In the past, people bombed their own aircraft carriers, but the American people never said a word and mobilized their troops to work. But this time, the Americans just barked twice, without any real action.

"Although you are also for the country and the people, you are too brave to touch the buttocks of the American people!" After listening to Zhao Chengfeng's explanation, Tang Weiguo's anger dissipated slightly. However, he had to beat Zhao Chengfeng and said with a straight face: "even if the Japanese have evil ideas first, you dare to report to me first. How can you go out without authorization?"

"I am not afraid to disturb you?" Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, but he didn't think so.

Touch the ass of the American? You have to give me some American girls, I can make them pregnant! Of course, if you want to be beautiful, Fengge is not interested in it.

"Come on, you don't blow it." Tang Weiguo turned his eyes around and said, "do you think I don't know that what you play with is cutting first and then playing?"

"What's the matter." Zhao Chengfeng said, a little embarrassed.

This time, Tang Weiguo was right. Zhao Chengfeng really meant to cut first and then play. After all, he dragged Tang down the river. Zhao Chengfeng is very clear in his heart that once the matter is reported, the greatest possibility is passive defense.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with passive defense. However, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to be so weak all the time. A good defense is an attack. If you kill the enemy directly, don't you need to defend? Terrorist attack is a kind of thing, but every individual can do it. It depends on whether he does it or not.

"All the car bombings occurred in the government building of Fujita County in the United States, killing eight government workers, one of whom was a cabinet member; At the same time, there was a natural gas explosion in the street near the Pentagon. Did you do all this? " Tang Weiguo asked again.

"Cough, I didn't do it myself." Zhao Chengfeng said with a bad smile.

"You boy, let me tell you something. Ah

Tang Weiguo has no choice but to shake his head. There's really no good way to take Zhao Chengfeng. If you want to say that he's wrong, there's nothing wrong with him. One report for another. If others want to beat me, do they have to wait to be beaten?

"You don't have to praise me, it's all I should do." Zhao Chengfeng said quickly.

"I Pooh!"

Tang Weiguo was so angry that he laughed and scolded: "you smelly boy, do you really think I let you come here to reward you?"

"It's too much to see if there is a reward or not."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "you should always look up to me. When I get married, you can give me a big red envelope. I don't want one hundred and eighty thousand more."

"Go away, I don't want to see you." Tang was so angry for his country that he finally saw what it means to push his nose on his face. This guy typically needs a little sunshine.

"So I really left?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng was overjoyed.

"Come back to me!"

Tang Weiguo's chest fluctuates sharply, and he almost hasn't been carried away by Zhao Cheng.

"Leader, what instructions do you have for the elderly?" Zhao Chengfeng asked respectfully.

"Don't make trouble for me in the future!" Tang Weiguo scolded: "if you want to do something, you have to wipe your ass clean for me. I don't want to waste a lot of time for you every day."

"Well, I'll go." Zhao Chengfeng should be a, quickly slip away.

"Hey, this smelly boy, he's gone." Tang for the country a Leng, and so back to God, people have run no shadow.

However, Tang soon laughed again for his country.

It's true that Zhao Chengfeng is a little son of a bitch who often makes mistakes. But I have to say that this little son of a bitch is very capable. Is it a fart to make mistakes? You have to give him a long enough bamboo pole, he can pierce the sky.

But the reason why he made a mistake is so lovely that life is not angry at all“ The country and the people "is always in his mind, which makes countless people blush.

The reason why Tang Weiguo deliberately kept a straight face and scolded Zhao Chengfeng was that he just let Zhao Chengfeng restrain a little. Even if you want to do small moves, you have to protect yourself from being held by others.

Moreover, Tang Wei's country needs to be aware of the situation. Now the United States and Japan are shouting like two mad dogs. The Chinese side must be ready to respond.

"Why don't I go?"

Out of the park, Zhao Chengfeng is in a wonderful mood. Let alone, if it wasn't for Tang Weiguo, Zhao Chengfeng really didn't know that the kid had already done it. What's more, he didn't know that Tang Jinhai was so powerful. If he didn't do it, he would have done it. A torpedo was smashed in the past, which made the Japanese feel terrified. The torpedo didn't rush to fish, but to people.

"Well, I don't know how Yan'er's going home? If the capital is OK, I have to go back to Beihai. What if the Japanese bastards attack Shiyun again? " Zhao Chengfeng mumbles and thinks about it. He calls Shangguan Yan'er.

As Zhao Chengfeng expected, if he didn't go home for a long time, Shangguan's family would be as busy as new year's day today. Shangguan Yan'er obviously can't leave, so she has to accompany her family. Otherwise, it's hard to say.

Zhao Chengfeng immediately made a reservation and headed for Beihai.

In the afternoon, Zhao Chengfeng landed at Beihai airport. When he got off the plane, he smelled the smell of sea water from the wind. It was sunny and comfortable.

"Boss, why are you here?" When Zhao Chengfeng appeared at the station, Huisheng was obviously surprised and asked: "you, don't you want to go home? Why are you here so soon? "

"Don't mention it."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "the old man is not at home. After wandering around, I went directly to Beihai."

"What's up, boss? Well done with my vote. " At this time, the kid thief came up and said in a low voice: "in the Japanese side, we sent a group of people directly from jintari to create chaos. In the American side, it's even easier. We found a group of gangsters in the slums and gave the American people eyedrops easily."

"Can't you die?" Zhao Chengfeng gave the latter a white look and said, "young man, be modest and don't be so ostentatious."

"..." the kid's enthusiasm was instantly quenched by a basin of cold water.

"But it's a beautiful thing to do!"

After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng said: "of course, if we can kill the president of the United States, it will be better."

"Boss, I've been thinking about this for a long time. Why don't you go up?" The kid wiped a cold sweat, but also convinced his boss, standing to speak, not to feel lumbago.

"I'll go up? What else do you need? Do you want dry rice Zhao Chengfeng asked.

The kid stopped talking and his face turned red.

"You..." on one side, Huisheng shook his head with a bitter smile.

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