"Boss, it's hard to get rid of the poisonous insects in your body. I think we'd better go to miaojiang, where we have a better chance of finding a solution." After enough fighting, Huisheng put away his smile and said, "I'm sorry for my brother's incompetence. On the way back, I've been thinking that I've read a lot of information online and in books, but it's really..."

"Rebirth, you don't have to blame yourself." Zhao Chengfeng interrupted the latter, relieved and said with a smile: "life and death have a destiny, and man will prevail. I don't think potian will let me die so easily. At most, it will give me some punishment. As for the matter of going to miaojiang, I have to wait for me to arrange the things at hand, otherwise I won't be at ease. "

Huisheng nodded and said, "OK, I'll go with you then."

"Well, then..."

"Didi... Didi..."

Zhao Chengfeng hasn't finished a word. He didn't think that anbai actually called.

"Why does this woman call herself?" Zhao Chengfeng mumbled a word, but still picked up the phone.

"Hello, my good brother, what are you doing? I haven't been contacted for such a long time. Don't you want me? " As soon as the phone was picked up, anbai said endlessly, "I tell you, if you really don't want me, I'll wear red clothes, and then take a rope to your house to hang. I'll haunt you as a ghost!"

"Come on, what are you crazy about?" Zhao Chengfeng also served anbai, didn't he spoil her for a while? As for sprinkling?

"Cluck, good brother, you finally spoke. I thought you ignored me." Anbai is definitely a dog. His face changes as soon as he says it. He just has a bad feeling. In a twinkling, he is happy again.

Zhao Chengfeng had no choice but to shake his head and said, "what's the matter, please tell me quickly. I'm busy now."

"My good brother, where are you? I have something to do with you. " Said amber.

Zhao Chengfeng thought about it for a while and guessed that anbai was in the capital. He said, "I'm in Beihai. I'm busy for a while. I don't have any plans to return to the capital. I'll talk about something next time."

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like anbai, it's just that this girl has too many things to deal with. If I really want to see amber, I think everything will be delayed.

"Ah, so coincidentally, I'm also in Beihai City, so come here quickly." Anbai on the other end of the phone was excited.

"Ah, you, you are in Beihai."

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly froze, like a fool, did not return to God for a long time. I have to think too much. If I had known that, I should have said I was abroad.

"Yes, yes, I'm on the beach outside Xijiao University. Please come here and I'll wait for you." With that, anbai put down the phone first, regardless of whether Zhao Chengfeng agreed or not.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng scolded a, said with two people, and hurried out.

At the beach outside Xijiao University, Zhao Chengfeng was stunned. Not only anbai, but also many people were on the beach. Instead of basking in the sun or playing, the crew was filming.

"Chengfeng, you are here at last." The moment I saw Zhao Chengfeng, anbai, like a little girl, ran to Zhao Chengfeng with her feet. She put her hands around Zhao Chengfeng's neck and offered a kiss as if there were no one else!

"Damn it

"The goddess offered a kiss. My God, who is this man?"

"It's not very handsome. Why isn't the goddess reserved?"

Anbai's action has attracted many people, whether men or women, are interested in Zhao Chengfeng. Anbai is the goddess in the eyes of many men. When the goddess is harvested, Zhao Chengfeng naturally becomes the thorn in the eye of many men; Women are better. At most, they are curious about Zhao Chengfeng. After all, anbai is not an ordinary woman.

She is a new generation of Queen! All over the country! Even though he has retired from the music industry, his influence can not be underestimated!

"Hey, what are you up to?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, "you, have you changed your career to filming?"


An Bai nodded and said, "I not only changed my career to filming, but also acquired an entertainment company. Of course, I didn't acquire all of them. I only acquired 40% of the shares."

"You buy entertainment companies? Eat too much to support you. " Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head.

To tell you the truth, Zhao Chengfeng really can't guess anbai. This girl is just like a madman, which is unpredictable. It's just like quitting the music industry at the beginning. Now I have to enter a field I'm not familiar with. Isn't that a joke?

"How do you know?" Anbai was not angry at all. On the contrary, he said solemnly, "I have nothing to do after a full day, so I can find something to do for myself."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng more muddled force, staring at the woman up and down, left and right to see for a long time, this way: "girl, are you sick, you?"

"Yes, I'm sick. Do you have any medicine?"


Zhao Chengfeng decided not to speak, because Zhao Chengfeng suddenly felt that he was not on the same channel with anbai, and this girl was forced to do something against her on purpose! Jueji was sent by monkey to tease him. He was very angry.

"Oh, don't be angry. Can't I tell you?"

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng didn't say a word, anbai explained: "since the new year, you've been busy, and I'm really bored. The only business of every day is to enter the live platform to sing and interact with you. At first, it was good, but later, it was not interesting. What's more, there are all kinds of people in the live broadcasting platform. I don't like it. "

"Later, I saw an online novel called" super bodyguard of female president "by accident. For a moment, I thought it was very good, so I wanted to make it into a TV play. I contacted the author, got the copyright, then went to the director, bought the company, and so on. I had been busy for several months. Didn't it officially start shooting today? I'll call you when I'm happy. By the way, are you interested in being a leading actor? "

"I'm going to play in a TV play?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng repeatedly shakes his head, is also convinced an Bai, really should that sentence - rich willful, want to play how to play.

"Anbai, your idea is very good, but the water of TV series is too deep. Don't dig yourself in the hole." Zhao Chengfeng reminds again.

Although anbai didn't care about the money, it wasn't from the strong wind. It's a pity that he wasted it and was cheated.

"Don't worry!"

Anbai said with a smile: "the cost of online TV series is not high at all. Basically, there are no big brands. It doesn't cost much. What's more, the current online TV series are in a mess, even making more money than the live broadcast platform. "

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