
In a villa on Hong Kong Island, strong dragon smashed his mobile phone, and the latest version of Apple 7 broke up in an instant.

"To face, not to face, what thing!" Strong dragon scolded a, an old face angry very white.

It's been many years since anyone talked to him like that, and he's still an artist. Frankly speaking, Qiang Long is comparable to Shaolin Temple in the entertainment circle. It has a leading position and is respected by countless people. Many little girls are eager to have sex with themselves and just hope to have a place in the entertainment circle. But anbai didn't give himself this face.

"Uncle, that girl doesn't give you face?" Yuan Lang asked in a low voice, subconsciously touched his red, swollen and painful face.

Yuan Lang was originally a small piece of fresh meat, which was good. He slapped it down and became an old bacon. For a young man who lives on his face, this is undoubtedly painful.

"Shut up Strong dragon stares at the latter and gets more and more angry.

Paralyzed, see through do not say through, there is no point in the wisdom of life?

"I..." Yuan Lang felt aggrieved, but he was glared back by Qiang long.

"Mr. Qianglong, this anbai is very bad. I can't cooperate with him, or I'd better shoot other plays." One side of Chen Jinshan said, "in particular, Ann Bai's boyfriend is very overbearing. He has to kneel down and apologize after beating someone. Isn't that humiliating? I think... "

"I see."

As soon as Qiang Long waved his hand, he interrupted: "I've never bullied people, but it's definitely not something that others can bully casually. You can go. I have my own opinion on this matter."

"Yes, Mr. Johnson." When Chen Jinshan heard the speech, he felt relieved. With the strong dragon saying, the little girl must be more or less lucky. In the entertainment industry, how many people dare to shake face with Mr. Qiang Long?

When Mr. Qiang Long was celebrating his birthday, a superstar came to celebrate his birthday. Unfortunately, there was a traffic jam on the road and he was ten minutes late. In the end, he had to kneel down and kowtow to admit his mistake, which was forgiven by Qiang long.

"Uncle, you must take revenge on me. Look at my face, I..." Yuan Lang said again, not sure.

"Get out of here, you worthless goods!"

Qiang Long is getting more and more angry. He's a complete fool. I've said that. Can I not take revenge for you? Even if I don't take revenge for you little bastard, I have to get my face back!

What makes strong dragon dislike most is that he is a man. When he is bullied, he knows to complain. You are so incompetent that you fight with others. It's the only thing kindergarten children do to complain!

It's not promising, counsellor!

"Yuan Lang, let's go. Don't disturb Mr. Qiang Long's lunch break. Let's go." Chen Jinshan quickly took away yuan Lang, but he also felt that Yuan Lang was not on the road. He could not hear such obvious words, which showed that his EQ was not very good.

After leaving Beihai City in the morning, they went straight to Hong Kong Island. Now that the matter has been settled, it's time to leave.

"Mr. Qiang long, let's go first. Have a good rest." Chen Jinshan smiles and leaves carefully.

Qiang long ignored them. After they left, Qiang Long rushed to his secretary and said, "go and investigate the details of anbai's boyfriend. Let me know as soon as you get the news."

"Yes." The Secretary answered and left in a hurry.

Strong dragon took a hard puff of smoke and his eyes were as gloomy as water.

"No one ever dares to refute my face, anbai. You are the first and also the last. Hum!" Qiang Long murmured to himself. At last, he put out his cigarette and went upstairs.

Upstairs, there is a third tier star who wants to be in the upper position. He is naked and waiting for his luck. In the entertainment industry, dragon is the earth emperor, and those beautiful stars are their own concubines!

Originally, anbai was also an "imperial concubine" appointed by Qiang long. Unfortunately, this imperial concubine was not very obedient. Instead, she disobeyed herself. You can imagine the anger of dragon. And this anger, strong dragon is about to vent on another woman


When Zhao Chengfeng got up from the bed, it was already after five o'clock in the afternoon. Anbai was like a rainy day in a long drought. He was frantically demanding until he was exhausted.

"Damn, one day's time is gone again." Zhao Chengfeng looked at the time on his mobile phone and couldn't help laughing bitterly. That is to say, but looking at the sleeping woman, Zhao Chengfeng reaches out and covers anbai with a quilt.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like to appreciate a woman's body. He's just afraid that a woman will catch cold.

"Didi... Didi..."

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng felt out the phone, the kid called.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng hurried out of the bedroom and lowered his voice for fear of waking the sleeping woman.

"Boss, can't I call you if I'm ok?" There's a kid's voice on the phone. There's a little complaint.


Zhao Chengfeng dry smile twice, said: "something to say, I'm a little busy now."

"What are you doing? Busy opening rooms with women? " Suddenly, the voice of Shangguan Yan'er came from the other end of the phone.

Zhao Chengfeng startled, subconsciously looked at the room of white, heart said Shangguan Yan son is really God operator, even this can guess.

"It's Yan'er. When did you get to Beihai? Why don't you stay in the capital for a few more days and spend a good time with Shangguan and Laozi? " Zhao Chengfeng said with a dry smile, laughing bitterly in his heart.

Well, there's another good play to watch tonight.

"I've met all my family. Everything is fine and there's nothing to accompany." Shangguan Yan'er said seriously: "moreover, I'm still a man who breaks the sky. I'm in their monitoring at any time, so I have to avoid one or two."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng nodded, again way: "that you next what plan?"

"What do you want me to do?" Shangguan Yan'er was a little unhappy when she heard this. She asked her what she was doing?


Zhao Chengfeng laughed awkwardly and said, "I mean, do you want me to come and pick you up and have dinner together in the evening? We haven't had dinner together for a long time."

"That's about the same." Shangguan Yan'er was a little happy and said, "that's it. I'll wait for you here. You can come to meet me later. Let's get together."

"OK, just wait. I'll arrange the rest." Zhao Chengfeng said, quickly put down the phone, because the bedroom anbai seems to wake up.

"My good brother, what's your plan? Doesn't today belong to me?" Sure enough, anbai came out of the bedroom, looking tired and lazy, but full of infinite amorous feelings.

"Yan'er is back. Let's have dinner together in the evening." Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said seriously.

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