When Zhao Chengfeng landed at the Japanese capital airport, he came face to face with a disgusting smell.

"NIMA, the Japanese are really not human. They don't smell human at all." Zhao Chengfeng lights up a cigarette, takes two puffs, then spits a mouthful of phlegm on the ground, and gets on a taxi with a look of disgust.

"Jingdong University." After reporting the address, Zhao Chengfeng narrowed his eyes and began to close his eyes.

All the way, up to more than ten hours of air turbulence, even the iron man can't stand it. Zhao Chengfeng is not tired, but he has a headache. Because Zhao Chengfeng didn't understand why Po Tian was interested in the youngest daughter of the Japanese emperor.

It's not an easy job.

It is true that the Japanese people can abandon everything for their own interests, and so can the Japanese emperor. Originally, the Japanese women had no status, and they had no value when it came to interests.

However, if the daughters of the Japanese emperor were kidnapped, wouldn't that be a blow to the Japanese nation? People are not important, but face is more important. For the sake of face, the Japanese don't have to be crazy.

"Sir, what are you doing in Jingdong university? Are you a teacher? " The taxi driver felt a little bored, so he took the initiative to find a topic to talk with Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned, through the rearview mirror, Zhao Chengfeng saw the taxi driver's extremely ugly, and extremely obscene face, Zhao Chengfeng some appetite, but at this time is not easy to attack, can only say: "Oh, yes."

Although Zhao Chengfeng despises the Japanese, his Japanese language is very good, which is more standard than many Japanese. Japanese language is Zhao Chengfeng's second language!

When he was very young, Zhao Chengfeng heard about the Japanese invasion of China from his uncles, uncles and grandparents. Later, he saw a lot in books. From that time, Zhao Chengfeng's hatred for the Japanese took root in his heart. Zhao Chengfeng felt that in the future, there would be a war between the two countries. In order to prepare for the war, he learned the Japanese language.

Later, because of watching too many Japanese adult love action movies, and consolidate the Japanese language, now it is still very smooth, can not hear anything different.

"Really? Are you a teacher of Jingdong university? Can you do me a favor, sir? I don't want today's fare. How about my treat? " On hearing this, the taxi driver got excited.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng frowned again. He said to himself that the Japanese were really familiar. Before he could do anything about it, he asked himself to help. This is not a thick skin.

However, Zhao Chengfeng said: "what's the matter? Let's talk about it first. "

"Can you get me a signature from liangko Ogawa? I've liked her for a long time, but it's not until I sign my name. " The taxi driver is busy.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly a shock, Ogawa Liangzi, listen how so familiar?

"Damn, isn't Mr. Ogawa the target of his action this time?" After a moment's hesitation, Zhao Chengfeng just regained his mind. He was shocked and said, "is this girl still a famous person in Japan?"?

But why didn't the tattoo messenger give him relevant information?

"Won't you help me, sir?" Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng didn't open his mouth, the taxi driver was in a low mood.

"Oh, No."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "in fact, you misunderstood me."

"What's the matter?" The taxi driver had a blank face.

"I'm really a teacher of Jingdong University, but I've just come back from further study in the United States, and I'm not officially employed yet. I don't understand what you said about Liangzi Ogawa, so how can I help you?" Zhao Chengfeng said with a faint smile, "why don't you drive slowly and introduce this Kogawa Liangzi to me on the way. Is she a singer or an actress?"


When the taxi driver heard this, he suddenly realized, "so it is. Let me introduce you to liangko Ogawa. She is neither a singer nor an actress. "

"Then why do you worship her so much?" Zhao Chengfeng light smile, but the heart is more confused.

Don't you want to sign for singers, actors? How come kawawa liangko is nothing? What's the use of her signature?

"She's a genius!"

The taxi driver said with admiration: "Liangzi Ogawa is a junior of Jingdong University, majoring in science and engineering, especially in physics and chemistry. A few days ago, Liangzi Ogawa published a paper on light energy and made relevant experiments. Facts have proved that Liangzi Ogawa's understanding is correct. Er, she succeeded."

"What experiment?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly.

"Optical experiment!"

The taxi driver said, "Miss Ogawa has built a solar powered electric car with a body of 1.3 tons. She has been exposed to sunlight for eight hours and has traveled more than 500 kilometers."

"Is that true?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng was shocked.

If it's really the woman's research, it's really a miracle. You know, there are a lot of electric vehicles on the market now, with a maximum range of no more than 400 kilometers, but solar cars can travel 500 kilometers. That's ridiculous.

Yes, the sun does contain a huge amount of energy, but how to absorb the energy released by the sun is a huge problem in itself. If we transform and store this energy, it will be more difficult. At least, no one in China or even in the world has been able to solve this problem.

"What am I cheating you to do? It's true!"

The taxi driver said solemnly, "a car company has offered a huge price of US $100 million to buy this design and complete parameters, but Mr. Ogawa didn't agree. If you don't believe it, you can inquire all over the world. "

"Ha ha, then she is really a genius, worthy of all people's admiration." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"I said, sir."

The taxi driver was a little unhappy. With a critical tone, he said: "although you are studying outside, you can't help caring about our national affairs. You know, if this invention of Ms. Ogawa Liangzi is applied to military products, the military strength of our country will definitely be greatly improved..."

"I care about you!"

Zhao Chengfeng scolded in his heart, but he had to lament the unity of the Japanese. No wonder the Japanese are the most team oriented country, and their prosperity was not unreasonable.

"Do you know? If we can make light weapons, let alone Huaxia, we can do it even for Laomi! " The taxi driver went on: "you don't have to be bullied everywhere now."

"It's a fighting nation. Even an ordinary taxi driver wants to invade others." As Zhao Chengfeng's brows are raised, a sense of obliteration emerges in his eyes

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