"What on earth do you do? Are you sure you are not here to visit Japan? What on earth do you do? " Entering the restaurant, Long Ling asked for a very good private room for the first time, so that their conversation would not be heard by others and she would have a chance to cross examine Zhao Chengfeng.

Because of this, in the face of the table full of delicious food, Long Ling is not in the mood to eat, and all her attention is on Zhao Chengfeng. If she can, Long Ling really wants to dissect Zhao Chengfeng with a scalpel, and take a serious look at the structure of this guy!

Excellent, excellent to abnormal!

You know, Jingdong university is the highest University in Japan, and Longling's class is the best in Jingdong University, with the best students in Japan.

What we mean here is excellence, not only in knowledge, but also in sports and other aspects. It can be said that this class is full of talents and will make a difference in the future.

But it was such a group of talents who were ruined by Zhao Chengfeng. At the thought of those guys' pale appearance, Long Ling felt excited. In particular, the Ogawa Liangzi to step down, Longling is most happy.

Women are not only jealous, but also like to compare with each other. Long Ling is no exception. In the whole Jingdong University, and even in the whole Japanese nation, Liangzi Ogawa is Longling's target.

All of a sudden, one day, Long Ling felt that her benchmark was nothing. She was easily stepped down by another man. For a moment, she was extremely excited. Although she felt a little frustrated, because Zhao Chengfeng was also a Chinese, Long Ling's excitement outweighed her frustration.

I am proud of myself, and I am also proud of China.

"Well, I said I'm here to travel. You don't believe me. What can I do?" Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head while eating salmon.

Although Zhao Chengfeng is absent-minded, she is actually worried. Long Ling can realize that her identity is unusual. Can't Liangzi Ogawa and others realize it?

Perhaps, at this time, Liangzi Ogawa and others have begun to investigate themselves, which is not a good news.

"I Pooh!"

Long Ling rolled her eyes and said, "can a tourist be so powerful?"

"Hey, I don't agree with you. Can't a man as powerful as me travel and relax? What's the logic? "

"I..." Long Ling was so angry that she immediately said, "OK, then tell me what you are doing in China. I tell you, we are friends now. If we are not honest with our friends, then you don't respect me. "


With a long sigh, Zhao Chengfeng took the remaining piece of salmon and said, "well, this salmon tastes good. You can order another piece for me and I'll tell you."

"You still eat?"

Long Ling was shocked and speechless. She really answered the old saying, "people who can eat can do it!" Zhao Chengfeng is a living example. Long Ling doesn't eat a mouthful of delicious food all over the table. Zhao Chengfeng has eaten all the delicious food, and there's not even a mouthful of soup left!

"Are you straight?" Long Ling's strange eyes turned around, and she looked disgusted.

If you go on eating like this, you will have to eat instant noodles in the next month. You know, Japanese instant noodles are not cheap.

"How can you swear?" Zhao Chengfeng a stare way: "shrimp is straight intestines, and shrimp brain is full of stool."

"Oh, shut up

Smell speech, Long Ling big turn one's stomach, a face dislike of white, Zhao Chengfeng one eye, heart say, such an excellent man, how to speak so vulgar? Also gentle wearing glasses, eating Zhao Chengfeng, there is no trace of elegance in the classroom.

"OK, I won't say it. I won't say it, OK." Zhao Chengfeng said: "but if you don't let me have enough, I won't tell you the truth."

"You are cruel!"

As soon as long Ling stamped her foot, she ordered several dishes for Zhao Chengfeng. Women's curiosity can kill cats, and long Ling is no exception. Facing such a man, Long Ling must find out what he does.

Soon, the meal was served. Zhao Chengfeng sniffed, rubbed his hands, and started again.

"Oh, wait a minute, you can eat it after saying it!" Long Ling quickly stopped Zhao Chengfeng. With Zhao Chengfeng's momentum, it only took about ten minutes, and the table was gone again.

"All right."

This time, Zhao Chengfeng didn't show off. He simply put down his knife and fork, lit a cigarette, took a dull breath, and slowly said, "in fact, I'm a killer. I often mix up in Europe and Africa, and seldom return to China. This time I come to Japan to perform a mission. Do you know who my goal is?"

"It's Xiaochuan..." Long Ling was very clever and thought of who it was.


Zhao Chengfeng made a silent gesture and nodded, which was regarded as the default.

"When I arrived in Japan, I just met you, and then when I heard that you were Chinese, I felt kind." After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "Xiaoling, I hope you don't get angry. Before I was close to you, I really meant to use you, but now, I can't use you any more."

"Why did you decide not to use me?" Long Ling blinks her eyes and stares at Zhao Cheng.

Long Ling is very happy to be able to tell the truth in her heart. The truth may be hard to hear, but the truth is easier to accept than a lie.

"Because I don't want to hurt you." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke: "after all, if this person has an accident, you and I will be the first suspect. Sooner or later, I will leave. They can only take you as a breakthrough, so I can't implicate you."

"I'm glad you can think of me and tell the truth." Long Ling didn't get angry. Instead, she said with a smile, "for your sake of making friends with me, I also tell you that although you are very good, the task of your trip is not easy."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng nodded, listen to Longling continue to speak.

"I believe you can see that there are bodyguards around him all the time, not only in the light but also in the dark. The most important thing is that the Japanese are now almost all soldiers. " Long Ling continued: "in order to protect him, almost all Japanese people know him or have seen his photos. She can ask anyone for help."

"What can you do?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Long Ling didn't nod or shake her head. She just said, "now I don't have a safe way, but I can help you think about it. As for whether I can think it out, I'm not sure."

"It's OK. I can't think of it. I thank you as well." Zhao Chengfeng laughs, "if anyone needs to be killed in the future, you can contact me at any time."

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