8 p.m. in the Tenglong Pavilion of Longteng hotel.

"Well, let's have a meal. It's cold, and it's not delicious." Zhao Chengfeng sat in the middle, hands are not hands, feet are not feet, quite awkward.

Once upon a time, Zhao Chengfeng fantasized about being surrounded by beautiful women for countless times, but now that he is really surrounded by beautiful women, Zhao Chengfeng feels uncomfortable again, just like now.

On the left side is Shangguan Yan'er, and on the right side is anbai. Huisheng and Xiaogui sit opposite Zhao Chengfeng, laughing heartlessly, apparently watching Zhao Chengfeng's jokes.

"What's the rush to eat? Come on, Yan'er, I'll give you a toast to celebrate your return." An Bai smiles like a flower and looks at Shangguan Yan'er like a provocative wine cup.

In the past, anbai always thought that Shangguan Yan'er had betrayed Zhao Chengfeng. Unexpectedly, she was a deep undercover agent. This time she came back, she felt that some kings wanted to seize power and usurp the throne.

Who is amber? How is it possible to return Zhao Chengfeng to Shangguan Yan'er? You know, this is a man who has worked hard and gone through all kinds of hardships!

Anything can let, only the man can't let!

"What's there to celebrate?" Shangguan Yan'er didn't mean to take up the wine cup. Instead, she said with a smile, "sooner or later, I will come back. What belongs to me, he will always belong to me."

Saying that, Shangguan Yan'er drags Zhao Chengfeng to her side, and the meaning is very obvious - Zhao Chengfeng belongs to me.

"Ha ha."

Anbai put down the glass with a smile, fiddled with her fine fingers, and said: "I'm afraid sister Yan'er doesn't know. During your absence, things have changed a lot. Chengfeng has been married. Oh, by the way, the children are not young. I guess I have to go to kindergarten. "

Smell speech, upper official Yan son complexion ugliness some, an Bai this words nothing but tell oneself - time passes.

"It doesn't matter. Even you don't care about my sister. What do I care about? As long as I can be with Chengfeng, I will be very happy. " With that, Shangguan Yan'er instantly adjusts into a little bird depending on people mode and leans on Zhao Chengfeng.

An Bai's facial expression is tiny a Leng, immediately smile again, light way: "it seems that the little girl also has the same idea of time, I and Yan son younger sister's idea since is the same."

Having said that, an Bai is not willing to show weakness and sticks to Zhao Chengfeng.

"It's still Daniel!"

While smoking, the kid said to himself, "I admire you very much. What's a Cowman?"? This is the bull man.


Zhao Chengfeng put down his chopsticks and said, "what are you doing? Do you want to eat this meal? "

"How can we not eat? We have to eat, and we have to eat more. Only those who can eat can do it. " Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was angry, anbai took the lead in reviving himself. He quickly picked up food for Zhao Chengfeng, bit the word "Gan" and showed a meaningful smile.

Zhao Chengfeng's face turned black. He really wanted to press anbai on the dining table and had a good time. Smelly girl, you dare to challenge brother Feng. You can't get down for a few days, can you?

"Chengfeng, don't eat disorderly. You need to eat more vegetables and supplement vitamins. Now you're getting fat, so you should eat less meat." Shangguan Yan'er lightly said, gave Zhao Chengfeng a bowl of vegetables, conveniently picked out a piece of meat in anbai.

"Sister Yan'er, what do you mean?"

An Bai's face turned cold and said, "do you really want to compete with me? Can't I eat my food? "

"No, I just think Chengfeng should eat more vegetables. Meat is not particularly suitable for him." Shangguan Yan'er smiles gently, not angry at all.


"Well, don't talk about it. I won't eat it!"

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't listen any more. His face was flat and he didn't have a good way: "what's the fight? What's the point? I'm not dead yet? Do you want me to die now to inherit my property? "


Second daughter, you look at me, I look at you, suddenly the sparrow is silent, even the little ghost and Huisheng are a little surprised, they also want to see how Zhao Chengfeng deal with it, who knows, Zhao Chengfeng is very simple, give them a scolding, second daughter immediately honest.

"Don't make a blind comparison. After dinner, go back to each family and find each mother. Don't bother me!" Seeing that the two girls were all subdued by themselves, Zhao Chengfeng buried himself in eating.

All of them were silent for a moment, and then they began to eat. However, how to eat is not delicious. A fool can see that Zhao Chengfeng is really angry. Can Zhao Chengfeng come to a good end?

"After all, will Chengfeng put me in the cold?" Anbai thought so in his heart, and suddenly got worried.

One side of the Shangguan Yan'er is also remorse unceasingly, two people not easy to meet again, get along well is, why want to compete with anbai jealous? What's more, did Zhao Chengfeng not tell himself these things before?

"Boss, I'll have a good dinner with the kid. If there's nothing wrong, we'll go first?" About ten minutes, Huisheng said.

Huisheng didn't like the oppressive atmosphere. Of course, he wanted to give Zhao Chengfeng some space to deal with his personal harem.

"I haven't eaten well yet, I..." the kid has no EQ, and looks back to life with a complaining face.

Kids in the base, most of the time is not takeout, or instant noodles, rarely have time to go to the hotel to eat happily, today's meal is still stained with the light of Guan Yan'er.

"What's not full? You're burping and still not full?" With that, Huisheng poked at the kid.


The kid opened his mouth and a loud burp came out.

"Here, you see, you are so full, and you still say you are not full." Huisheng said, dragging the kid to go.

The kid's face is full of resentment, "I..."

Unfortunately, before he finished his words, he was dragged out by Huisheng.

As soon as Huisheng and Xiaogui leave, the atmosphere in the private room becomes strange again. The two women sit carefully beside Zhao Chengfeng, and they dare not go out.


After eating almost, Zhao Chengfeng put down the bowl and chopsticks and said, "you are all my women. I don't want you to be jealous of each other. As the saying goes, home and everything. I don't have time to make trouble with you now. "

With that, Zhao Chengfeng stood up and was ready to leave. When he came to the door, he said, "you should deal with the relationship first, or don't look for me."



Two women immediately worried up, only, Zhao Chengfeng did not give two women a chance to speak, waved his hand and left the compartment.

"Little boy, hum." Out of the hotel, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

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