"Boss, although I can't get rid of you, I have a way to control its growth and reduce its damage to you." When it comes to heart biting insects, they come back to life.


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng was surprised, way: "this, this thing is in human body, still can oneself grow up?"

"Can it still grow?"

Not only Zhao Chengfeng was surprised, but Shangguan Yan'er and others were also surprised.

"Of course."

Huisheng zhengse said: "Gu Chong, Gu Chong is a kind of insect, a kind of creature, a kind of life cultivated by special means. Its vitality is extremely tenacious, and it is psychic. Its intelligence is very high. It only listens to the orders of Gu Ren."

"Since it is a life and a living thing, it will certainly grow, which is inevitable. As it stays in the human body for a longer time, grows bigger and faster, and as long as the host is not obedient, it will change its docile character and bite you fiercely, which will kill you. "

"Do you mean that the longer the insect stays in the body, the more dangerous it becomes?" Tang Wei thought of a possibility.

"I don't want to admit it, but that's the truth!" Huisheng nodded heavily, looking depressed.

He has the name of "rebirth", but now he can't save Zhao Chengfeng's life. For a moment, his heart is also very sad.

"I'll stop the growth of poisonous insects first. I'll start tomorrow morning. I'll contact you as soon as I get any news." Shangguan Lanxin said with a dignified look.

Before Shangguan Yan'er was saved, Shangguan Lanxin cursed Zhao Chengfeng many times, but when Zhao Chengfeng was really in danger, Shangguan Lanxin was very worried. Now I can't wait to run to the Miao area and find the clever Gu master.

"I'll make the medicine right away. You can have a rest first."

Huisheng also knew that the matter was serious. He didn't want to talk with others. He asked Raymond for a quiet room, and sent someone to send the medicine he needed overnight, so he began to work.

"Let's have a rest, too..."

After all the people are gone, Zhao Chengfeng looks at Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei. Although there is an extra worm in his body, it doesn't affect Zhao Chengfeng's professional life.

And Zhao Chengfeng fantasy is very beautiful, two women are not a meet pinch it? If two people are lying on the bed, waiting on themselves naked, competing to be the first to eat crabs, then the picture should be very beautiful.

"Good night!"

"Good night!"

Who knows, two women leave one after another, finally leaving Zhao Chengfeng alone, empty guard boudoir.

"I'll go. What's the situation?" Zhao Chengfeng is not embarrassed, especially after hearing the sound from the blood monk's room, he has 10000 grass and mud horses galloping by in his heart.

Yes, I have many women, but at this time, it's not as true as the blood monk. Anyway, there is only one female ticket in the family. No one is fighting for it, no one is robbing it, and the blood monk has no choice. On the contrary, he is full of happiness. What about yourself?

"Ah! I'd better wash and sleep. " With a long sigh, Zhao Chengfeng got into the Zen room and fell asleep.

Zhao Chengfeng sleeps sweetly, because his nightmare has gone away, because Shangguan Yan'er has been rescued. However, some people can't sleep, such as Tang Wei.

After returning to the room, Tang Wei used all her contacts to inquire about the news of "Gu Chong" no matter what point she was in China.

Not only Tang Wei can't sleep, Shangguan Yan'er and her two sisters are not sleepy. First of all, the two sisters haven't seen each other for a long time. Naturally, they have a lot to say from their heart; Second, the two women are also quite concerned about the poisonous insects in Zhao Chengfeng's body. That's an indefinite time bomb. Maybe it's still good in front of us, but we will die in pain in the next second.

"Lanxin, I'd better go to miaojiang tomorrow, you..." Shangguan Yan'er suggested.


Shangguan Lanxin interrupted: "I'd better go. What's the matter with you? Don't you want to go home and see your father and grandparents? They miss you all these years. "

"I..." Shangguan Yan'er didn't know how to refute.

Yes, love is very important. Isn't family affection important?

"Also, sister, during your absence, there are many women around him, and Tang Wei is just one of them. Do you want to watch others rob him?" Shangguan Lanxin continued.

However, Shangguan Yan'er shook her head slightly and said in a soft voice: "now I don't care how many women he has. I only know that he has me in his heart, which is enough. By contrast, I care more about his safety. "

"For me, he paid too much, and even put his life into it many times. How many women does he have

"You have a big heart." Shangguan Lanxin also convinced his elder sister.

For ordinary women, if they want to know that their men are acting recklessly outside, wouldn't that make a world of chaos? But my sister is not calm, not only does not oppose, but also quite support the appearance, really wonderful.

"Lanxin, you have never loved, you may think it ridiculous, but one day you really understand love, you will not think so." Shangguan Yan'er then said: "love is not asking, but dedication, unconditional dedication, as long as he is good, I can do anything."

Said, Shangguan Yan son motionless staring at Shangguan Lanxin, eyes mixed with too many complex emotions.

"What are you looking at me for? Do you have anything on my face? " Shangguan Lan's heart was not clear, so he touched his face subconsciously.

Shangguan Yan'er shook her head and said, "Lanxin, don't you really like this man?"


Shangguan Lanxin's heart, in a moment, seemed to be hit by something. However, Shangguan Lanxin soon recovered and said in a loud voice: "sister, what do you say? How can I like him? He is a big sex wolf. I will not... "

"But you went to miaojiang for him without hesitation. In order to save him, you even hugged him naked and warmed his body with your own body, regardless of your innocence." Shangguan Yan'er interrupts and looks directly at her sister.

Seemingly insipid, Shangguan Yan'er's heart is very painful. It's not because my sister fell in love with her man, but because my sister had to seal up her feelings for her own sake and only wanted to pay in silence.

Shangguan Lanxin lowered his head, blushed and muttered, "that's because only he can save you. In order to save you, I don't care about anything."

"You can cheat people? Can you deceive yourself? " Shangguan Yan'er asks in reverse.

"I didn't lie to myself. I really wanted to save you."

"I won't argue with you." Shangguan Yan'er waved her hand and said faintly: "if you drink water, you know the cold and warm, your own heart, you know the best."

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