"What is the identity of Long Ling? Why is her cousin so powerful? " In the president's office of Jingdong University, a dignified middle-aged man, facing him, asked with a black face.

This middle-aged man, named balanopsis Tanaka, is the president of Jingdong University and the Minister of education of the whole Japanese nation. We should not only care about education, but also take part in military affairs. After all, many excellent Japanese soldiers have come out of school.

Jingdong University, in particular, transports a lot of highly skilled military personnel to the army every year. Because of this, the value of Tanaka's turtle head has just risen. Even Liangzi Ogawa has to be respectful in front of him.

"Long Ling is the only daughter of long Changxing, Minister of foreign affairs of China. Her academic performance is very good and her foundation is clean. During the two or three years of studying here, she did not have any excessive behavior and could barely be regarded as a good student with excellent character and learning." "Long Ling has a good relationship with me on weekdays," he said

"What about her cousin?" Tanaka glans and asks.

What is the identity of Longling, I am also clear, but now I care about another person - Longling's cousin.

"We don't know about that. He just appeared today." Ogawa Liangzi some embarrassed way, "I only know that this person is very powerful, eloquent, scold people to do not take dirty words."

"Mr. Fujita, tell me how powerful this man is and what kind of tactics he used?" The tortoise head in the field is very angry and paralyzed. He doesn't know the identity of others. Isn't he even clear about his name?

What's more, you don't know anything. What do you report to yourself? Say, ah, our school came to a Chinese, very cow force, we scolded, beat, and then swaggered away.

Is it exciting? If it's embarrassing, just hold it and keep quiet.

"This..." Fujita was a little depressed. He opened his mouth and said: "Mr. principal, I really don't know what way he is. Anyway, he's very powerful. That's right..."

"Baga road!"

Smell speech, the tortoise head in the field flies into a rage, I put your uncle's fart, you were beaten, unexpectedly don't know how others move? Can you give me more money?

"Don't be angry, principal!" Fujita said: "this man is really powerful. I really can't see how he did it. Before, it was Miss Liangzi who fought with Masao Okamoto. His action was really too fast. We can't see clearly."

"Waste!" The turtle in Tanaka's heart was so angry that he didn't know how to be beaten after being beaten. Is it shameful to lose?

Kawakawa Liangzi looks white, feeling that he is talking about the same, is he a waste?

"I heard this man plays very well? What's going on? " Tanaka didn't bother to curse. He looked at Okamoto and asked, "is he more powerful than you? No foul or anything? "

When it comes to playing basketball, Tanaka feels strange. He is a very good student. Even many senior members of the national team have said that Japan's future basketball depends on Masao Okamoto. I didn't expect to lose today.

How powerful is this Chinese man?

"No foul, he's really good." Okamoto shook his head with a wry smile and said: "I didn't even touch the basketball with three bullfight balls. He threw the ball out while I didn't pay attention to it. He just threw it at random, but the basketball came in."

"What? Any throw in? " Obviously, Tanaka didn't believe it.

You know, the reason why Okamoto's basketball is good is not only because of his strong attack, but also because of his excellent defense. For example, when he plays in the University League in Japan, Okamoto can even get an average of three doubles if he is willing, not double rebounds, but steals!

Because, Okamoto Masao on the basketball court also has a name - ghost hand. That is to say, the hand is very agile and quick.

"It's nothing to say. Maybe he's lucky. What's most unacceptable is that he, this is his first time playing basketball, or he can't play at all." Okamoto then added, and his smile became more bitter.

When a basketball expert meets someone who can't play basketball, it should be a crushing situation. He didn't expect to be hit in the face by someone fresh and refreshing. Until now, Masao Okamoto feels that his face is burning and painful. Everywhere he goes, he feels that others are making fun of him.

Even, Masao Okamoto did not have the courage to hold up the basketball, today's blow is too big.


Tanaka felt that he had heard something wrong and said: "you, you say it again, you say he can't play basketball, and then he won you, and you were abused by a man who can't play basketball? And zero? "

Every word of Tanaka's turtle head is like a knife to Okamoto's heart. It's too hard.

"Yes." Okamoto didn't want to admit it, but he finally nodded.

"Why don't you die? You rubbish

When Tanaka saw the latter nodding, he growled. Shame, shame.

"You represent the highest level of the whole Japanese university basketball league. Aren't you ashamed of being abused by a guy who can't play? Are you proud of yourself? Why don't you die? " The tortoise in the field growled and stamped his feet angrily. "Do you know what you lose is not only your own face, but also the face of the country. You can go to die, you rubbish!"

"I..." Okamoto is a white face, do not know how to respond.

"What are you doing? Get out of here, you rubbish Tanaka turtle scolded, a minute do not want to see Okamoto Masao, because he brought shame to the Japanese!


Okamoto nodded his head pale and went out of the principal's office.

"Headmaster, I can't blame Masao Okamoto for this." Ogawa Liangzi had to stand up and say a fair word, "today we are all at the scene, that boy is too evil, I can't understand him at all."

Tanaka turtle looked at Kawabata Liangzi and said nothing. If it wasn't for Kawabata Liangzi, who is now an important talent of the Japanese nation, he would have driven her out long ago. How could she have the right to speak?

"I tell you, no matter what, we must find out the person's background in the shortest time, I......"


However, before he finished his sentence, he heard a loud noise outside, followed by screams downstairs. He frowned and opened the window to have a look.


With a cry of surprise, Tanaka's face suddenly changed. Masao Okamoto really jumped off a building and committed suicide.

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