"Well, I'll listen to you."

Anbai nodded cleverly, clutching a little pink fist, with a high morale on his face, "I must make a good film, absolutely live up to your expectations for me."

"It's not to let me down, but to make you happy is the best." Seeing women on the road like this, Zhao Chengfeng is naturally not good enough to keep a straight face. For anbai to open an entertainment company, Zhao Chengfeng can still help a little. As long as Zhao Chengfeng says something, it doesn't turn on the green light?

As for the bullshit Chen Jinshan and Yuan Lang, Zhao Chengfeng never paid attention to them. Garbage is already in the garbage can. Don't wander in front of people.

"Well, where do you want to go next? I'll take you there." Zhao Chengfeng asked, also want to accompany anbai.

Counting the days, they haven't seen each other for several months. I miss them very much. It's just that brother Feng has too many things to deal with. This is why Zhao Chengfeng wants to refuse again and again. It's not because Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like it, but because he's afraid of bringing them more harm.

"Chengfeng, we haven't had that for a long time. Why don't we find a hotel to have a meal first, and then..." anbai laughs and reaches for Zhao Chengfeng's "key point".


Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but scold him for being too bold.

"Shit, who's afraid of who?" Who knows, anbai smiles instead and looks at Zhao Chengfeng provocatively.

"My God!" Zhao Chengfeng is sweating like a waterfall.

"I'm ready for you." Ambrose said again.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng immediately did not say a word, sitting in front of the steering wheel, scared not to want.

To ask the difference between women and girls, just look at amber. In particular, the woman who opened the meat and fishy, that scale makes Zhao Chengfeng, who has the label of sex wolf, inferior to him.

In the luxury suite of Longteng Hotel, they had a good meal. Anbai took the lead in taking a bath, changed into a soft, comfortable and sexy nightgown, and lay on the bed coquettishly. Zhao Chengfeng, who was smoking on the side, hooked his fingers and made eyes like silk.

"My good brother, come on, serve my mother well today..." anbai giggled. She was a jade girl and a bathing girl.

"Damn, if I don't give you some color today, I really don't know how powerful brother Feng is!" Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette, then put out the cigarette end and jumped on it.

Soon, they became entangled. It was as if they had reached the critical moment when the bayonet became popular

"Didi... Didi..."

But at this time, anbai's damned phone suddenly rang. At first, the two people who were in the mood didn't care. But the caller was very persistent and made several calls in a row. Finally, anbai finally couldn't help answering the phone.

"Well, who are you? Do you want people to rest? " Anbai blushed and scolded, feeling very depressed.

It's not easy to have a chance to be gentle with my little lover. I don't know. Just entering the foreplay, the damned phone call comes again. No one will be beautiful in mood.

"Miss Ambrose, what? Can't you hear my voice? " On the other end of the phone came a voice full of Zhongqi, but also some dissatisfaction.

An Bai is slightly a Leng, immediately again way: "originally is Mr. strong dragon, how?"? What's up? "

He asked, but anbai understood it in his heart. Most of them came to discuss for his unruly nephew. Ambrose will never give in to this matter.

"There's nothing particularly important. I just want to ask Miss anbai, is the shooting going well today?" Strong dragon did not pick out the words, on the contrary, some Chuai understand the meaning of pretending to be confused.

"Not very well."

As soon as anbai listens to this tone, he will know what Qiang Long is thinking. This is to embarrass himself.

"Oh? Not well? " Qiang Long seemed a little surprised and said politely, "what can I do for you?"


Anbai flatly refused and said, "because I've decided not to shoot this play. Of course, I will also withdraw your shares."


Qiang Long on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned. He called himself to ask about it. To put it bluntly, he wanted to give an Bai a step down, but the latter didn't mean to maneuver at all. For a moment, his anger came up.

Yes, his eldest nephew has called him before. For this kind of thing, Qiang Long thinks it's nothing. Men, who don't have any desire? As anbai, it's understandable that she has a little temper. After all, she is one of the most popular female singers in China. It's said that because anbai quit singing, some loyal fans even jumped out of the building.

You can see from a glance that this is popularity!

Qianglong is also very happy to sell shares of the company to anbai. One reason is anbai's strong popularity, and the other is anbai's political background.

But strong dragon's good wishes didn't last long. In less than a week, they were disillusioned. How can strong dragon not be angry? Isn't it just a pleasure for nothing?

"You are very willful, Miss Ambrose." As soon as Qiang Long's tone changed, he said: "if you want to shoot, you can shoot. If you don't want to shoot, you can let it go. I really think I'm a pop star. It's amazing."

"I'm nothing, and you're nothing." Having torn his face, anbai would not worry too much, "don't you know what yuan Lang is? I don't need such actors. Chen Jinshan is not a good bird. I can't stand it. I don't like it. It's so simple. I will never force myself to accept what I don't like. "

"Anbai, don't be shameless. Believe it or not, I'll kill you?" Qiang Long almost roared, his face turned white with anger. Damn, he said that he was nothing. Don't you know that Lao Tzu is in charge of hundreds of artists?

"Ha ha, kill me? Come on. Whatever it is

Anbai chuckles and puts down the phone. Anbai never pays attention to such fearless threats. Isn't that a ban? I don't want to be in the entertainment industry for a long time. Do you still care about your ban?

Besides, you have to have the ability to block.

"Whose phone? Who's going to block you? " Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and began to smoke.

Zhao Chengfeng most hate others to threaten themselves, more disgusted with others to threaten their own women!

"Why do you care so much? Come on, I can't wait. " Anbai threw his mobile phone at random and took the initiative to catch Zhao Chengfeng

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