to kill himself, how unfortunate it would be to die for one sentence, it's not worth it.

"Of course I came on foot." Huisheng said with a faint smile.

"The guard didn't stop you?" Raymond was dumbfounded.

"It's just that they can't stop it." Reincarnation shrugs.


Ramon's furious. He's going to do it.

"Well, stop it."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, but also convinced the reincarnation, are an age of people, how still like to play so much?

"Raymond, he's teasing you. Don't worry, he doesn't mean anything." Zhao Chengfeng said: "Huisheng, this is Raymond, the leader of the holy religion; This is Hua Xiaobao

"Mr. Zhao, this, this is my own man?" Raymond looks embarrassed and doesn't know what to say. Fortunately, he didn't do it. If he hurt Zhao Chengfeng's friend by mistake, can he still stand and lie?

Of course, Raymond will never know that he will never be the opponent of rebirth! In contrast, the method of reincarnation is more frightening. No, it is helpless, and even there is no room for resistance.

"This is my brother, born again, and he is also a doctor, a doctor of great skill." Zhao Chengfeng is serious.

"Huisheng brother, hello. I'm sorry. I didn't know just now. I offended you so much. Don't be angry." Leimeng said with an apologetic smile. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's solemn introduction, we know that Huisheng has a lot to do with Zhao Chengfeng. that was close!

"Hello, I'm Hua Xiaobao." Hua Xiaobao also said hello, but he felt strange.

Hua Xiaobao is a martial arts practitioner. At a glance, he can see that Huisheng does not have much strength. He can only say that he is ordinary. But how did he break through the defense and enter the temple?

It's strange.

"Huisheng, why are you here? One day, it's not so hard to find you. " The blood monk laughed and patted back to life on the shoulder.

Huisheng light smile, looked at the next Kamini, joked: "what dragon see the first but not the end? Don't you call me shameful? But you, monk, you can. You forget the Buddhist precepts. Now that you even have girlfriends, aren't you afraid of the Buddha's blame? "

"Cough, come back to life, we are all brothers. Don't make fun of me." Blood monk embarrassed smile.

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd laughed.

"Shangguan, welcome back to the team." Huisheng finally looks down on Shangguan Yan'er, takes her glass and drinks it all. There are a lot of words, do not need to say, over the years of love are all in the wine.

"Well, everyone is here. Let's eat."

Zhao Chengfeng asked everyone to sit down. He could not help complaining: "back to life, you are a real boy. You have given you coordinates long ago. How can you arrive now? Is something wrong? "


When Huisheng was eating, he said, "I'm so old that I haven't been to borodo before. I finally came here and went around. Besides, didn't you let me hide my body? Do I dare to come out if you don't let me show up? "

"So it is." Zhao Chengfeng nodded.

"So you've been to borodor for a long time?" On one side, Tang Wei hears something. Instead of looking at Huisheng, she looks at Zhao Chengfeng.

Good guy, it's hidden deep enough. I'm afraid no one at the scene knows that he arranged to come back here.

"Cough, this thing is actually like this..." knowing that Zhao Chengfeng couldn't hide, he lit a cigarette and explained it slowly.

It turned out that Zhao Chengfeng had already contacted Huisheng before he set out from Huaxia. This time, when he went to the headquarters, Zhao Chengfeng planned to fight to the death, but he couldn't bring in the hot weapons. What should he do? That's the only way to help.

When he was in China, Huisheng had already made a lot of powerful medicines for Zhao Chengfeng in case of emergency. Later, he followed Zhao Cheng to borodor and hid himself. He only wanted to find the trace of Po Tian and give Po Tian a fatal blow! Who knows, Zhao Chengfeng and her two daughters come here safely, but they don't need to be reborn.

Therefore, on the way back to musli Island, Zhao Chengfeng contacted Huisheng, but the action of Huisheng was slow.

"You're hiding a lot." Tang Wei took a look at the man and didn't know what to say.

"I can't help it. The enemy is too cunning. I have to keep two more cards for myself." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "although they have not been able to destroy the broken sky and find their hiding place, they have rescued people. This is also a good thing!"

"But..." Shangguan Yan'er and Shangguan Lanxin's face changed at the same time, and a touch of bitterness rose in their hearts, especially Shangguan Yan'er.

Yes, people are saved, but Zhao Chengfeng's life is in the hands of the people who break the sky, there will be life in danger at any time.

"Well, it's rare for us to get together. Let's eat first." Zhao Chengfeng stops Shangguan Yan'er and holds up the wine glass again.

Shangguan Yan'er has no choice but to follow the man. Also, there are so many people at the scene. If some people with ulterior motives know that Zhao Chengfeng is ill, what should they do to deal with him?

It's always right to leave one more way.

People gathered together, naturally very happy, a meal full toss more than three hours before the end. Hua Xiaobao and Raymond are very interesting. After filling their stomachs, they are busy with their own affairs, leaving space for Zhao Chengfeng and his party.

"Boss, so I still can't find where Po Tian is?" Almost finished, Huisheng asked with a frown.

If you don't get rid of it every day, it's like a nail in your heart.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said with a bitter smile: "it's absolutely no accident that the sky can develop. Just for their management, I'll take it! It's a good job of secrecy. "

"Their intelligence work is better!" Huisheng followed, but shook his head.

"Huisheng, when you come, give Chengfeng a pulse." Shangguan Yan'er can't help it.

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