"Chengfeng, are you hurt?"

"Boss, what's the matter with you? Injured? "

Hearing this, Tang Wei and Huisheng are surprised. It's OK to see Zhao Chengfeng.

"What can I do for you? Am I not so good? " Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think so and smiles. He looks back at Shangguan Yan'er.

Everyone is in the mood. What are you doing with this? It's a wet blanket.

"Come on, don't hide it!"

Shangguan Yan'er is not afraid of Zhao Chengfeng at all. She rushes back to life and says, "he is not hurt, but he is in danger. In order to save me, he is forced to eat the poisonous insects kept by the king of heaven."

"What? The insects

Huisheng was surprised and stared at Zhao Cheng strangely. He said, "are you sure it's a poisonous insect?"


Shangguan Yan'er saw Huisheng's expression and knew that it was very difficult, but she nodded her head and continued: "in order to save me, the king of heaven breaking forces Chengfeng to swallow the heart biting poisonous insect, and makes Chengfeng loyal to heaven breaking. If not, the poisonous insect will eat Chengfeng's heart bit by bit..."


Smell speech, Tang Wei pretty face is very white, seem to be struck by thunder, Leng is on the spot.

"Heart biting?"

I can't help but smile bitterly.

"Yes, it's heart biting." Shangguan Yan'er said: "Huisheng, I know you are good at medicine. You should find a way to save Chengfeng, otherwise his life is in danger. You..."

"Shangguan, if I can save it, will I not?" Huisheng chuckled miserably and said, "Gu Chong is the magic of Miao. Although I know something about it, I'm not proficient in it. The more I know, the more I feel terrible. Take Gu Chong as an example. Once it is planted into the human body, it will be accompanied by the human body. If you die, it will die. "

"And the heart biting bug in your mouth should be a kind of curse bug, which is more advanced and more difficult to deal with." Huisheng looks very ugly. "Boss, I'm really not sure. Unless I find and kill the person who's going to poison me, maybe the poison will be released automatically. Of course, there's another possibility."

"What's possible?" Shangguan Yan'er asks in a hurry.

"The poisonous insect will die with its master, and at the same time, take the person in the poisonous insect and die together!" Huisheng said very slowly, every word is beating people's souls, especially Shangguan Yan'er's face, more and more pale.

"Is it really impossible?"

Tang Wei is not reconciled, way: "come back to life, you go south and North for many years, really helpless?"

"Don't worry." Huisheng motioned to everyone not to worry, and then said: "there are two ways. First, XiaGu man is a master of Gu insect, which can remove the heart biting Gu in your body; Second, find a more powerful Gu master and drive out Gu by force. The first way is impossible. The king of breaking heaven will not drive away the poisonous insects for the eldest, so he can only go to Miao to find the poisonous insects master. "

"I'll leave for miaojiang tomorrow!" Shangguan Yan'er gritted her teeth. Zhao Chengfeng is threatened by himself and has to stand up.

"Well, what are you doing?"

Zhao Chengfeng stopped everyone and said, "I'm not dead yet? Why are you all crying? Besides, although this heart biting poison is powerful, you know that as long as I listen to Po Tian's words, there will be no danger. "

"What would you do if you were asked to do something that would hurt heaven?" Shangguan Yan'er asks in reverse.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng stopped talking. This is really a problem.

If Po Tian asked him to kill the Japanese, he would not refuse. Instead, he would be very happy. But what if Po Tian wants to kill the people around him and do something harmful to China?

"Well, don't say anything. I'll start early tomorrow morning!" Shangguan Yan son once again way, the vision is firm.

"Sister, you can't go. I'll go."

Shangguanlan said: "you just came out of the broken sky. You should go home for love and reason. Moreover, you are more familiar with the broken sky. You can deal with the broken sky better only if you stay. I can go to miaojiang instead of you."

"But..." Shangguan Yan'er hesitated, and her sister's words were not unreasonable.

"Sister, it's nothing, but what's wrong with me going for you?" Shangguan Lanxin asked.

"All right." Shangguan Yan'er can only nod.

"Didn't you ask my opinion? I haven't agreed yet... "

"Shut up

"Shut up

Zhao Chengfeng did not finish a word, Shangguan Yan'er roared with Tang weiqi, scared Zhao Chengfeng immediately did not dare to speak.

"Boss, now there's more hope in miaojiang." Reincarnation is the same way.

Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and had to accept his life.

"Boss, what are we going to do next? Do you want to stay on the island of musley or go back to Africa? " The blood monk asked at this time.

"That's what I want to say."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "mosri island is really a good place, and it's very close to the headquarters of Putian. Although we don't know where the headquarters of Putian is, so I plan to build a base in mosri Island, and the saints are the members of the base. What do you think?"

"That's good. Our team has grown up a little bit?" Hearing the words, the blood monk applauded.

"OK, OK, but musley island is the territory of Boluo multinational after all. If it offends the local government, we can't afford to leave. BOLUO multinational's relationship with China is not particularly friendly." Huisheng had to remind: "besides, the holy religion has been notorious these years. I'm afraid it will damage our own reputation."

"You are not afraid that the holy religion will damage our reputation. You are afraid that the holy religion will not obey us!"

How can Zhao Chengfeng not understand the meaning of Huisheng dialect? However, Zhao Chengfeng still said: "it's not unreasonable for you to think so. However, Raymond, an old boy, has not lost his good nature. He has some ability. I'm going to give him a chance to make up for his mistakes. Of course, in order to build the base, some of us have to stay. "

With that, Zhao Chengfeng looks at the blood monk.

"Boss, do you want me to stay?" Although the blood monk's brain is not very smart, it's not that he's so stupid that he doesn't know how to nurse.

"Of course."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "if you want to, you are the most suitable. If a false monk meets a blood monk, you are also predestined. Besides, philosophy is Kamini's hometown after all, and you are half a son-in-law. "

"Yes, it must be." The blood monk was so excited that he subconsciously hugged carmini in his arms.

"Pang Hu will stay with you. Tomorrow we'll leave borodor and go back to China first. I'll see if there's any way to deal with this old poisonous insect." Zhao Chengfeng decided directly.

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