Matsui can't afford to lose this man! Can only leave!

I think Matsui is the best culture tutor in Jingdong University. He has published numerous papers and never lost in the debate contest. You know, Matsui is not only a professor and teacher in Jingdong University, but also a well-known diplomat in Japan. It is said that the next foreign minister has been appointed, that is, Mr Matsui!

However, in Japan, a guy who is such a cow is embarrassed by Zhao Chengfeng's story, which shows how powerful Zhao Chengfeng is.

"I find I admire you a little bit." Long Ling looks at Zhao Chengfeng, her watery big eyes twinkling with different emotions.

Worshiping a man is the beginning of liking a man. Long Ling never believed in love at first sight, but she could at least be sure that she really admired Zhao Chengfeng.

"It's right to worship me. If you don't worship me, I don't think it's normal." Zhao Chengfeng is still relaxed and sits down at will, regardless of the vicious eyes of the people nearby.

You have to talk, wind brother accompany you; If you want to be rough, brother Feng is not afraid.

Yu Guang sweeps to Liangzi Ogawa. Zhao Chengfeng finds that Liangzi Ogawa is looking at himself at this time. His eyebrows are slightly frowning. He seems to be thinking about something. Then he cleans up his books and leaves the classroom.

Even if the teacher has left, there is no need to stay for the rest of the class. As soon as Matsui and Ogawa leave, the rest of the students follow. Before leaving, they stare at Zhao Chengfeng one after another, hoping to rush up and kill him.

How hateful! It's too much to scold all the people in Japan for being the descendants of whores and sluts!

"Cluck." Long Ling smelled the speech to smile, "I now discover that you are quite thick skinned."

"That's right. I'm not cheeky. Can I have the courage to go after him?" Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile. He touched a cigarette and lit it. He sucked it happily.

Although there is a rule that smoking is not allowed in the classroom, brother Feng has never been a person who abides by the rules and naturally turns a blind eye to it.

"It's a pity that when you make such a fuss, Mr. Ogawa should hate you." Wen Yan, Long Ling is a little lost.

Long Ling really does not understand why Zhao Chengfeng, such an excellent person, must pursue a Japanese woman? Although this Japanese woman is very beautiful, there are thousands of beautiful women in China who are more beautiful than Kawabata Liangzi. Isn't that enough for him to choose?

Longling is also a woman. Seeing such an excellent man pursuing other women, how can she not feel sad?

"Just hate me. I'll try my best to get her rebellious. After all, women in Japan really have no status. It's like in China, women at home are the Empress Dowager. They listen to politics behind the curtain." Zhao Chengfeng is laughing and joking, but he is thinking about the next action in his heart.

Po Tian only gave himself three days, and he managed to get seven days. But according to the current situation, seven days is enough. The most important thing is that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know what's going on on on the other side of mosri island. He doesn't know whether Sajid Singh has caught him or not. He hasn't been waiting for Pang Hu to call them.

It's no big deal to catch Liangzi Ogawa, but Zhao Chengfeng hopes that Liangzi Ogawa will be willing to go with him without any conflict, so that Longling can be saved.

Long Ling is a good girl. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want her to have anything to do.

Therefore, Zhao Chengfeng's trip to Japan is equivalent to a tour. The spirit of killing the Japanese in an instant on the way to travel is to have fun before the war.

"How dare you think about it." Long Ling shook her head, only when Zhao Chengfeng was joking, "do you think Liangzi Ogawa is the kind of ordinary flower crazy woman? Today, your performance is really perfect, but it hurts the self-esteem of Japan, and also hurts the self-esteem of liangko Ogawa. "

"Yes? Let's see. " Zhao Chengfeng laughs disapprovingly, and does not explain to Long Ling.

No matter what kind of woman she is, as long as she is a woman, Zhao Chengfeng has a way to deal with it. There is a saying well said that the way to a woman's heart is because of Tao.

Brother Feng just doesn't want to go the ordinary way!

"Come on, stop it." Long Ling just as Zhao Chengfeng joke, a book, said: "I have to go back to the dormitory, put the textbook, and then change clothes, ready for the next physical education."

After a pause, Long Ling said, "today you did well. You helped me out and gave us a long face. So I decided to invite you to a big dinner after PE class."

"We are all Chinese. We should help each other." Zhao Chengfeng changed his words and said, "of course, since you have so strongly invited me, if I don't agree, then you don't lose face?"

"I'm really good at putting gold on my face. Let's go." With a book in her arms, Long Ling takes a glance at Zhao Chengfeng, and they go out of the Jingdong teaching building together.

Different from before, where Zhao Chengfeng and long Ling went, they met with different eyes. They obviously hated Zhao Chengfeng. However, Zhao Chengfeng didn't care at all, walking and enjoying the campus of Jingdong University.

The campus of Japan is different from that of other countries. There are no magnificent buildings, no precious trees and plants, but it is clean, fresh, simple and refreshing.

"Japanese people pay more attention to practicality, but they don't care about face. This is also a kind of attitude towards life." Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and sucked it up. He thought to himself and felt a lot in his heart.

You know, Japan is a big country in automobile production and export. For example, in China, Japanese cars sell very well, and their technology is indeed higher than that of China. Of course, the price is not low.

Therefore, for the sake of face and show off, many Chinese people buy luxury cars. They not only buy luxury cars from Japan, but also buy luxury cars from America and other countries.

If you look at it on the streets of Japan, you can rarely see a car that costs more than 200000 yuan. Generally, a family car costs only 50000 yuan or 60000 yuan, because it is practical and convenient.

The idea of practicality has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the Japanese, and in the eyes of most Chinese people, the most important thing is to pretend to be forced. In order to pretend to force, I forgot all my instincts.

Once again, Zhao Chengfeng felt the gap and sighed.

"It's a long way to go to change people's minds." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and thought about it seriously. However, after pondering for a long time, he still didn't think of any solution.

"What's the matter with sitting? Let's go. It's PE class." At this time, Long Ling changed her clothes and came down from the dormitory.

Zhao Chengfeng looked up, the whole person was confused, surprised: "how do you dress like this?"

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