As his brother, watching him die slowly in pain is undoubtedly the biggest pain, his pain, and the pain of relatives and friends!

"Boss, is there really no other way?" Huisheng is not reconciled. He pinches his fist and scolds himself for not studying more about insects.

At this moment, a deep sense of powerlessness surged from the bottom of my heart! He has the name of "rebirth", but he has no ability to return to heaven.

"It's not that there's no way. It's just that we can't wait any longer." Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said, "rebirth, do you know what they want to do? Do you know what they are going to do? They want to dominate the world

Huisheng did not speak, but his face became more and more ugly.

"You won't forget how the fikaman garrison died." Zhao Chengfeng continued: "there are only ten of them, and thousands of us have nothing to do with them, just because they are equipped with biological rifles and biological bullets developed and manufactured by Shatian. There are other high-tech things in the sky. Po Tian is not only a Ku Wu organization, but also a science and technology organization! There are scientists and professors from all walks of life in this organization. If we give them enough time, they are really likely to destroy world peace! "

"I'm not that great, but I have to think about the people around me. So, I can't wait. I can't wait for a moment. "

"I promise you!"

Huisheng, with a bitter smile, nodded heavily, "I can stop it from attacking for three days, but after three days, even if the king doesn't stir up the insects, it will still bite you back, and then it will..."

Bite the pain of the heart, think about it all feel terrible.

"Now that I've made up my mind, I'm no longer afraid of this poisonous insect." Zhao Chengfeng is relaxed smile, if you really want to have regret, it is Xia Bingbing and Yuan Shanshan.

I haven't found Xia Bingbing, I haven't participated in the inner gate contest for yuan Shanshan, and I haven't seen yuan Shanshan's baby born.

"Sorry, my favorite, there are some things I have to do." Zhao Chengfeng sighed in his heart, which was also a helpless move.

"Boss, you've made up your mind, and I won't dissuade you any more. But what are you going to do with Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei? They will certainly follow tomorrow. If you have an accident, I'm afraid they can't handle it. " Reincarnation expresses another worry.

It's true that Zhao Chengfeng is fickle and lustful. It's recognized and well-known. He always likes to flirt with women when he has nothing to do with his life. He has provoked many women. Usually, these women are always quarreling with each other, quarreling and scolding. But if Zhao Chengfeng really wants to have an accident, I'm afraid they will be heartbroken, or even short-sighted!

"Well, that's why I left you here." Zhao Cheng Feng lowered his voice and said, "give me some pills, the kind that I sleep for more than ten hours. When they wake up, it will be over."

"Boss, you..." Huisheng opens his mouth. At last, he doesn't say anything. He takes out two pills from his sleeve and hands them to Zhao Chengfeng.

"I leave it all to you." Zhao Chengfeng said to Huisheng and patted Huisheng heavily on the shoulder.

Huisheng did not speak, but nodded, with a heavy heart.

After many years of gunfire, I have seen many life and death departures in my life. However, Zhao Chengfeng's words are like an old man in his twilight years. When he explains his future affairs, it's extremely uncomfortable. It's like a huge stone in his heart.

"Come on, go back and have a rest. There will be a tough fight tomorrow." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and sent him back to life.

After Huisheng left, Zhao Chengfeng was alone in the room. He smoked half a pack of cigarettes and went through all the details in his mind. Then he stood up and was ready to find Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei.

It's possible that this is the last time to be gentle with the second daughter.


Just, when Zhao Chengfeng opens the door, Tang Wei and Shangguan Yan'er are already waiting outside the door, staring at Zhao Chengfeng, looking calm, saying nothing, just watching quietly.

"You..." Zhao Chengfeng was silly. He didn't expect that the two girls had been outside the door. When they came, Zhao Chengfeng didn't notice.

Too much thought!

Zhao Chengfeng is also an ordinary person. Now he has extraordinary status and countless money. It can be said that he has both wealth and wealth. If he can, how can he choose to fight to death?

Before that, Zhao Chengfeng had been thinking about how to settle down the women around him if he really got to that point. When he thought about it, he was ecstatic and pondered for a while, but he still didn't come up with any useful way.

People's words and actions can be controlled, but people's thoughts will not be controlled.

Zhao Chengfeng can only protect them to the greatest extent and let them live a carefree life.

"Have you decided to leave us?" Tang Wei looks at the man, tears fall silently.

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth and tried to stop talking.

"Do you think you are great?" Shangguan Yan'er then asked, tears swirling in her eyes.

As soon as we meet again, we have to face life and death, which is undoubtedly the biggest test for the lovers.

"You can die for me, or I can die with you!" Shangguan Yan'er doesn't give Zhao Chengfeng a chance to talk at all. "If we can't live with you or stay with you, then we'll be company on the way to huangquan."

Both of them are not stupid. After making arrangements, they come back. When they come back, they just meet Pang Hu and others. In other words, they listen to the conversation between Zhao Chengfeng and Huisheng.

However, rebirth did not give any hint to Zhao Chengfeng, even if it is different, there should be farewell.

"We are not as great as you, but we will choose to be with you and never separate!" Although Tang Wei was in tears, she was extremely firm.

Tang Wei must take part in this war! Not only for Zhao Chengfeng, but also for his parents who died in the hands of Po Tian!

"From now on, we'll go wherever you go. We'll go with you. We'll enjoy the picturesque scenery." Shangguan Yan'er also said, standing beside Zhao Chengfeng.


Zhao Chengfeng sighed, but shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "Why are you suffering?"

"We don't know why, but we have to be with you, life or death!" Shangguan Yan'er said again.

In a word, it blocked Zhao Chengfeng's words. Love to the depths, there is no need to explain too much.

"Well, we'll be together forever." Zhao Chengfeng clenched his teeth, stamped his foot, threw his arms around the two girls and said, "go, I'll accompany you tonight. Even if I die, I'll have a good time!"

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