"Go away!"

Anbai didn't want to see them, so he ordered them to leave again.

Chen Jinshan and Yuan Lang left the scene in dismay.

"Everyone has seen it. This play is not being filmed for the time being. It's been a hard day for everyone. It's a very unpleasant day, but I'll never owe you a cent." After Chen Jinshan and his wife were settled, anbai looked back at the other staff members and said, "everyone will register, sign and collect money from my agent later. Today everyone will get three times their salary. Thank you finally!" With that, anbai bowed deeply to the crowd.

This bow is not only an apology, but also a way to tell everyone that there will be no more shows.

Anbai is very clear about the background of Chen Jinshan and elong entertainment company. Although anbai is not afraid, anbai doesn't want to deal with these dirty guys. The most important thing is that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like these bad guys. He loves his family. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like them, and anbai definitely can't like them!

In other words, it's actually a protection for elong entertainment company and Chen Jinshan and others. It's really urgent to provoke Zhao Chengfeng. Beating you is a fart. Killing you is like playing.

"It's all gone. Goodbye." Anbai waves to the crowd, takes Zhao Chengfeng's arm, and xiaoniao leaves.

Two people walk very natural and unrestrained, but everybody all silly eyes, from Zhao Chengfeng hand of that moment, already thoroughly ignorant force. Who can imagine that anbai, a popular singer, actually has a boyfriend. For his boyfriend, even one of the most famous directors in contemporary times has been offended, and even his boss has been offended.

"Miss Ambrose is such a cow

"Miss Ambrose's boyfriend is better!"

"Bless them

"I hope they won't be harassed by people from elong entertainment." One of them sighed and shook his head, and said, "isn't elong entertainment easy to get into trouble?"

Someone nearby asked, "what's the matter? This elong entertainment company is very good? "


The man rolled his eyes and didn't show off. He lowered his voice and said, "as far as I know, eLong entertainment company is the largest entertainment company on Hong Kong Island. It has attracted countless artists, and there are no less than ten superstars. On the birthday of the CEO of elong entertainment company, more than half of the artists in China will personally send gifts, If the artists who are not good enough want to see the real face of the boss of elong, don't even think about it. "

"What the hell is that Someone exclaimed.

"Yes, why is elong entertainment so good? If you say so, isn't miss Ambrose and her boyfriend doomed? " Some female compatriots began to worry about Amber.

Although anbai didn't appear for a long time, he was red and purple, with countless circles of powder. Seeing that the female star you like is about to be hurt, naturally you have to worry about it, or even help to denounce it.

"Why? Let me tell you, it's just that the boss of elong entertainment company, Qiang long, is the biggest gangster boss on Hong Kong Island. He takes both black and white. In Hong Kong Island, the Zheng family can suppress the latter a little. After all, the Zheng family on Hong Kong Island was once covered by them. " Then the man pointed to the sky.

Everyone knows. Isn't heaven the meaning of Huaxia high level? It's also true that with Huaxia's high-level leadership and wealth, it's natural for Qianlong to worry about it.

These days, no matter what you are, if you dare to offend the country, you'll die. However, it can also show the strength of Qianlong and its elong entertainment company. A few fans of anbai can't help but worry about them.

"I hope amber will have good luck with them."

"All right, let's go. Let's go home and find our mothers."

I don't know who yelled in the crowd. Everyone packed up and prepared to retreat. No matter how big the anbai incident was, we were all ordinary people and couldn't help. Ordinary people wanted to live the life of ordinary people after all.

"Anbai, you really are. Why buy shares of other companies and invite all the rubbish? Don't you know to invite more actors with good reputation?" After getting on the bus, Zhao Chengfeng can't help complaining about anbai.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't object to acting, and even supports it. Let's not say that it's easy to make money in today's performing arts circle. Zhao Chengfeng is not bad at the money. The black income of the African continent is not included. The annual net income of the Zheng family on Hong Kong Island and today's Jiangshi group is amazing. It's no exaggeration to say that today's Zhao Chengfeng doesn't need to do anything for every Ferrari. He just needs to sit and drink a cup of tea, and the money will arrive.

There is also a reason, that is, anbai has something to do, has a career, will not be tired of all day crooked himself. There are a lot of things in the performing arts circle. Once you get involved in it, anbai is afraid that she will not have the spirit to harass herself.

Most importantly, TV series and movies have become the most direct and effective means of cultural communication. For a simple example, there was once a very popular film called Thai lost, which was popular all over China. The biggest beneficiary of this film was the country where it was shot, which promoted the tourism industry.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to drive any development. He just wants us to remember the history, know the history of our country and some cultures. For example, bearing in mind the Japanese invasion of China in those years, let the Chinese children and grandchildren remember this hatred, this deep hatred!

Zhao Chengfeng thinks that this is what artists in the performing arts circle should do. It can please people, but it also has to have a certain significance of education and vigilance. Don't know about Europa and fresh meat all day long. Is it meaningful? Once you smile, you smile, and then you don't remember anything.

What makes Zhao Chengfeng hate most is that the current idol drama has no nutritional value. It not only does not have the correct guidance for teenagers, but also leads to the destruction of the next generation in China. What is left in his mind all day except love and love? In this world, there are not so many Gao Fu Shuai, not so many Bai Fu Mei, there are only diligent, conscientious and enterprising Chinese people!

This is the most praiseworthy and praiseworthy people.

"Don't I find it troublesome?" Anbai spat out his tongue, took Zhao Chengfeng's arm and said: "OK, don't be angry."

Zhao Chengfeng has no choice but to shake his head.

Ambrose continued: "I've thought about setting up an entertainment company myself, but there aren't many artists now. Now most of the audience like to look at their faces and fame. Can't I help it? "

"Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who want to do it."

Zhao Chengfeng said in a deep voice: "as long as you work hard, you will have a clear conscience. If you want to make a TV play or a movie, I support it, but it's better to be short than to be extravagant. You must make a good movie. I don't care if the money is not enough, but you must be happy and happy! "

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