"What am I wearing?" Long Ling is puzzled. Isn't it normal?

"You wear soldier's clothes in PE class? Shouldn't it be sportswear? " Zhao Chengfeng looks at the valiant dragon Ling in front of him and is very curious.

It's really strange. When he arrived in Japan, Zhao Chengfeng felt strange everywhere. Last P.E. class was so wonderful. People all chose sportswear in P.E. class, but Japan asked students to wear military uniform.

"What's so strange about that?" Long Ling said: "this is not only the case in our university, but also in other universities in Japan. You have to wear military uniform or camouflage uniform in physical education class. In short, everything is the same as the training of soldiers. There is no difference. In addition to universities, there are also some Japanese technical schools and high school physical education are so required

"I don't know what these guys think. They even have to wear such wonderful clothes in PE class. When they have dinner, do they have to give a stick of incense and say something about getting rich?" Zhao Chengfeng disdains to curl his lips and thinks that the Japanese are a bit of bullshit.

However, Long Ling is the right way: "you did not think of something deeper."

"Well?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned and Longling said something.

"Do you know? In our physical education class, besides basic sports, there are also shooting and fighting courses. It is said that some schools even allow students to engage in military exercises. " Long Ling lowered her voice and her face was heavy.

"You mean..." hearing the words, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly realized that it was the drunk man's intention not to drink.

What school is this? This is a military academy! In other words, every university of Japan is a military school of Japan. These schools will continue to provide military talents for Japan!

Of course, they may not be able to become military talents, but they will certainly become qualified soldiers, because they know how to shoot and fight, which is enough.

"The Japanese really have a big plan." Zhao Chengfeng's brow is tight, the Japanese can really calculate, but I have to say that the Japanese are very clever.

On the one hand, we have trained reserve soldiers. If there is a war, these students only need to change their clothes and go to the battlefield immediately; On the other hand, even if there is no war, it doesn't matter. We can keep fit.

Of course, from another point of view, Japan is ready to attack others at any time. They have never given up invading other countries!

"Wolf ambition, that's right." Long Ling said.

"No wonder the Japanese dare to be so arrogant and say that they can gather hundreds of thousands of troops in a month. Now it seems that they do have this ability!" Zhao Chengfeng took over the words and said, "not only are we gathering hundreds of thousands of soldiers, but also we are all soldiers who can fight against the enemy!"

Long Ling nodded her head and wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

"No matter the dream is beautiful, the reality is cruel. I'm afraid it's not just that we know that Japan has done this. Will other countries agree? Hum Zhao Chengfeng snorted. He didn't care much about it.

The Japanese can't openly train their troops, they can only use some hands and feet, but Huaxia doesn't need it. If Huaxia wants to develop its military strength, no one can interfere, even the United States can't! It's a little pity that the R & D power of Huaxia is weaker. But it doesn't matter. The times are progressing, and so is Huaxia. One day, Huaxia will be able to develop powerful weapons that will move the world!

"Come on, go to class." Zhao Chengfeng snorted and said, "I'd like to see what qualities the soldiers they train are."

"Well, there are more than ten minutes left for class. Just watch it. They won't interfere with you." Said Long Ling.

After bypassing the dormitory building and passing the canteen, Zhao Chengfeng sees the playground of Jingdong University, which is similar to that of Huaxia University.

Football field, basketball court, tennis court and so on are all available, and sports goods are provided free of charge for students, which can not be seen in China.

"You can sit here. If you are thirsty, there is a supermarket over there. You can go and buy some water and snacks. I'll go to class first." Long lingchong Zhao Chengfeng asked two, then ran to the playground.


With the sound of a whistle, dozens of people quickly drew close to each other. Within a minute, a neat team was formed, which was quite powerful. The next step is running. As a warm-up exercise, the running sound is very neat and shocking.

Two thousand meters later, the PE teacher came forward and said, "students, we have a fighting class today. Now I'll show you how to follow me. After a while, we will be divided into two teams to practice. I hope you can study hard and don't be lazy."

After that, the P.E. teacher turned his back and started the demonstration. The first demonstration was very fast, and the second one was much slower. While demonstrating, he explained and introduced, and the students behind also studied very carefully and attentively.

"Shit, this is Military Boxing." Zhao Chengfeng in the distance can't help but scold, where is this physical education? This is Military Boxing. It's a killing move!

What's more surprising to Zhao Chengfeng is that these students have a very strong understanding ability. After learning it only once, they are quite surprised. Frankly speaking, the Japanese students are also very serious.

You know, Zhao Chengfeng has been to many universities in Huaxia, such as Xijiao University in Beihai city. He often goes there. Once he watched students learn Taijiquan on the side of the playground. It was a pain.

It's too bad to play. Don't say it's similar in spirit, it can't even be similar in shape. And many students are just perfunctory, not willing to learn. It's not that Chinese students are stupid and brainless, but because of their attitude, they don't want to learn!

"Ah Zhao Chengfeng sighed again. Sometimes it's sad to think about it.

A few decades ago, the Chinese ancestors fought with blood and tears to drive away the Japanese pirates. Now, our descendants are in a state of peace and contentment.

To tell you the truth, Zhao Chengfeng sometimes really doesn't like to see some illiterate college students in China. Instead of spending time in school, it's better to go out of school early and do some work. At least it can relieve the pressure of parents, isn't it?

"Well, everyone has learned well. Come on, let's divide into two groups and fight each other one by one. Don't be too heavy. We are all classmates." P.E. teacher specially reminded me not to hit my classmates too hard.

It's not Taijiquan. It's Military Boxing. If you're not careful, you'll die!

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