Light weapons!

With these four words flashing in his mind, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly understood the intention of breaking the sky.

——Just like catching scientists from other countries, we should catch him and let him design light weapons for them! This is a new field! Once the R & D is successful, it will change the world pattern!

"It's a good calculation. Damn, if the taxi driver hadn't told him, he would have been cheated by Po Tian." Zhao Chengfeng's secret way is so dangerous that he curses the heaven again.

Even an ordinary taxi driver in Japan, a gifted girl worshipped by countless Japanese people, must be heavily guarded around her. Once Zhao Chengfeng rashly makes a move, he will be found.

"It seems that we should pay more attention to the world news in the future. I don't know such important news." After scolding, Zhao Chengfeng reproached himself.

Although the "light weapons" in the driver's mouth may not be able to be developed successfully, if we can make good use of solar energy, we can also save a lot of energy. From this point of view, breaking the sky is really forward-looking.

However, Zhao Chengfeng's task is relatively difficult to complete.

"Grandma, I've been hurt by the sky again. I can't. I want to increase the price!" In fact, Zhao Chengfeng did the same thing.

When he arrived at Jingdong University, Zhao Chengfeng found a hotel to live in. After checking the room, he contacted the tattoo messenger and asked for a price increase!

"Price increase? Ha ha. " When the tattoo messenger heard this, he said with a smile: "spade nine, do you think it's business? And you bargain. "

"Shit, this is not a normal task!" Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng became even more angry and growled: "why don't you tell me that this Kogawa Liangzi is a gifted girl of Japan? There are too many people protecting her now. How can I start? "

"What? The grand terminator can't even deal with a girl? " Asked the woman, with a touch of sarcasm.

Not to be outdone, Zhao Chengfeng said, "do you want the body?"

"No way!"

The woman flatly refused and said, "her life must be guaranteed, and her brain must not be stimulated. She is of great use."

"Then increase the money and give me more time to finish the task!" Zhao Chengfeng.

"Sanzhu Tianzhu, one week!"

"Deal!" Zhao Chengfeng slapped his thigh and showed a smile.

Tattoo emissary has a feeling of being calculated, gritted his teeth and said: "we can meet your requirements, but if you can't complete the task, then... Hum..."

With that, the woman dropped the phone.


As for the threat of women, Zhao Chengfeng didn't care at all and said, "can't Lao Tzu even deal with a woman? That's bullshit. "

Next, Zhao Chengfeng talked to Tang Wei on the phone again. After reporting that he was safe, he asked the hotel to deliver the food to his room. While eating, he looked across the window at Jingdong University.

At this point, the canteen of Jingdong university has just opened, and students enter it in an orderly way. There is no scene of "grabbing food" in domestic universities.

Moreover, after eating, Japanese students will take the initiative to clean up the garbage on the table and put the plates far away. If there are leftovers, they will also dispose of them according to certain requirements.

"That's the gap!"

Seeing this scene, Zhao Chengfeng felt a little sad, really sad. Frankly speaking, China is a country of etiquette, and Chinese virtues have been passed on for thousands of years. But now look at some children in China, do they still have virtues? Do they still have etiquette?

It's not that there are no young people, but that there are too few young people with virtue!

Zhao Chengfeng once read a report that several high school students beat the tramp after drinking. In the picture, the tramp's head is stained with blood. It's extremely miserable, and it's miserable. You know, that tramp is more than 60 years old.

According to their age, these high school students who beat others have to call their grandfathers, but instead of respecting the old and loving the young, they commit violence. Is this what people do?

The most infuriating thing is that after the event, the police arrested several young men and asked them why they beat others and whether the tramp had any radical behavior when they asked their confession. It's amazing that the statements of several high school students are surprisingly consistent - beating people just for fun, that's all!

Virtue? dog shit!

"All the virtues left by our ancestors have been taken away by others." Zhao Chengfeng sighed, helpless, but there was no way.

Cultural communication is not a matter of one day and one night. I only hope that the Chinese descendants will be brave after they know their shame. Don't disgrace their parents or discredit their ancestors.

"Forget it, let's go out for a walk." Zhao Chengfeng is not in the mood to eat, wearing glasses, wearing a casual suit, a little disguised, Zhao Chengfeng went out.

Now that he has taken over the task, he must complete it. Of course, Zhao Chengfeng is selfish. If he can get the R & D works and parameters of Liangzi Ogawa, it would be great.

Japan needs to develop, China also needs to develop!

Jingdong university is very famous in Japan. It is known as "the first university in Japan". Especially for its science major, it has produced numerous scientists and professors. It is said that the boss of the largest automobile company in Japan went out from Jingdong University, and his first car was developed by him.

Jingdong university is just like Tsinghua University and Peking University in China. It has an extraordinary foundation!

"Wuwu... Wuwu..."

Who knows, when Zhao Chengfeng just walked to the gate of the University, he suddenly saw a girl in her twenties sitting next to him, wearing the uniform of Jingdong University, crying very sad.

Although the girl is not beautiful, in order to learn more about him, Zhao Chengfeng goes up and starts to make up.

"Beauty, is there something bothering you? Tell me. Maybe I can help you Zhao Chengfeng asked in fluent Japanese.

"Go away! I'm a bastard

Who knows, the woman raised her head and glared at Zhao Chengfeng. She actually spoke Chinese!

"Damn you, are you Chinese?" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes widened.

As soon as the woman heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, she immediately stopped crying and asked, "are you Chinese, too?"

"You guessed right." Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly, but he also feels happy. Meeting his compatriots in a foreign country is undoubtedly something to celebrate. "What are you crying for? Are you in trouble? "

"No, no trouble." The woman shook her head.

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